The Lord's Visit to Ebe, Nigeria
14th July 2015 – 17th July 2015

Father Charles speaks in the divine Presence during Christmas 2006
14th July 2015 – 17th July 2015

Father Charles speaks in the divine Presence during Christmas 2006
Father Charles Ogada is a Catholic Priest from Nigeria, whose deep understanding of Christ's message is in itself a testimony to his life of steadfast quest of the Ultimate. Father Charles who was ordained in 1999, was born in Uturu, Nigeria. He first came to Bhagawan Baba in 2001, a visit that would deepen his commitment to his search and rejuvenate him in his path to self-discovery. Ever since, Father Charles has been a regular visitor to Prasanthi Nilayam and has also worked closely with late Mr. Victor Kanu, for the Sathya Sai Schools in Africa.
(Después de esta breve introducción sobre el Padre Ogada, les ofrecemos un Email del Padre Charles Ogada, relatando la experiencia de la visita de Swami a Nigeria. En el archivo adjunto encontrarán toda la experiencia en Inglés. Nuestros hermanos en Sai ya lo están traduciendo al español y se enviará cuando lo recibamos. Om Sai Ram)
De: charles Ogada
Subject: Great Things Happen When God Mixes With Man - Swami's Visit To Nigeria
Fecha: viernes, 24 de julio de 2015
"Beloved Self
It was a Joy filled experience for all us when Swami visited our Anuli (Joy) Village last week. We want to share this news with you.
Please share our Joy.
With so much Love,
Fr. Charles"
Fr. Charles"
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