- Sri Paripoornanandagiri Swami, el actual jefe de Vyasa Ashram en Yeerpedu, Andhra Pradesh establecido por el reconocido vidente Sadhguru Malayala Swamiji
Celebraciones de Navaratri (13 de octubre de 2018), Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli
Today, we have amidst us Revered Madhusudan Naidu Garu. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is working through him and is transforming this place (Muddenahalli) into Prasanthi Nilayam. Wherever Madhusudan Naidu is, there is Swami. I feel so happy to see Madhusudan Naidu. Even though Swami has left His physical form, we can still experience His presence through Naidu Garu. I am so full of gratitude for Madhusudan Naidu. Whoever is giving joy and peace to the world, He is God Himself! I came to know that Baba has established many educational institutions through His instrument Madhusudan Naidu. Baba has already established four hospitals through Madhusudan Naidu. I also came to know that Baba has established 14 ashrams across the world through Madhusudan Naidu. This is so amazing. Body is impermanent, so Baba left His body. Therefore, He is using Madhusudan Naidu for His work. Baba is love. That is where we are seated now; Premamrutham (The Ambrosia of Love of Swami). I pray to Madhusudan Naidu from the bottom of my heart to please visit our Ashram, Vyasa Ashram at Yeerpedu near Tirupati (in Andhra Pradesh).
-- Sri Paripoornanandagiri Swami, the current head of Vyasa Ashram at Yeerpedu, Andhra Pradesh established by the renowned seer Sadhguru Malayala Swamiji
Navaratri Celebrations (Oct 13, 2018), Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli
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