Sai Ram beloved embodiments of Sai our Guru and God
The Prashanti mandir is robed in beautiful hues for her Lord Sai. Festive red and gold oriental style lanterns dangle from the celestial ceilings. Stately pillars are also decked in the theme of red and gold with garlands of colorful flowers. Many streamers sparkle with electric lights that look like luminous star showers cascading though the temple. Bouquets of sanctified blossoms adorn the Mahasamadhi. It is indeed a glorious, inspiring occasion as devotees from around the world and from India assemble at the Lotus Feet of their Lord Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
As Guru Poornima approached, on Saturday we were all blessed with a symposium on the Unity of Faiths. There were four speakers
All gave very inspiring talks. I will share a few paraphrased excerpts gleaned from their talks.
The first speaker delivered an address on Islam. Prof. Akhtarul Wasey, Head, Department of Islamic Studies, Jamia Milla Islamia, New Delhi declared that Islam was rooted in peace and that peace stands for the commonality of man. Allah is one and Muslims have faith in his angels, books and prophets. He continued that Allah has sent his prophets and Muslims must respect every religion and every prophet and realize the unity underlying all religions. Religion is a conviction of mind to a particular tradition. He queried whether Hindus, Christians, Parsees, Jews and Muslims can live together in peace. And concluded – Yes, why not? We are all created of God. At some point Mr. Wasey started speaking entirely in ((I think Hindi) so I wasn't able to write anymore on this subject.
The next speaker for the morning session was Swami H.H. Dyananda Saraswati. He was a very dynamic speaker. I marveled at the depth and richness of his persona and his booming voice, even though physically he needed assistance walking and sitting. The first thing Swami Dyanandaji stated was that he was happy to be in Prashanti where millions of people have come from all over the world attracted by the love of Sathya Sai. He went on extolling Lord Sai. The fact that Baba was able to do this was a benediction. He said Sai was a symbol, a manifestation of the Vedic culture. Hinduism is Sanathana Dharma – never founded by anyone. It is a dharma that has produced great people because of its vision and view of life. A way of life to achieve the reality. This is Hinduism. It is a unique view, the highest view. God is great is a belief. All that is great is just you. There is no one greater than you or less than you. You are the goal. The goal can never be separate from you.
Swami Dayananda continued. As human beings we are conscious of ourselves. Uninhibited acceptability is the end of every human being. Self acceptance is the issue. The self is accepted is the Hindu view of reality. You are totally accepted. Struggling to approve of yourself is self ignorance. You are the whole and you can experience this wholeness. No one can deny experiencing happiness. We have moments of happiness which is wholeness. These moments will be few if there is self loathing. How can there be happiness then. Happiness is when we accept ourselves. When we complain we cannot be happy. To have a moment of happiness is to accept all that is knowledge, limitations etc. Accept the truth and fact that you are the whole. You will be searching that you are the whole. You will be searching that you are the problem. You will be searching that you are the solution. You discover yourself. The way of life we fashion, way of living uncovers this wholeness.
The Swami told a poignant story to emphasize this point. He said a sculptor and a friend were walking one day. The sculptor suddenly stopped and stated at a rock for a good while. He commented on how beautiful this rock was. The friend couldn't understand why he was getting so excited over a mere rock. The sculptor said he would explain later and asked the friend to help him bring the rock to his room. Some time later he visited his sculptor friend who showed him a beautiful, exquisite sculpture of Lord Krishna. Then the sculptor revealed that this was the rock his friend had helped him bring back. He said when he looked at that rock he saw Lord Krishna. Swami Dayananda said, you are whole – make that wholeness manifest. In every situation bring the wholeness out. Sometimes our smallness gets the better of us – lying, cheating, taking advantage of others, etc. The smallness comes out when we neglect bhajana and sadhana. Our smallness has to be kept under check. Don't get carried away by fancies and wants. It is not easy but our way of life should help us to discover our Self. The choices we make help us to unfold our bigness like the Krishna sculpture.
When dharma is there Krishna is there. Krishna is dharma. Dharma is a way of life it is not a mandate it is a manifestation. It means to serve God. We cannot go against dharma which is God. God has given human beings free will. We have to exercise choice. Therefore we are responsible for our actions.
Swami Dayananda said furthermore, all that is here is Bhagawan, God. God does not have an address. We can't say there are many Gods nor can we say there is one God. There is only God. Every manifestation is Easwara. Our way of life is the means to God. Discover that poorna. The view is that you are poorna nobody can improve upon it. Your way of life should be such that it brings out the poorna. This is Hinduism. God is to be discovered and understood, it is not a belief.
To be continued. Happy Guru Poornima.
Lots of Prema
sonya ki
When the Guru was placed in the Golden Throne of devotees hearts

Guru Purnima 2012
When the Guru was placed in the Golden Throne of devotees hearts
Of all the relationships that exist in the world, from the mother and child to the doctor and patient, the purest and noblest of relationships is the unique bond between the Guru and the disciple. The disciple loves the Guru with all his heart and the Guru responds a thousand fold and yet the Love is intimately impersonal. While the Guru loves the disciple with compassion and empathy which none else could show, He also has an aura of dispassion allowing Him to stay unbounded by the perils of affection. Indeed, Guru Purnima is the celebration of this matchless Love story between the Guru and the disciple epitomised by the Love of our Lord, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
The Sai Kulwant Hall, that has witnessed the Love of the Supreme Master guiding, guarding and transforming innumerable lives once again witnessed a grand Guru Purnima Festival this year, celebrated on 3rd July. The hall was decked most beautifully and a Golden Throne shone on the stage with the purity of the matchless Love of the Guru.
The programme commenced with Vedam and Pancha Vadyam at 0800 hrs. Who better than the students of Bhagawan, to sing songs of their Love and Devotion to Him on this most auspicious day? In their offering titled “Guru Vandana”, students commencing with the Sadguru Sai Stotram, went on to enthrall the assembly with a beautiful Carnatic rendition, Rama nee.. Special songs for the occasion, Sri Sai Gurudev.. and Satguru Ashtakam followed. They concluded the programme reminding the audience of the simplest and most powerful Sadhana that Bhagawan has given us, Bajo Re Parama Naama Sri Sai.
In his introductory speech, Sri Sai Giridhar, Research Scholar of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, appealed the audience to turn their mind lit by the full moon towards the Lord. The speaker lavishly praised various illustrious masters like Buddha and Veda Vyasa who expounded the truth to the world, before paying gratitude to the Truth itself incarnated as Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Sri Giridhar then introduced the speakers of the day.
Sri Kota Sivakumar, an alumnus of Bhagawan’s university; the founding director of a HR Consulting firm; a member, office bearer and trainer in the Sri Sathya Sai Organisations; a lyricist and a regular contributor to a monthly magazine dedicated to Spirituality and Nationality was the first speaker of the morning. Sri Sivakumar thanked all the selfless teachers who have guided him along in the right path before recollecting the direct teaching he obtained from Bhagawan. From his own personal experience and with help of many anecdotes the speaker explained how Bhagawan awakens, warns, encourages helping an individual to grow and elevate himself. He concluded the talk exhorting the audience to seat the Guru in our hearts.
The second speaker was Dr Narendranath Reddy, the Chairman of Prasanthi Council and Director of the Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation. After exalting Prasanthi Nilayam, the blessed ground where Bhagawan chose to take birth and establish His mission, He reminded the blessed assembly the expansion of Bhagawan’s Name as given by Himself, SAI BABA: See Always Inside – Being Awareness Bliss Atma. Dr Reddy then recounted various activities undertaken by the Sri Sathya Sai Organisations – Worldwide with a special focus on Medical Care. He made a special mention of the continuing efforts put up by the volunteers in earthquake affected regions of Haiti and Japan.
Sri Nimish Pandya, the National Vice President of Sri Sathya Sai Organisations, India, in-charge of the education wing commenced his talk saying that such is the miracle of Sai’s Love that the bliss of the devotee, no matter how much the debilitating force, never diminishes. While recounting the various manifestations happening around the world, Sri Pandya warned that it is a reminder that He is still watching us and that we should continue to live up to the name of a Sai Devotee. He concluded his talk saying that the Sai Organisation believes in the power of the youth and are confident that a new generation of office bearers will take the organisation even more forward by the Loving grace of Bhagawan Baba.
The talks were followed by an audio clipping of Bhagawan’s Guru Purnima discourse where He explains who a Guru is, and exhorts us to not salute Him as He is not different from His devotees; If one must salute, salute himself or herself, for the same Divinity is manifested in us too. He gave a special emphasis on the benefits of speaking less for the sadhaka and the control of desires. Bhagawan concluded His discourse with the Bhajan, ‘Prema Muditha Man Se Kaho Ram Ram Ram’. Arati was offered at 1030 hrs.
Carnatic Concert by Malladi Brothers
The Guru Purnima Celebrations came to a grand conclusion with a concert by Malladi brothers who have become a mainstay in Prasanthi Nilayam during the Guru Purnima festivity till 2007.
Commencing with Rama Nannu Brovara, they differed from their practice over the last year of repeating old favourites and performed many more new songs this time including Brahma Jnana Pradayaka, Sathya Sai Deva and Bangara Cherunuvu. However the highlight of the programme was the absolute fault less rendition of the Tyagaraja krithi, Brocheva . The rendition of the Malladi Brothers, Malladi Sreeramprasad and Malladi Ravikumar was much enhanced by the able accompaniment of ‘Kalaimamani’ Embar.S. Kannan on the violin and ‘Kalaimamani’ Mannargudi Easwaran on the Mrudangam.
In their characteristic style they concluded the concert with the ‘Mangalam’ song, Ramachandraya… All the artistes were honoured with gifts and Prasadam was distributed to the gathering. Arathi was offered at 1900 hrs.
Videos of The Symposium on Unity of Faiths...
Below is the Vimeo Video link of the Morning Programme of the Symposium on Unity of Faiths with Addresses on Hinduism by H H Swami Dayananda Saraswati & Address on Islam by Prof. Akhtarul Wasey, Head, Department of Islamic Studies, Jamia Milla Islamia, New Delhi ....
The Vimeo Video link of the Evening Programme of the Symposium on Unity of Faiths with Address on Christianity by Father Dominic Emmanuel, Spokesman & Director, Delhi Catholic Archdiocese and Address on Buddhism by Dhammachari Dr. B.V. Rajaram of the Mahabodhi Society, Bangalore :
Sai Ram
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