Chapter 29
Stories of (1) Madrasi Bhajani Mela - (2) Tendulkars (Father and son) - (3) Dr. Captain Hate - (4) Waman Narvekar
This Chapter described other interesting and wonderful stories of Sai Baba
Tendulkar family
There lived in Bandra (a suburb of Bombay ) a Tendalkar family, all the members of which were devoted to Baba. Mrs. Savitribai Tendulkar has published a Marathi book named "Shri Sainath Bhajan Mala" containing 800 abhangas and padas describing the Leelas of Baba. It is a book worth reading by those who are interested in Baba.
The son, Babu Tendulkar was studying hard day and night and wanted to appear for the medical examination. He consulted some astrologers. Examining his horoscope they told him that the stars were not favourable that year and that he should appear for the examination next year, when he would be certainly successful. This cast a gloom over him and made him restless. A few days afterwards his mother went to Shirdi and saw Baba. Amongst other things she mentioned the gloomy and morose condition of her son, who was to appear for the examination in a few days. Hearing this Baba said to her,"Tell your son to believe in Me, to throw aside horoscopes and predictions of astrologers and palmists and go on with his studies. Let him appear for the examination with a calm mind, he is sure to pass this year. Ask him to trust in Me and not to get disappointed".
(Continued from the previous issue) [This page has lots of Graphics. Allow time for the images to download] ACT XIX SCENE 1 LADY 1: Did you hear that this Young Swami is God? It seems that people from all the surrounding places are flocking to have the darshan of Bala Swami. LADY 2: Sister, I too want to have the darshan of this Young Swami. Shall we all go together for darshan? GROUP: Alright. LADY: Come sister, we shall all go together. GROUP: Alright. ….. What do you say? …. Come on, come!……….Come mother…..Here auntie……. I am coming! MAN 1: Kondama Raju is Guru for all of us but for him, his Grandson is the Guru! MAN 2: Not just Guru but God in human form, with miraculous powers. EASWARAMMA: What is it that people are saying about our Sathyam? VENKAMA RAJU: They believe that Sathyam is God. In many neighbouring places also, Sathyam is revered as God. But there are also some that disbelieve, while others attribute it all to magic and mantras. Easwari, what can we do about the way people think? EASWARAMMA: Even father-in-law thinks that Sathyam is God. VENKAMA: That is true. Once he said to me that his Guru Venkavadoota told him that in order to protect the world, Lord Narayana would Himself be born in the Ratnakara lineage. Based on that prediction, father believes that our Sathyam is Lord Sriman Narayana. EASWARAMMA: Is it? Listening to all that you say, perhaps what Venkavadoota said has come true. In any case, whatever happens, Sathyam must always be near me. SCENE 2 GROUP: Salutations! VENKAMA RAJU: Salutations! PERSON: Salutations, Mr. Venkama Raju! PERSON 2: We are from Kottacheruvu. PERSON 3: We have heard a lot about the Young Swami. VENKAMA: Very happy. LADY: We have come from Uravakonda to see Young Swami. EASWARAMMA: Is that so? LADY 2: Is she Easwaramma?…. Salutations mother! EASWARAMMA: Salutations. LADY 3: Mother, we consider it a great fortune to have your darshan! SUBBAMMA: Easwaramma,……Easwaramma! EASWARAMMA: Come, Subbamma! SATHYA: In all of you, there is a third eye that you cannot see. That is the Eye of Wisdom! Open that eye and you will see that God is not just here or there but everywhere! Develop Love in your hearts. Always adhere to Truth [Sathya] and Righteousness [Dharma]. Those who have attained the Knowledge of the Atma, will not specially go in search of God because they can see God wherever they are. May all good be unto you! SUBBAMMA: Easwaramma, your house is not big enough to accommodate the devotees who throng to see Sathyam. Many devotees are standing outside, unable to get in. My house is more spacious; it can not only accommodate more devotees but is also very convenient for having bhajans and various other ceremonies. What do you think? EASWARAMMA: As you say, Subbamma. SUBBAMMA: Very good; shall I now take leave of you? But after a few days, even Subbamma’s spacious house was not enough to accommodate the ever increasing number of Sathyam’s followers. SUBBAMMA: Saying that your house is not spacious enough, we shifted the venue of the Thursday bhajans to my place. Now, even this house is not big enough! Day by day, the crowd of devotees is increasing! EASWARAMMA: True Subbamma. When I see devotees worshipping Sathyam, I feel it is all due to the merit acquired by Him in earlier births. At the same time, I am scared by the jealousy of others. I don’t want any harm to come to Him. Personally, I think it would be safer for Him to remain just my son, rather than the One who is Universally adored! SUBBAMMA: Easwaramma, you need not have such fears. Sathyam is no ordinary boy as you seem to imagine. He is the gift of Lord Sathya Narayana, and cannot be harmed by any evil force whatsoever. I will make available some land I have near the Chitravathi River. Devotees can stay there and sing bhajans, while I take care of all the arrangements. Sathyam also can reside there. That will make it possible for Him to spend all His time with devotees. EASWARAMMA: Subbamma, why are you so generous? SUBBAMMA: Easwaramma, don’t say that! Rather, it is my good fortune to know at least now that Sathyam who was born right before my eyes is verily God Himself! When you serve God, it is not called generosity! Easwaramma, it is my supreme good fortune to perform service to Sathyam! EASWARAMMA: Subbamma, I am lost! I don’t understand anything. All I want is that my child should not be separated from me! SUBBAMMA: Don’t we all feel pain? As the mother of One born for a special Mission and who is also the Master of the Aeon, you must be prepared to make some sacrifices. Worldly bonds are for the ordinary but not for One who has come with a Mission. Your Son is drawing the whole world to Him. Just as the waves of the entire ocean come to the shores, devotees from all over the world will throng to Sathyam. We must all be happy about it and not feel disturbed. Easwaramma, don’t be afraid. SATHYA: Evil thoughts bring misery, While good thoughts bring joy. But one who is free from thoughts Enjoys total peace! This is the Truth that Sai wishes to convey! A cloth is a combination of threads but if the threads are all removed, there is no cloth. In the same manner, if all thoughts are removed, there will be no mind! Human values latent in man will blossom only when there is a ceiling on desires. A person lacking in human values is not fit to be called a human being. If Sathya is abandoned, It is equal to losing one’s head; If Dharma is given up, It is equal to losing one’s shoulders; And lack of Shanti, Is equal to having no stomach! Prema is the basis for all the three! Love in thought is Sathya, and love in action is Dharma. If there is Love in us, there will also be peace. OM SHANTI, SHANTI, SHANTI HI! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Everything was unusually quiet; we were speeding towards the City of Kano in Nigeria, late in the night on the 22nd of December 1980. When we were just entering the City, suddenly I saw a crowd standing in the middle of the main road, about 100 metres away. Can they be armed robbers? The Nigerian driver managed to stop. He tried to reverse as fast as possible before we could be seen or trapped but it was too late. The crowd came shouting at us to stop. Then only the news headlines in the morning paper I had bought on the way flashed across my mind. There was widespread disturbance in the city and a number of people had been killed on the previous day. I told the driver to stop, because running away may cause unpredictable damage to the car and life. I had a picture of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Baba, with the car documents and the passport. I collected them in my hands. The Blessing Palm of Bhagawan appeared to infuse some strength into me. Within seconds we were surrounded by the people who were fully armed. Two of them, with two heavy iron crowbars, came and stood on either side of the car and brought their instruments to rest on either side of the bonnet making two deep dents on it. An elderly man who came shouting at me with a volley of questions both in Hausa and in English, cooled down when I told him that I had come to receive my wife and children, who were expected to arrive at the Aminu Kano International Airport on the next day. He waved his hands, indicating to the others around the car not to do any further damage. We were driving slowly only to face another crowd at the junction 75 metres away. They also stopped us in spite of the shouting and waving of hands from those who had allowed us to proceed. This group examined the empty boot of the car thoroughly. After this, they told us not to proceed on our journey, because they knew that the other groups waiting all along the roads will not permit any car to pass. They advised us to go to the Central Hotel or to the Daula Hotel to spend the night. Since these hotels were also far away from that place, an old man volunteered to take us to a safe place. His fete was painted white. We hesitated to give any answer. Without waiting for any reply from us, he simply pushed the driver to one side and took the wheel. Before we could realise what was happening, he turned the car from the main road and we were moving into the bush through narrow lanes and villages. Finally the car stopped under a (Margosa/Neem) tree, in front of a Hausa pattern mud house. The man who was driving appeared to be the owner of the house. He got down from the car. Although it was midnight, the area appeared to be fully active and awake. Even children were around the car and were curious to find out more about us. I took out the licence book with Baba's picture and started sending an S.O.S. to Bhagawan. In this way I could shut out torturing thoughts presented by the unexpected train of events. Further, I assured my friend (who was highly upset) that Bhagawan Baba was with us and that there was nothing to worry. The man who went inside the house, brought out two mats and requested us to relax under the tree. We thanked him for the kind gesture and told him to give a place for our driver to sleep somewhere inside. Soon afterwards, a man came out from one side. He was commanding the respect of all the people present there. He spoke a few words with the owner of the house. Then he came straight to us and said: “You appear to be worried. Would you like to spend the rest of the night at the police station?" We gladly accepted and he offered to take us to the police station. He took the front seat and asked our driver to drive. The crowd that came with him were marching in procession in front of the car and were removing all the obstacles on the path to allow our car to pass. This procession continued through the bush roads for about a mile and took about 30 minutes. At the police station the man introduced us to the officer in charge who was standing outside with a gun in his hand. We greeted the officer and turned round to thank the man who brought us safely up to that place. But the man was not there; we also never had any chance to meet him again. The police officer pointed to a human body lying in the darkness at a short distance and said that he had to shoot him only a few minutes back. He was trying to run away inspite of the order to stop and surrender. Our driver slept in the officer's room and we managed to relax inside the car till 6.00 a.m. next day. We hurried out early in the morning and were shocked to see burnt cars and charred human bodies, some of which were still burning on the roadside. The morning papers carried the news of a foreign reporter who was killed by a poisoned arrow on that night. The two dents on the bonnet of my car are there to this day; I treasure them as marks of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Grace that protected us all through.
- God Helps Those Who Help Others
“Do you know God?” once asked a religious preacher when addressing a group of people gathered to listen to his discourse. A simple looking man stood up and said, It is not important that I know God. What is important, God knows me. And He looks after me.” The preacher kept quiet, stepped away from the podium, and walked away. If you have the faith that in sun and shower God is with you, you know all that you need to know. That is enough to call forth His power to restructure your life. In fact it is now His responsibility to remake you for His work. No wonder the preacher had little else to say. Only when we experience darkness, do we know the value of light. But sometimes adversity strikes the most unexpected. Here is the story of a simple looking M.D. from the state of Orissa who knew that God is looking after him, and He would do whatever was good for him. And what did God do for him? He pushed back death, filled his life with His love and the light of a new dawn. Before we have Dr. Kar narrate his experience, here are a few words by Dr. Dash, Head of the Department, Cardiology, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Whitefield, on the clinical condition of the patient, a medical doctor himself, Dr. Rajender Kar.
Dr. Dash: Dr. Rajender Kar is a young paediatrician from Orissa (a state in the east of India). He developed Dilated Cardio Myopathy (DCM), a disease where the main chamber of the heart is dilated, and has poor functioning. The condition is a progressive disease and is a rapid progressive disorder culminating in death. If unchecked, it will lead to ventricular arrhythmia. To prevent progressive heart failure and sudden cardiac death, a device which contains anti-heart failure functions with inbuilt defibrillator is required. Such a device costs around Rupees 7 to 8 lakhs or US $ 18 to 20 thousand.
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| Degenerative Dilated Cardio Myopathy |
His financial condition did not allow him to afford such a treatment through any outside means. So he got information that we are performing all such procedures here, totally free of cost. He came over and we were able to implant that a very expensive device in his heart. He came over three to six months later when we did a follow-up check and found it functioning well. His clinical condition has improved significantly, his clinical functioning and volume of work has gone up. He and his family are very much satisfied and very much grateful to Swami. In the first place he is the only earning member of the family. And his mother, sister, wife and child depend on him. He is a very honest paediatrician and accepts whatever the patient gives; he doesn’t demand any money from the patients. Such being his financial condition, he could not believe or dream that he could have such an expensive device in his heart. He was advised to go to AIIMS and was very much perturbed because of his financial condition. Finally he came to us and with Swami’s grace we were able to implant the device in his heart. We do ten such cases a year the average cost of the ICD being Rs.5,00,000/- (ranging from 2.5 to 10 lakhs INR) totally free of charge. One can imagine the magnitude of the contribution being made by Swami’s hospitals to society. The following conversation between the H2H team and Dr. Kar may sound familiar to many, for there are few that have not felt the hand of God in their lives.
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Dr. Rajender Kar | |
Dr. Kar: “You have been doing so much for my poor patients, and I can not do this much for you? Do not go to Delhi for surgery, come to my Super Speciality Hospital, I will get it done free”, Sai Baba told him in a dream three days before Dr. Rajendra Kumar Kar, a paediatrician from Khuntuni, about 35 kilometres from the city of Cuttack in Orissa, was to board the train for Delhi for a complex and risky heart surgery that would end up costing him around 10 lakhs rupees or US $50,000. “When Sai Baba appeared in my dream, and spoke to me in Oriya, my mother tongue, and asked me to come to His Super hospital, I knew it was God speaking. Suddenly I had no worries. I was not thinking whether I would live through it, or not; I was thinking I was in God’s hands”, says Dr.Kar. H2H: Did you know Sai Baba earlier? Dr. Kar: I generally knew Him, and His many welfare projects. I had seen His pictures at my place, at Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, and many other places. But I never had any direct experience of Him earlier. I never spoke with anyone about Him, nor read any book about Him. But I had profound respect for Him, and did namaskar to His picture whenever I saw one. I worshipped Mother Sarala, and Lord Jagannath. Maa Sarala, in particular, was my favourite. I used to visit her temple few times a year, whenever I could. She was a living mother for me. Whenever I thought of her, tears came to my eyes, and I liked it for tears always made me feel relieved, and light. Somehow I always knew she was taking care of me, and would do whatever is good for me. Therefore I never asked her for anything, not even to cure me when my heart problem was diagnosed. H2H: How was your heart problem diagnosed? Dr. Kar: I never had any serious health problem. I have a private clinic at Khuntuni. It was April 4th, 2008. My wife had gone to her parents at Cuttack, along with our son, and I was alone at home. I returned home from my clinic at about 9.30 pm, boiled milk, made some vegetable curry for dinner. Suddenly I experienced severe dyspnoea. I thought I had difficulty in breathing probably because the doors and windows had remained closed for a long time. So I opened all windows and doors. But it was no better. So I climbed to the terrace for open air. When I climbed down, it was the same. Disponea became worse; I felt I was choking. I thought it was my last day, and prayed to Maa Sarala to do whatever she thought best. Then suddenly I heard a voice, probably it was hers, asking me to breathe through the nose, not mouth. I obeyed it. I stood near the window the whole night struggling to breathe through nose. If for a moment I tried to lie down on bed, I felt like bursting.
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Bangalore |
Later, at the OPD of Swami’s Super Speciality Hospital at Bangalore, doctors confirmed that breathing through nose saved my life. If I had breathed through mouth, I would have vomited blood, and died before the day dawned. I will come to that later. In the morning I had a bath, and performed my daily prayers to Maa Sarala and Lord Jagannath. Not that I was feeling better, but I forced myself not to drop my daily prayer routine. . Then I called a taxi and went to Cuttack for check up. I knew some ECG centres there. When they examined me, they wondered how I was still living ! It was severe DCM, Dialated Cardiac Myopathy. My left ventricle had been greatly enlarged. I was asked to get myself admitted to ICU immediately. I called my Professorof Cardiology at the medical college, and told him my problem. He asked me to come over for a test. As soon as he checked me, he asked if I had been drinking for long! Such problems generally occur with people addicted to drinking and smoking. I did not even chew a pan, let alone drink or smoke. I stayed in the ICU for about 2 weeks, and then was discharged with a strong advice to my in-laws to take me to AIIMs, Delhi, ( India’s premier healthcare facility in the national capital) for an immediate surgery. Something called a combo device was to be planted in my heart, and it would cost anywhere between Rupees 8 to 10 lakhs (about US $ 20,000). I had already spent more than a hundred thousand rupees (US $ 2500) by now. Mother’s Call Dr. Kar: My father was a mid-range farmer, my elder brother had a small tailoring workshop. I had got a sister married recently. Where would I get rupees 10 lakhs from? But my in-laws assured me to provide the required finance, and asked me to make arrangements to proceed on to Delhi. I was unwilling to take so much money from them though they were eager to give unasked. I was forced to buy tickets and prepare to go to AIIMS. I gave myself up to my good kind Lord, and told Him to do whatever He thought proper.
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| "Come to My Super Speciality Hospital, I will get your surgery done free" |
Three days before boarding the train, I had a dream around midnight. Swami was sitting by my bed and caressing my head. He was saying, “Why do you think so much? You have been doing so much for my poor patients, and I can not do this much for you? Do not go to Delhi. Come to my Super Speciality Hospital, I will get your surgery done free.” I woke up with a jerk, my body drenched in sweat. I woke up the whole household, and told them about my dream. My in-laws laughed under their breath, and said since I did not have the money, I was talking about a stupid dream. Only my wife believed it. I told her I knew Sai Baba has a hospital at Puttaparthi. So we should go there. But my in-laws would not allow me to reschedule my surgery. So next morning I went to the station quietly, got my Delhi tickets cancelled, and booked for Puttaparthi. A day before my journey Baba again came in my dream, and told me, “I have a Hospital at Puttaparthi, but if you go there you will have to be in queue, and it might take months for the surgery. Instead go to Bangalore.” I asked, “You have a Super Speciality hospital in Bangalore too Baba ? Where?” He looked into my eyes, and said, “You stay in a village, and do not read anything about Me, how will you know?” But this time my wife also did not believe in my dream. So I boarded the train for Puttaparthi. An hour or two before arrival at Puttaparthi, I accosted the TTE or the train ticket examiner and requested him to extend our tickets to Bangalore. My wife, my son and my sister were with me in the 1st class compartment, and were sleeping at that time. They got up only after the train had crossed Puttaparthi railway station! I pleaded innocence, and told them, I was a patient. So I was sleeping. They should have woken me up at right time. Then my wife reconciled to the idea of going to Bangalore.
Three days before boarding the train, I had a dream around midnight. Swami was sitting by my bed and caressing my head. He was saying, “Why do you think so much? You have been doing so much for my poor patients, and I can not do this much for you? Do not go to Delhi. Come to my Super Speciality Hospital, I will get your surgery done free.”
I met the consulting doctor at the cardiology department of Baba’s Super Speciality hospital in Kadugodi, Bangalore on April 18th. He examined me and my medical papers, and asked how had I lived through. This I have told you earlier. Then I was asked to meet Dr. Dash of cardiology department for deciding the next step, for the doctor told me they hadn’t yet done a case like mine. Dr. Dash spoke with me very kindly, and asked me to come back on June 21st for a surgery. Though they hadn’t done a surgery like mine till then, they would do it for me, he said. It was surely divine intervention. H2H: Was it first time the divine intervened in your life? Dr.Kar: No. I have always felt my life has been in the hands of the Divine Mother. It is not just a subjective feeling. She has demonstrated it very vividly at least once. I will tell you how. I chose to study medicine for I loved to serve people, and who can do better service than a doctor? I have a clinic in a rural area where many people live under the poverty line. So when I opened my clinic there in 1999 August, I charged only 5 rupees or about 12 cents as my consultation fee. I stored in my chamber some commonly used, and some life saving drugs too. They could call on me at any time of day and night. I never demurred going to the patient’s house if it was a serious case. Since I knew all the people there and they knew me, they could pay for the medicine at their convenience. My purpose was not to make money, but to help them. But I need money to do that, so I charged the minimum. But as always some people took advantage of it. Once a person in his fifties came to my clinic for chronic asthma. He slumped into the chair and could hardly talk. I administered an injection for immediate relief. After he was relieved of his pain, I told him he could send me the price of the injection with his son. He did not. Months later he had another attack. I was called home in the evening. I went to his house, examined him, and advised his son to shift him to cardiac department at Cuttack hospital immediately. But he insisted I administer the injection to relieve him of his severe pain. I did so and came away. This person was however removed to the hospital early next morning, where he breathed his last a week later. After the death of his father, the son accused me of doing nothing to save his father, and refused to pay the outstanding bill. Some days later a patient walked into my clinic late at night when I was going to close it. He had a certain ailment for which an injection was needed. I had it with me. But since I knew he was not paying for it immediately, and I had a bad experience with the asthma patient, I told him that if he got the injection I would administer it, but I did not have it with me. He walked away, but I walked into trouble. That night Maa Sarala came in my dream. Though she was loving like a mother, she was a little cross too. She stood by me, and said, “Why did you send back that patient ?” “Mother, you know the asthma patient did not pay for the treatment, on top of it, his son blamed me for his father’s death’, I replied. “So what if he blamed you? What did you lose? But this man was going to lose his life”, she retorted. “You refused to treat him, but I cured him” she said with a chuckle. “I am sorry Mother. Please forgive me”, I said.
“Look, this is not why I made you a doctor. Promise me that you shall not refuse help to anyone who comes to you at night. During the day you can. You can ask them to go and get the medication.” I fell at her feet, and promised. Since that day till today I have never refused help to any patient who comes to me at night, fees or no fees. I don’t even ask for the price of the drugs.
“Look, this is not why I made you a doctor. Promise me that you shall not refuse help to anyone who comes to you at night. During the day you can. You can ask them to go and get the medication.” I fell at her feet, and promised. Since that day till today I have never refused help to any patient who comes to me at night, fees or no fees. I don’t even ask for the price of the drugs. H2H: How and why did you choose to become a doctor? Dr.Kar: From my childhood I was attracted towards the profession of a doctor. I always thought they perform a very noble job. I always thought the hands that drive away a disease, and bring a smile in people’s lives, are holy hands. So since I was a student in 5th or 6th class, I wanted to be a doctor. But my father was only a mid-range farmer. Though they all supported my ambition, how would they pay for this expensive course?
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Dr. Kar and his son | |
I studied hard, and obtained a high percentage of marks in my 12th class exam. I did not take any coaching. But my school teachers helped me to prepare for the qualifying test. I got through, and joined the medical course. My first dream was fulfilled. First year my father somehow arranged my expenses. But second year I was at the rock-bottom. My father fell sick. Elder brother had to run the family. I could not ask even one rupee from them. But I was determined not to quit. I took some lower class school students for private coaching, and made 5 to 6 hundred rupees per month. With that I managed. I never wanted more than bare necessities. A couple of sets of clothes, lunch and dinner, some note books were all that I needed to complete my course. I never asked anyone for help, nor let anyone know my condition. I continued to support myself like this through all 4 years of my MBBS. During my last year of medicine I thought I was going to open a clinic after my graduation and start my practice. But unless I had some experience in dealing with the practical aspects of practice I would be at sea. It might take me a year to get the professional support, which I could not afford. So I decided to join one of my professor’s consultation chamber to learn prescribing. I would just be there handy for any work until he decides to teach me. I spent all available evenings of my final year and the year-and-half residency with him. More than two years later he called me and asked me why I was doing that. I told him I wanted to be a successful doctor like him. He was obviously pleased and started teaching me the art of prescribing. One day, after my residency, he asked me to join the post-graduate course of my choice. When he knew I was not in a position to finance it, he offered to help me. I wanted to specialise as a paediatrician. To diagnose a child who can not tell the physician anything about how it feels is certainly a bigger challenge, and a bigger challenge offers the physician greater utility. After my specialised course was over, I was offered a government job, but I preferred to remain at large to plan my service the way I wanted. H2H: When did you have your first darshan of Swami? Dr.Kar: On April 18, 2008 I was examined and asked to come back for surgery on June 21st. I decided to return to Orissa the next day, for I had lost many working days in the mean time. But I was again asked to report at the hospital on 22nd. Though I had to cancel my Tatkal booking at a huge loss, I had the additional blessing of Baba’s darshan. Baba had come to His Kadugodi abode on 19th. When we were standing by the side of the road, his car passed us by. My wife later asked me if I had darshan. She was sad that she could see only Baba’s head for He was sitting inside the car. ‘But I saw His whole self, His head, His body and feet too’, I said. ‘How could you? He was sitting in the car, and the door was not open’ she protested. I suddenly realised the improbability of my statement; but that was the truth ! ‘That must be a loving prank of my divine mother’ I said to myself. We came back on June 21 st for the surgery. I was wheeled into the operation theatre on 24 th, and after a lengthy operation came out a new man. On 30 th my stitches were opened, and the same day we went back to Orissa. I was asked to report for a check up in six months. So I have come now in December, and have the good fortune of meeting you all. H2H: Has this healing of heart affected you in any other way?
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Dr. Kar with his happy family | |
Dr.Kar: You have put it rightly, healing of heart, in more ways than one this has been. This life is now a gift of God. I want to use it fully for Him. What do I need? Some food to sustain the body for His service; some clothes to protect it in different weathers; a roof over our heads; and some money to raise our son. I am a doctor, coming from the grass roots of a hard life. I have never aspired for wealth and luxury. When my fellow doctors were charging 50/60 rupees as consultation fee, I kept it at only rupees 5. When someone referred to me as a ‘poor man’s doctor’ I felt happy. At least they can come to me, and I can help them. God has looked after me very well. He has given me an understanding wife, a beautiful son, a good house to live in, and this opportunity to serve the poor. Now if anyone does not pay for the treatment, I don’t ask. The good kind Lord knows it all. Now I have only one desire: to spend more and more of this lifetime in His service. I want to come here or to the Brindavan Hospital, and plunge into service with all my heart and soul. ~ Heart2Heart Team
Sai Sevadals feel the Invisible Hand of Sai How do the Sai Youth feel on receiving all these moving letters and accolades? “Well, this makes us happy but the greatest fact about this whole service activity is that each one of us felt the Divine Presence; it was as if Someone Higher was in charge, it wasn’t mere human effort.
"For instance, if the accident had happened even a hundred meters further down the route, certainly we would have had a lot of severe casualties. This is because after a few metres the rails climb high and the surrounding area becomes quite low.
"If the accident had occured there the train would probably have somersaulted killing hundreds instantly. Besides, it would have taken us longer to reach there and help out. As the accident happened near our Sai Centre and at a time when all of us were there in the Centre, plenty of activities could be coordinated easily.
Moreover, a lot of other people also came forward and joined us, the Sai workers, as they have a lot of respect and positive attitude about our intentions and actions. The community of Jajpur thinks very highly of our organization,” shares Mr. Dhirendra Kumar Sahu. “When we work in Sai Organisation, it is not ‘I’, it is ‘we’” – Mr. Dhirendra Kumar Sahu, Sai Youth Leader Such selfless service activities has surely helped in bringing solace and joy to hundreds and also brightening the image of the Sai Organisation. But how has it helped the volunteers themselves? “What is in it for you?” we ask the Sai Youth leader, and this is what he says: “To undertake a service project as a personal activity and do the same thing under the banner of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations are two very different experiences. When I go to a hospital alone, people there might suspect my intentions or I may even develop a personal pride about the work I do, which is not advisable.
"In our organization, it is not ‘I’, it is always ‘we’, and finally ‘He’. I think this is what attracts the younger generation to this organization." |
"On the other hand, when we do the work as an activity of the Sai Organisation, there is no ‘I’ there, it is ‘we’. Instead of being a suspect, we are welcomed. Bhagavan is the Driving Force of this organization and He has created this to improve our lives even as we help the others. Here we stand up as models before society. One must have the desire to contribute to the society’s welfare.
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| Mr. Dhirendra Kumar Sahoo, Sai Youth leader of Jajpur |
“Other day we saw so many people becoming a victim of the terrible train tragedy, who knows someday we ourselves might run into a similar misfortune. Therefore, we need to help others, only then will God help us when we need it the most.
"We have to be humble to receive Bhagavan in our lives. In fact, I consider it a great blessing that Swami has given me this wonderful opportunity to demonstrate to others how treading on the path laid down by him can change our lives completely for the better. I only pray that He never denies me this fortune of being an instrument in His hands.” It is because of such a noble attitude of these youth of that region that the Sai organization of Jajpur has become a great force of positive transformation. Plenty of other youth, who were otherwise misguided, are now happy to be part of this organization and experience the joy of selfless service. What exactly appeals to these youngsters about the Sai organization? The Speciality of Sai Organisation - Love “It is just love, our specialty is Love,” says Mr. Dhirendra Sahu, the Youth leader. “We never distinguish between people and organizations. If I cannot take the other person as my brother in God, how can I touch him, and how can we understand each other? And unless we work in unity, how can we work for God? And if we cannot work for God, how can we love each other? As you can see, it is all beautifully related. In our organization, it is not ‘I’, it is always ‘we’, and finally ‘He’. I think this is what attracts the younger generation to this organization.”
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Inspired by the service rendered by the Sai Youth immediately after the tragedy, many other organisations and senior politicians joined hands with these selfless workers and every little bit helped to assuage the pain of the victims |
This is how Brotherhood of Sai is growing in this little town hidden in one of the most underdeveloped states of India. The Love of Sai has no boundaries and the magic that it creates in transforming hearts is as heartening as it is mystifying. “All of us felt a kind of exhilaration in being able to bring succour to the poor victims of the train accident. We may not have slept a night, but the joy of participating in helping so many people is really indescribable. We are eternally grateful to Bhagavan Baba for giving us this opportunity to be of use to others in their time of need. What other special blessing can we ask for?” The dedication and devotion of these Youth can only be matched by their exemplary service and their exceptional love for their Lord. For all those who think devotion and spirituality is for the retired and unemployed, this is what Love for God can do to a person. Imagine how our Society could be if we had such inspired souls in every little corner of this earth. Would that not be heaven?
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The Chief Minister of the state too reached the
spot to access the situation |
| The Sai Youth leader of Jajpur receives an award of appreciation from Mr. Naveen Pattnaik, the CM of Orissa |
The sense of social responsibility and civic consciousness demonstrated by the members of the Sai Centre in Jajpur, Orissa is but one of the many instances where state administrators, officials and the general public are openly acknowledging the sincerity and selflessness of the Sri Sathya Sai Service Organization of India. Raising the bar of volunteering to the level of worship, the band of workers that function under the divine banner of the Most Compassionate Being of this Universe remain committed to soaking all their efforts, intentions, thoughts, words and actions in the purest of love, untainted by any ulterior motives or desire for reward or recognition.
To access all the previous issues of Sai Seva, please click here. |
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Sri Sathya Sai Zonal Youth Conference 2010 8th - 10th January Glory Beach Resort, Port Dickson, Malaysia |
Swami says, “The Awakening of man begins when he discovers his own identity and, at the same time, he begins to recognize the identity of all around him. I am there now residing in the heart of each one of you, but few of you realize it and even fewer experience the Divinity that is within.” Around 480 vibrant Youth from 10 countries of Zones 4 and 5 came to experience this Divinity and to participate in the three-day conference, the theme of which was The Awakening. The 2010 Zonal Youth Conference commenced on the afternoon of January 8th. A procession was led by Vedic chants and Brother S. Parani Kumar, Zone 4 Youth Coordinator, carrying Swami’s Padukas. He was accompanied by the Zone 5 Youth Coordinator, Sister Anjali B. Daswani, and National Youth Coordinators of the respective countries. After the procession, Dr. V. K. Ravindran and Mr. Nari Chugani, Chairmen of Zones 4 & 5 respectively, lit the lamps at Swami’s altar. The President of Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia, Mr. Billy Fong, representing the host country, welcomed and addressed the vast congregation of youth from all nations attending the conference. “Be a positive change”, said Dr. V. K. Ravindran, Zone 4 Chairman, in his opening address, as he urged the youth to turn to the right path and protect the world. He was followed by the opening gala, a combination of a Lion Dance, a musical drama entitled The Awakening by Indonesian devotees, and a dance on Sai Bhajan Bina by the Malaysian Youth. They were supported by flag bearers of the participating countries. After a short tea break, the “Awakening of Inner Sai”, was presented by Dr. Art Ong Jumsai, who said: · One cannot have anything without anything; · there is only one thing before and after the creation and that is God, and God has no beginning and no end; · one should ask oneself three questions: Who am I? Where am I going? Why am I here? · there are 2 rules in order not to get lost, they are LOVE and THAT YOU ARE SAI. · Swami doesn’t do anything by accident, Youth are chosen, no one comes by them selves, and they are pulled by swami’s gravity. He does things to bring us towards him so that we can learn from his missions and be a part of his army. This was followed by a question and answer session where Dr. Jumsai in answering one question emphasized the need to control the Ego and to learn to purify the mind through meditation and bhajans. He further emphasized on service and to constantly remember that we are not the doers. He urged us to give everything to Him and then work becomes worship. Bhajans marked the beginning of the evening session. “Everything I am, everything I was, everything I will be, I surrender myself to thy lotus feet” said Mr. Shitu Chudasama, International Youth Coordinator in addressing the gathering. He shared an important truth, which has helped him about the secret behind the question “How to be closer to God?” He said if one gets this question right, everything will fall in place, everything will be perfect and everything will be given onto you. He went on to explain that there are two types of closeness: physical vs. spiritual. Physical is near, while spiritual is dear. How do we experience spiritual closeness? He had a very simple answer to this, which was the prayer: Tvameva Maataa Cha Pitaa Tvameva Tvameva Bandhuscha Sakhaa Tvameva Tvameva Vidyaa Dravinam Tvamva Tvameva Sarvam Mama Devadeva He said we should make Bhagawan our soul refuge, our goal, make him our best friend only then can one achieve the unachievable. When one makes this his foundation one can deal with anything. He urged us to just PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens), turn to Swami, talk to Him and ask Him for guidance. Transformation takes place by merely thinking of God. Think of God over and over – always conduct yourself in a Divine manner. He also said effective Sai youth leaders are lions who have an important mission and role to play. They influence others by helping them to achieve their goals and to have unity and harmony in their visions and goals. You should be a reflection of what you want your Youth to be, and this comes from a true desire to serve. Your success is based on what your people do more than what you do. Arise! Awake! he urged, stop not until the goal is reached! Work on your relationship with God. Take full advantage to develop yourself spiritually, a journey of a thousand miles starts with just one step! The evening concluded with a drama – “Life of a Youth” by the Malaysian delegates, and that marked the end of day one. The next morning commenced with Vedics chants, Awakening bhajans, and Jyoti meditation, followed by a speech entitled “Who am I?” by Sister Anjali B. Daswani. She started with asking the following questions, Who am I? Why am I here? Where have I come from? She then conducted a short activity on Who am I at the physical, mental, and spiritual level. Swami says we are 3 people: physical – body, mental – mind, and spiritual – spirit. She explained to the Youth that at the physical level one would identify them selves by the profession, and that will also happen at the mental level, but at the spiritual level, generally speaking, people refer to themselves as Embodiments of Love, Divinity, Peace. With time our roles change, but the one thing that has remained is that I am still the same “I” – the “Spiritual I”, and the “Spiritual I” is the basis of our existence. Sister Anjali concluded to say that with the practice of spiritual sadhana and self-introspection, one could progress on this spiritual journey. The conference session continued with Dato’ J. Jegadeshan’s talk “Be A Star In God’s Heaven, Be A Flower In God’s Garden”; · There must be an intensity of purpose, sincerity in the aspirations that He will know as true; · We must become flowing flowers, we cannot be static flowers. We must be shooting stars, not static stars; · Our life story must be part of his story, filled with a Divine purpose - it need not be a lead roll, but an intense devotional role; and · our challenge is to Dare to be Divine! People look at you, and they should see God in you. Swami says, this hand of mine, can turn rock into stone, earth into gold, heaven into earth, earth into heaven, but this hand of mine, cannot turn your hearts to God. A time must come when my devotees do not need to come to Prashanthi Nilayam to feel my love, when they meet my devotees they must feel my love. My darshan must flow to you, and through you to the world”. Following Dato’ Jegadeesan’s talk, a few delegates from various countries were invited to share their Moment of Inspiration through various projects. Prof. Dr. Suresh Govind followed with his talk on “Divine Lifestyle”: · We always ask God “why me?”when bad befalls us but when good things happen we don’t question; · we focus so much on content not putting it into context and this happens due to the lack of consciousness; · Force should be turned into power; it should be a Divine lifestyle. Become a national force!; · there is only one way to please God and that is to use the P.L.E.A.S.E compass: P = Parents… How can you please God if you cannot please your parents? When you please your parents you do not need to search for God, God searches for you. L = Lamp… Be a steady lamp. From the house light become a street light, from the street light to moon light, from moon light to sun light. E = Endurance… Have the ability to endure and commit without complaining. A = Atmic Knowledge… Constant contemplation, be aware of the higher consciousness. S = Sacrifice… Give your time and prioritize your time, the consciousness gets lifted if you do something in Swami’s name. E = Egoless… Remember God and don’t fear death. The morning segment of day two ended with a song performance by The Golden youth of Indonesia. After lunch, the conference continued with Workshop Sessions on Service, Education, Spiritual and Environment. We welcomed the evening with moving bhajans sung by the delegates, followed by Cappuccino with Hari at Studio Sai, a Forum – “Dharmic Challenges in Youth Life”. An enthralling musical concert by the Sai Youth of Singapore and Malaysia ended the second day of the conference. The final morning of the awakening was greeted with bhajans and Jyoti meditation. Prof. Dr. Suresh Govind continued his speech completing the essence of the P.L.E.A.S.E Compass. Countries then broke into National discussions to brainstorm aspirations, action plans and goals, which were then presented by the respective National Youth Coordinators. The respective Zone leaders Sister Anjali and Brother Parani Kumar shared their vision and experience in planning, and implementing the Awakening Journey. Swami’s presence was felt throughout the conference, and Brother Parani Kumar shared his experience of Swami’s presence whilst carrying the Padukas at the inauguration. “The Way Forward – A Global Overview” was presented by Mr. Shitu Chudasama. Stressing the importance of leadership, he said: · it is the Youth that the world is waiting for, it is the Youth that the elders are looking to for the future sustenance of this Organization; · the Youth wing is not about the quantity of projects that we do, the Youth wing is about its members’ spiritual transformation. It is about providing leadership – Spiritual Leadership, and more importantly it is about loving God – loving our Swami. Swami says, “that one cannot be a good leader unless one first learns to be a good follower”. The Youth are the future leaders of the Sai Organization and the Sai mission, said Mr. Nari Chugani, Zone 5 Chairman in his closing remarks. He urged the Youth: · that it is important to remember that this is not an opportunity of positions of authority over others, rather it is an opportunity for great responsibility to do work that requires spiritual maturity, dedication, humility, hard work and personal sacrifice; · not seek positions seek to serve Sai and experience bliss; · to know that He will ultimately decide who gets what role and duty and when this will happen – seek every opportunity to serve him as a boon in itself; · positions of leadership and duties are not to be taken up without preparations. Your preparation for the future responsibility starts NOW! · You are all blessed! Your time will definitely come! Don’t ask to do what you like - like what you are asked to do. · The Youth are not a separate independent wing of the Sai movement, it is an integral part of the whole, that needs to function within the whole organization in a spirit of mutual love and respect. He concluded inviting the youth to reflect on whether we are Spiritual Beings on a Human Journey, or Human Beings on a Spiritual Journey. Brother Parani Kumar and Sister Anjali presented a token of appreciation to all special guests, Zone Chairmen, and the National Youth Coordinators. All delegates then received a lotus candle as a souvenir. The conference ended with a dance performance by the Hong Kong Youth, followed by all delegates lighting their candles to signify their own Inner Awakening, which was then used to offer aarti to Swami to end the conference. Jai Sai Ram Babita Mahtani National Youth Co-Ordinator Hong Kong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I transmit the photograph of the birthday celebration . Swami's Birthday celebration Photo
JyothI Light bY Bro.Ram chugani) World peace Bhajan at temple Jyoti Lightening by Bro.Ram chugani) happy birthday song and cake cutting ceremony Balvikas Drama (Drama by parents of Balvikas Balvikas Speech by two Childrens |
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