Freed From Fear…
Sunday, August 12th, 2012
God intoxicated, exalted Saint Sri Krishna Chaitanya never distinguished anyone with any kind of reservation whatsoever. He treated everyone alike as Embodiment of Supreme Divine. When met up with an ‘self-styled’ untouchable seeker, a mendicant, how Bhagawan Chaitanya treated him elevating him to a state of Supreme Bliss, releasing him from fear that marred him right from his childhood days…a story as narrated by Bhagawan.
Once, a mendicant with tattered clothes, unkempt hair and dirty body came and stood at the threshold of Chaitanya’s room and was meditating with closed eyes. On seeing him Chaitanya came out and asked him, “Who are you? you can come inside.” On hearing these soft and sweet words, the mendicant opened his eyes and replied in all humility, “Swami! I don’t deserve to step into your room. I am a despicable person belonging to the caste of Chandala (untouchables). I am not fit to defile your sacred residence. Full of smiles, Chaitanya went closer to him and said endearingly. “My son, never say that you are mean, despicable or unworthy. Who is mean and who is sacred on this earth? All are equally sacred because the same God shines in every one’s heart. So, please come inside without any hesitation.”
When the mendicant was still hesitating to go inside, Chaitanya questioned him about the purpose of his visit. The visitor replied, “Swami, I am repeatedly chanting God’s name but I feel it lacks chaitanya (spiritual power) just as a person in a state of coma has mere life without any consciousness. I seem to be mechanically chanting the Lord’s name without experiencing the power of the Divine. I have come to you with the hope that if you initiate me in one of the Lord’s names, it will be changed with spiritual potency and I will be benefited by chanting such a name.”
Chaitanya replied, “All the names of God are full of Chaitanya or Divine power. God’s name is omnipotent and self-effulgent. Hence it is not proper for you to underrate the efficacy of any of the Lord’s name. However, for your satisfaction, I will give you initiation as desired by you. Please step into the room.” The visitor responded by slowly entering the room, full of humility, hesitation, nervousness and fear, and sat in one corner of the room. Noticing his plight, Chaitanya gently told him, “My son, why are you so full of fear? Freedom and fearlessness are the birth-right of every man. Freedom being your real nature, why do you give room for fear? You must recognise that the Atmic power is behind all thoughts, and give up fear.”
Saying this, Chaitanya came closer and closer to the mendicant. Seeing this, the mendicant cried out apprehensively, “Swami, please don’t touch me. If you touch me, both of us will be guilty of breach of traditional norms of our society. I say so particularly because it is winter now, and if you touch me, you will have to take a cold water bath again and that will tell upon your health. I have accepted you as my guru and since, according to the scriptures, the guru is verily God. I shall be sinning against God by hurting you in any way. I have come to obey your commands and receive help from you, but not to hurt you in the process. Because of my sins in my past lives, I am now born as an untouchable. I don’t want to add to my load of sins by allowing you to touch me now.”
On hearing this, Chaitanya remonstrated: “What a simpleton you are! You are only betraying your ignorance by observing untouchability, ignoring the Divine inherent in every being. God has no distinctions of caste and creed. There is no caste for any of the five elements, namely, earth, water, fire, air and sky, all of which have emanated from God. Irrespective of the castes and creeds professed by men, all are equally sharing the bounties of nature offered by the five elements. Therefore, there is no need to observe such differences of caste and creed. Come closer to me.”
However, the mendicant could not shed his fear, because he had been nurturing this fear from his childhood. This shows that feelings such as fear, love, hatred etc., become ingrained in a person if he nurtures them for a long time from an early stage of his life. Chaitanya told the mendicant, “God never endows man with fear. It is one’ s weakness that fosters fear because of some shortcomings in one’s self. One who has not committed any wrong or evil act will have no fear and hence will not need any protection or security. Fearlessness is the hall-mark of Divinity. One can become fearless through renunciation or sacrifice. For example, if you have some valuables with you, there is room for fear. But if you give up those valuables, you will be free from fear wherever you may be, even in a jungle infested with robbers. My dear child, realise that your very nature is absolute fearlessness in all circumstances. Remain true to your nature.”
Saying this Chaitanya hugged the mendicant. But the latter began shaking with mixed feeling of bliss and fear, bliss because of embrace of such a holy saint like Chaitanya, and fear because of the misapprehension that Chaitanya would be polluted by physical contact with him. He cried out, “O Swami, let not my sins pollute you.” Laughing at this statement Chaitanya told him assuringly: “O innocent one, you and I have now become one. We are no longer separate. ” So saying, Chaitanya hugged him in a warm embrace and whispered the Lord’s name into his ear. The name went straight into the old man’s heart, and so transformed him that he exclaimed in ecstasy, “Swami there is no one as lucky as myself. I have now become sanctified, sacred and pure. I have got rid off the wrong notion that i am only the body made up of the five elements and have realised my true nature, because of your grace and the grace of the Lord’s name which you gave me.”
One’s life becomes sanctified by treasuring the Lord’s name in one’s heart with a feeling of intensive love. In the absence of such love, all so-called spiritual practices will prove futile. Various spiritual disciplines are necessary only for the purification of the heart. Once the heart becomes pure, there is no further need for study of the scriptures or spiritual practices. Explaining thus Chaitanya exhorted his new disciple to give up fear henceforth. From then onwards, the mendicant became known as Haridasa.
The moral of this story is that we should give up all differences based on one’s birth and position in life and chant or sing the Lord’s name with intense love and devotion. First, the name should melt the devotee’s heart; then only it can melt God’s heart and draw His grace upon the devotee. God does not care for how long and in what ways you have practised Sadhana. What He wants is sincere, wholehearted and intense love for Him.
II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II

How Free Is She…? How Free Are We…?
Sunday, August 12th, 2012
Sixty-five years into Independence, Is Mother India ‘free’ now? …and her loving children? Can we not hear the silent sobbing of this noblest, most ideal Mother whose bosom is full Eternal Wisdom meant for entire mankind. Every citizen in this country should ask this question unto himself/herself, introspecting, to wipe her tears restoring her pristine glory. A short ‘fantasy’ story from Ms. Jullie Chaudhuri.
It was pretty late at night, yet I felt like going for a walk, to be by myself, and feel the cool breeze caressing my thoughts. I set out at an even pace, choosing a lane that would give me the seclusion I sought. The fragrance of wild flowers gently wafted up to envelope me. Something brushed passed me and as it raced ahead I realized it was my four legged, tail wagging friend, who had chosen to adopt everyone in that area as his very own.
We walked on…it was all so still…a light drizzle every now and then, interspersed with a delightful view of the moon, aglow with a silver light.
From a distance I could see a silhouette of a tall and statuesque lady. Though her shoulders seemed to droop somewhat, she seemed to be listlessly wandering around. As I came up close to her, I could see her face contorted with an expression of great pain. I asked her if I could help her in some way. She straightened up, flung her head back and laughed aloud…a bitter laugh.
“Yes, my dear, you can certainly help. I could do with a lot of help. You can help me by helping yourself. When you clean up your own act you help me.”
Even in the dark, I could make out her regal bearing and noble features. She seemed middle aged and though her countenance was pale, her face radiated aristocratic beauty and softness.
“Mother, why are you out alone? Why do you appear to be forsaken? Are you lost? Where are your children? Do you remember a number that I can call?”
My words of concern were greeted with tears… and laughter that had its origin in deep sorrow. She was silent and self-absorbed. After a while, she sank to the ground on her knees and joined her palms in prayer. Even as I watched, she crumbled to the ground, tears streaming from her tired eyes.
I sat beside her, lifting and cradling her in my arms. “Oh, Mother…what torments you so…? Tell me your woes…”
“Dear child, you ask me if I remember a number to call…I have a number of children, I remember them all, but they all seemed to have forgotten their Mother; you ask me why am I alone and forsaken and whether I am lost…? Isn’t that your question? Well, my child, though I am surrounded by all my children all the time, I remain lost and forgotten, for they choose to forsake me.
I have looked after them all, with all that I have got. Right through the passage of time I nursed and nurtured them in the course of eons gone by. The ones who had love and reverence, who valued me, who gave up their lives to free me have left me in the hands of those who ignore me, who have no time for me, who are just interested in how much they can make, how wealthy they can get, through material take, take and take. It is their callous disregard that makes me break.
They scheme and fight, the ‘freedom at midnight’ is dust ridden and out of sight. Is anyone free? Is anyone independent? What can you gain by ignoring the Mother’s pain? The internal threat looms larger than external threats, individually and collectively.
You are free when you follow Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema, and Ahimsa. Real freedom lies in shedding disharmony and embracing harmony; in overcoming disunity with unity; dishonesty with honesty; violence of any kind with non-violence; and insatiable greed and selfish pursuits with purity of intent, selflessness and love.
When death knocks there is nothing that you can take with you. My eyes have gone dim searching for at least some of my children who display these qualities. Have they all vanished out of sight? Did something happen that they are now extinct? Is there anyone who cares at all, who can take charge with integrity, who can wipe my tears and make my heart smile?”
I made her a promise that night, even as I realized that I held a weeping Mother India in my arms; a vow that I intend to keep, to be vigilant how I tread all day and even as I sleep I will give her all I have, even as she has given me. She is one of the Mothers to be worshipped, along with the others, as per the Beloved One’s decree – Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Motherland, Mother Cow, Veda Mata, Mother who gives birth to the body and the Divine Mother.
The life breath of the ones,
Who got us independence,
Should not be in vain…
And with every breath,
I must ask myself ,
How does freedom reign?
Am I free personally,
From any kind of violent thought, word and deed?
Could be anger,
Could be greed,
Have I myself truly freed?
I must give my Mother her due,
Every tiny drop does count,
So may I ask you,
To join me too,
Together we can wipe her tears and restore,
The reverence, love and glory,
She once knew…
Mera Bharat Mahaan…Maa Tujhe Salaam…
Who got us independence,
Should not be in vain…
And with every breath,
I must ask myself ,
How does freedom reign?
Am I free personally,
From any kind of violent thought, word and deed?
Could be anger,
Could be greed,
Have I myself truly freed?
I must give my Mother her due,
Every tiny drop does count,
So may I ask you,
To join me too,
Together we can wipe her tears and restore,
The reverence, love and glory,
She once knew…
Mera Bharat Mahaan…Maa Tujhe Salaam…

II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II

Sri Krishna Janmashtami in Prasanthi Nilayam…
Saturday, August 11th, 2012
Prasanthi Nilayam celebrated the Advent of Bhagawan Sri Krishna on 10th August 2012 in Bhagawan’s Divine omnipresence, marked with Cultural Programmes, Gokulam Procession of quadrupeds and birds and a scintillating Divine discourse.
The Mandir premises were tastefully decorated with flags and festoons on the occasion and on the cool morning thousands of devotees had gathered enjoying Bhagawan’s Divine omnipresence, tasting the fun-frolic and love of the Avatar of Dwapara.
The programme commenced at 0830 hrs., after half-an-hour Veda chanting with the melodious recitation, by the Music troupe of students, of the Vallabhacharya composed Madhurashtakam beginning with the line: “Adharam Madhuram…” ending with the refrain in each stanza, “Madhuraadhipatherakhiam Madhuram”. Adi Shankaracharya’s Achyuthashtakam followed, recited faultlessly in Carnatic style and the session continued with an array of well conceived programme of songs in Telugu, Malayalam and Hindi.
The songs were, Ghana Gana Sundara Karuna Rasa Mandira, Mohana Murali Nooruchunaka Hari…, both an often heard numbers in Prasanthi, Muddugare Yashoda by Annamaya, Manasa Sancharare by Thyagaraja, , Chandana Charchita Neelakalebhara in Malayalam. The programme was rounded off with a lilting Hindi devotional, Aao Chale Hum Sai Ke… a clarion call to march unto Bhagawan to sanctify our lives. The refrain Sai Mana Praanamu, Sai Mana Gamyamu…Sai Mana Jeevithadharamu… (Sai is my Life, Sai is my Goal, Sai is my Basis Of Life) echoed and vibrated the hall with great sense of devotion. Each of the songs was well received with loud applause by the morning assembly.
Even as the songs continued, the colourful procession of quadrupeds and birds from Sri Sathya Sai Gokulam arrived at the Mandir escorted by the Nadaswaram troupe from the Institute. The quadrupeds included cows and calves, deers, rabbits, peacocks, doves and the canine ‘Jolly’ from Senior Hostel. The cows had been covered with newly made embroidered, multi‑coloured silk duppattas, and were led by batches of students.
Senior administrators of Ashram, including Trust Members and Secretary of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, fed the animals and birds, a tradition set by Bhagawan, before Mangala Arathi was offered to Bhagawan with the quadrupeds and birds standing witness the scene.
Bhagawan’s Divine Discourse followed with the audio clip airing the Divine Voice erupting nostalgic memoirs. Discoursing on Radharani’s single focused devotion with complete surrender, Bhagawan sang to the tune of “Pata Paduma Krishna …” lucidly narrating the story of Krishna’s Final Flute Play. Krishna went on sacrifising things for His devotees, and for Radha, He sacrificed His flute and never ever He touched the same again, said Bhagawan. The song that He sang for Radha was Krishna’s final song.
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Krishna principle is verily Love principle. Dwapara Yuga was full of devotion and women stood tall with their unflinching supreme devotion towards Lord Krishna. Women symbolize devotion while men symbolize knowledge. Knowledge takes on to the place of God while devotion reaches the Heart of God echoed Bhagawan, adding that Gopikas with their exemplary devotion taught the world that Hari Nama Sankirtan is the most suited form of worship in Kali Age.
Shifting the topic unto His own life Bhagawan narrated how He gave a promise to His worried mother, that He would settle in Puttaparthi, while would move around other places.
Back to Krishna’s time, narrating an incredible Krishna leela, of transporting Gopikas of Repalle to Dwaraka, thousands of kilometers apart, Bhagawan said, this sort of Divinity is not witnessed anywhere. Krishna’s Divinity is unfathomable. God can do anything and can change anything. Never entertain any doubts. Develop complete faith. By following God all goods will be conferred.
Let All Worlds Be Happy, concluded Bhagawan, singing the bhajan Govinda Krishna Jai…
With bhajans continuing, primary children offered greeting offerings at the Sanctum Sactorum followed by a set of senior students, carrying quadrupeds and birds, namely deers, white doves, rabbits, peacocks and the hostel canine Jolly, seeking blessings. The white doves were released subsequently symbolising peace unto the world. Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage before Mangala Arathi offering at 1005 hrs.
Later in the evening, thousands of devotees took the main road in Parthi, taking out a huge procession exhibiting great devotional frenzy. The procession commenced at the Venugopala Swami Temple, at 1900 hrs. and ended in a hour near the Ganesh Gate.
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Evening Programme:
Musical Dance Drama by Visakhapatanam Devotees:
In the evening devotees from Visakhapatnam, on a Parthi Yatra, staged a Musical Dance Drama entitled “Sai Krishnaya Charanam Namo Nama:”
A magnificent backdrop of Bhagawan flanked by Little Krishna on one side and Lord Krishna playing flute on the other side adorned the central part of Sai Kulwant Hall facing the Sanctum Sanctorum.
At the outset, the district president of SSSSO, Visakhapatanam gave an overview of the service activities in the district. Commemorating Bhagawan’s visit to Yellamanchili in 1965, a Sarva Dharma pillar was built a few metres away from the place where Bhagawan presided over Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha and addressed a large gathering of about 50,000 devotees. Some of the other activities include a water project to aboriginals in various villages, English medium education to children, health services with the help of mobile medical van, computer education to children, etc.
The presentation was based on the theme, drawing similarities between the two Avatars, Bhagawan Sri Krishna and Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai. Interspersed with colourful dances by children, elucidating on the glory of both the Avatars, the presentation illustrated wondrous tales from Bhagawan’s Avataric life, as to how devotees have been saved from dire life-threatening situations, most miraculously.
The presentation opened with a peacock dance celebrating Krishna’s birth at Repalle. A dialogue ensued between two narrators about the misfortune of not having witnessed Krishna’s enchanting form and His miracles. The other narrator said that such an Avatar was born again in the form of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
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Continuing with miracles, a narrator described a wonderful experience of a devotee in Machilipatnam wherein Bhagawan assumed the form of Sesha Sai in sea and gave Darshan.
Kasturi ji’s episode from Sathyam Sivam Sundaram saving a military man was also narrated. The man who wanted to commit suicide, but when he was to about to press the trigger, Bhagawan assumed the forms of his friends and family members including the suitcase carried by them. When they left his house, he wanted to commit the act, but his revolver was missing. Then he received a telegram from Bhagawan stating: “Your instrument is with Me.”
Another stunning miracle of an overseas devotee by name Mrs. Anderson who had come to witness Bhagawan’s Birthday in the year 1968; she saw the anointing of Bhagawan by the divine parents from her wheelchair. It was then that Bhagawan walked up to her, gave her the chance to anoint Him and to the surprise of all, made her get up and walk. Her disability was completely cured.
The dance drama came to a close with another beautiful dance by the children at 1800 hrs.
Even as bhajans continued, the cast was felicitated with special gifts and prasadam was distributed. The session came to a close at 1815 hrs. with the offering of Mangala Arathi.
The Youth from Visakhapatanam continued with their cultural presentation on the second day, August 11 evening, presenting a musical evening entitled Sri Sathya Sai Sangeeta Sudha, singing Divine glories of all the three Avatars, Sri Rama, Sri Krishna and Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai. The hour-long programme had nine songs, all in Telugu interspersed with commentary detailing each song.

II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
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