Darshan Update | ![]() |
Archival (2010) : Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec ----- Jan 2011 - Feb 2011 Updated Sunday, Mar 13, 2011 2020 Hrs. IST Sun, Mar 13, 2011: Mother Sai was proud and He decided to felicitate His students for their stupendous achievements! There was a small intermission during the bhajans this evening when a dozen students were felicitated by Bhagawan for academic excellence at the national level. Earlier, in the evening, Bhagawan came at 1815 hrs. for a full round of darshan. Coming on stage as Bhagawan sat officiating the session, a mini felicitation was brewing. ![]() Bhajans continued for some more time, until 1910 hrs. when Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi. Blessing the assembly, Bhagawan retired to Yajur Mandiram at 1915 hrs. Blessed prasadam was distributed to the entire audience. ![]() Sat, Mar 12, 2011: "So Are We Bound; So Are We Free" was the big artistic writing on a symbolic kite banner that adorned the Poornachandra backdrop this evening, as eighty six students from the 2003 batch of SSSIHL assembled at the venue along with their immediate families, in anticipation of yet another "Bond of Love" with Bhagawan. ![]() Quite innovative and distinct from the previous episodes of "Prema Bandham", this 2003 batch had a unique theme, "So Are We Bound; So Are We Free", meaning their bond with Bhagawan that brings freedom. ![]() Bhagawan arrived at 1910 hrs. to a grand Poornakumbha reception along with Vedam chanting. As He came down the dais, Bhagawan was welcomed by a group comprising of mothers and betterhalves of the alumni, holding trays with flowers and lighted lamps. A cake was blessed commemorating the occasion before Bhagawan assuming the special dais. ![]() Even as Bhagawan came on to the dais a programme card was brought to Him praying for Divine approval. Bhagawan blessed the same and there began a mini music programme comprising three songs. ![]() At the end of the song session, Bhagawan came down the dais to move in the lanes between the rows blessing the special assembly with closer darshan and padanamaskar. ![]() Safari pieces and sarees, blessed by Bhagawan were distributed to the assembly. After accepting Mangala Arathi Bhagawan moved off, heading towards Yajur Mandiram. ![]() From Poornachandra to Sai Kulwant. Bhagawan was soon in the Sai Kulwant at 1940 hrs., amidst bhajans. After the usual full round of darshan Bhagawan came on the dais. As bhajans continued, Bhagawan sat for the next half-an-hour before calling for Mangala Arathi. Blessing one of the bhajan singers with Divine Whisperings, blessing the assemby with abhayahastha, Bhagawan retired to Yajur Mandiram at 2010 hrs. Blessed prasadam was distributed to the entire assembly. ![]() Thu, Mar 10, 2011: This forenoon, at around 1130 hrs., Bhagawan emerged from Yajur Mandiram driving beyond the gates for a round of the township. Bhagawan returned to the Ashram in an hour time, through the western gate of Prasanthi Nilayam. When Bhagawan is the Force and Source, a day in Prasanthi Nilayam is defined by 'His Moves'. The day when He comes out with a blooming smile, spend ample time around, is 'the day' in every one's imagination. On this Holy Thursday evening, after an initial buzz just after 6 o' clock, Bhagawan arrived at 1840 hrs. going for a usual round. Unlike other days, there were intermissions, with Bhagawan stopping to interact and bless in between. A visiting group of devotees from 'Anakapalle-Vijayawada' also got His attention as Bhagawan chose to stop at the gents' side to listen to this group members. After completing the round, as is His wont, Bhagawan moved into the ladies' side. To everyone's pleasant surprise, He went further, this time going for a bonus round! After this second round, Bhagawan returned to verandah from the aisle at the gents' side. The 'Anakapalle - Vijayawada' group in blue got His attention once again during the bonus round. Even as He got down from the car, a group of boys belonging to the 2003 batch was awaiting seeking approval for "Prema Bandham" during this weekend. Bhagawan blessed the boys before moving in to the bhajan hall. After spending sometime around, talking to some, Bhagawan glid past the bhajan hall, exiting through the rear entrance. He chose to spent a while listening to two seniors, Prof. Anil Kumar and Prof. Veerabhadraiah, Telugu Editor of Sanathana Sarathi, before coming on stage. His brief tenure on the stage evoked greater interest as Bhagawan showed keen interest to interact with boys. One of the lead pair of bhajan singers was called unto Him and Bhagawan freely interacted with the duo for some time. One of these boys had a black colour rosary which Bhagawan blessed and helped Himself, adorning the same on the boy's neck. Lovingly Bhagawan stroked at the cheeks of the boys and the duo, with atmost humility, stood before The Lord receiving His bounty. Another boy who was having a big colour painting of Lord Subramanya, a paintng by him, was beckoned by Bhagawan. Bhagawan had a detailed look at the painting before passing some comments. Even as He was blessing the boy with the painting, Bhagawn indicated for Mangala Arathi, at 1930 hrs. After Arathi as the 'Jaikar invite' rang in the air aloud, Bhagawan gestured at the boy, raising His hands to His ears, as if indicating, 'loud piercing sound'. Everyone had a hearty laugh at His gesture. In the brief pause that ensued, His blessed open palm moved up, waving in circular, followed by the Divine Act of scribbling in the air. He scribbled once again before indicating to leave. The Lord leaves no prayer unanswered. Even as He took the turn to retire, He stopped for a while beckoning one of the Vedam boys, who was holding a letter. Calling the boy on to the dais Bhagawan interacted with Him for a while before showering His bouteous blessing. A brief interaction with one of the photographers followed. It was time for Bhagawan to retire. Bhagawan retired to Yajur Mandiram, at 1940 hrs. With Shivarathri over and the month of March is advancing, early winds of summer is blowing in the township showing signs of yet another summer season. Though the mercury has just crossed the mid thirties, nevertheless it is a definite indication of a peaking summer ahead. ![]() Wed, Mar 9, 2011: This evening Bhagawan arrived at 1910 hrs. After a full round of darshan Bhagawan came on to the dais and presided over the session till Mangala Arathi at 1940 hrs. The half-an-hour of Bhagawan's presence on the stage was marked by high pitch bhajans. With a thousand throat repeating the Universal Prayer, marking the conclusion of the session, Bhagawan as well joined for a moment, with His hand gestures striking chord with the beat, raising and dropping His palm in slow motion. Bhagawan retired to Yajur Mandiram at 1945 hrs. ![]() Tue, Mar 8, 2011: This evening turned out to be a wonderful one with Bhagawan spending ample time outside, conferring blessing to one and all. Today was yet another Sevadal blessing day. The outgoing Maharashtra batch of Sevadals were seated in the Poornachandra Auditorium, this evening, seeking special blessings. ![]() Bhagawan came into the auditorium at 1837 hrs. Even as He assumed the special dais, down the main stage, prasadam for distribution were taken to Him, both by ladies and gents separately. After blessing the same Bhagawan came down the dais, this time to move on the centre pathway that divides ladies and gents. Excited bunch of Sevadals converged at the periphery; Bhagawan inched along, blessing one and all with His loving glance falling upon the 'convergence'. ![]() A bigger round was in the offing! From the centre-line, Bhagawan moved on to the right, setting off for a bigger round, this time, covering the entire assembly of Sevadals. Completing this round, even as Bhagawan was preparing to leave, group representative offered Mangala Arathi. In the meantime, 'a lucky few' got to interact with Bhagawan. At 1852 hrs. Bhagawan climbed on to the dais, moving into the Poornachandra backstage. Blessed prasadam was distributed to the entire batch. ....And even as the session was coming to a close, bliss of His greater love and compassion was raining in many a heart and the Sevadals left the auditorium with their faces lit up and hearts full. Taking a second chance, many a lady sevadal later filed into the Sai Kulwant as well. ![]() The storyline shifts to the bigger venue, the Sai Kulwant Hall. Showing up on the dais after His usual round, Bhagawan sat for a long seventy minutes with bhajans filling the precincts of Prasanthi Nilayam. After a quiet 'first-half', boys made the best of the given opportunity! A seemingly unending bunch of students, all with a single agenda of receiving His blessings, made a 'beeline' unto the dais. ![]() With hands stretched out, humility writ large on their faces, some with blooming smiles adorning their faces, one after one as they 'hopped', approaching the dais, it was the Lord of greater compassion who received these lovely children with atmost patience and love! Bhagawan attended to each and every one of them, as if the evening was earmarked exclusively for these children. Some sought birthday blessings and Bhagawan reciprocated with sprinkling yellow grains; some others sought project blessings and Bhagawan with atmost patience and curiosity browsed through the pages of record books, often listening to their explanations. Someone else had a bunch of letters, apparently from an outgoing batch of students who are writing board exams. Bhagawan was very much at their beck and call, blessing them all with His bounty. For the assembly of devotees, this was indeed a greater blessing producing a productive longer spell of Divine Darshan! Even after the 'session' Bhagawan sat for a couple of more bhajans before He chose to move into the Interview Room for a brief pause. Emerging in five minutes, Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi. As the Arathi song went on reverberating the hall, Bhagawan boarded the car, returning to Yajur Mandiram, ending a beautiful blessed evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. ![]() Mon, Mar 7, 2011: This evening, Bhagawan arrived 1900 hrs. amidst bhajans. Fast paced bhajans rented air as Bhagawan arrived on stage to preside over the session. Sitting for half-an-hour Bhagawan asked for Mangala Arathi after "Subramanyam...Subramanyam...", the bhajan that would mark the end of bhajan sessions during earlier days, at 1935 hrs. During the pause of silence that followed after the Arathi, Bhagawan gesturd with His hands, as if conveying 'okay, to the students before leaving the dais. Bhagawan retired to Yajur Mandiram at 1940 hrs. ![]() Sun, Mar 6, 2011: When thousands joined together singing and invoking, keeping their hopes vibrant, this Sunday evening turned alive hosting yet another Divine Darshan! Bhagawan arrived at 1925 hrs. amidst bhajans. A full round of darshan ensued and soon Bhagawan was on the dais. As Bhagawan sat on presiding over the session, a capacity audience once again joined in merriment, with booming chorus. Bhajans continued for the next half-an-hour. He even called one of the boys, interacting and blessing him. At 1955 hrs. Bhagawan asked for Mangala Arathi. He blessed the concourse, students, gents and ladies separate with Abhayahastha. Leaving the dais Bhagawan took a right turn, to come on to the lower portico, where many alert hands were ready awaiting a chance. Bhagawan accepted letters from many, conversed with some others before retiring to Yajur Mandiram at 2005 hrs. Blessed prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage. ![]() Sat, Mar 5, 2011: This evening turned out to be a welcome change with Bhagawan emerging at 1800 hrs. giving a pleasant surprise. Arriving on stage after a full round of darshan, Bhagawan presided over the session for the next more than half-an-hour with bhajans rendered by students filling the air in Prasanthi. ![]() Bhagawan sat through keenly observing the assembly and devotees rejoiced every moment of this greater boon, enthusiastically following the bhajas in full throat. At 1840 hrs. Bhagawan turned to the priest indicating Mangala Arathi. Blessing the concourse with Abhayahastha Bhagawan retired to Yajur Mandiram at 1845 hrs. Blessed laddu prasadam was distributed to the entire audience. ![]() Fri, Mar 4, 2011: Bhagawan went for a round of Prasanthi Township today, in the forenoon. Emerging at around 1120 hrs. Bhagawan moved along the road, crossing Yenumanappali Cross, leading to the Super Speciality Hospital. Taking a detour from the petrol bunk, Bhagawan returned to the Ashram at 12 noon, via the western gate. Hundreds lined up en route, inside the Ashram, for a glimpse of The Lord. Bhagawan, in His outpouring love and compassion, went on blessing the devotees with Abhayahastha. 'Sweeter and sweeter as the days go by' is perhaps the right expression to describe Divine Darshan in Prasanthi Nilayam. At a time when Darshan sessions are becoming shorter and shorter, one can find an increasing awareness among the public of the greater importance of Divine Darshan! ...And with this increasing awareness, thousands upon thousands are flocking into this Valley of Peace every day, to catch a precious glimpse of The Lord! This Friday evening passed by presenting a such a short yet sweet darshan session. Bhagawan arrived at 1945 hrs. in His car, coming for usual round of darshan; towards the end of the round, He spent awhile with the 'Alike Team' of teachers and students. Alighting at the verandah, Bhagawan came on stage to preside over the session for the next fifteen minutes. Detached was His demenour all through, yet He was at His amusing best! As some boys approached Him with laddu prasadam for blessings before distribution, Bhagawan grabbed a few from the box to toss them unto some lucky boys. Accepting a letter from one of the boys, Bhagawan read through the same after blessing the boy with Padanamaskar. Bhajans went into higher gear as boys sang with great passion and devotional fervour; pubic responded erupting with booming chorus. It was time to wind up. At 2010 hrs. Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi and soon, upon Arathi, Bhagawan left the dais, not before blessing the concourse with Abhayahastha. Bhagawan retired to Yajur Mandiram at 2015 hrs. ![]() Thu, Mar 3, 2011: With the thousands assembled in the Sai Kulwant kept awaiting the auspicious sight of The Lord, time ticked past and bhajans prolonged with devotional intensity, this morning in Prasanthi Nilayam. ![]() Rewarding the night long penance, Bhagawan arrived just after 0900 hrs. in the morning, out in the open, much to loud cheers from devotees. A quick round of darshan followed before Bhagawan arrived on stage. Bhajans continued till 0930 hrs. until Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi. ![]() Special Prasadam was ready and the 'White Army' of students swung into action. As blessed prasadam, tamarind rice and sweet pudding, went for distribution, Bhagawan sat on for the next ten minutes watching over the proceedings. At 0940 Bhagawan moved off, retiring for the morning session. Earlier, before coming into the Sai Kulwant, Bhagawan headed towards Poornachandra Auditorium where thousands had assembled awaiting Divine Darshan. ![]() Wed, Mar 2, 2011: Maha Shivarathri Akhanda Bhajan 2011 commenced at 1850 hrs. in the immediate Divine Presence of Bhagawan, this evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. ![]() Tonight is Maha Shivarathri, the night dedicated to Lord Shiva. To the thousands assembled in Sai Kulwant who have been eagerly looking forward for Divine Darshan, it turned out to be a moment of bliss when Bhagawan presented Himself much early, at 1815 hrs., this evening. Sonorous Vedic chants, that has been on from 1630 hrs., coupled with some soulful Nadaswaram tunes by students welcomed The Lord as He emerged in. ![]() Bhagawan's car inched along and devotees, packed to capacity, had their share of excitement; many rose on to their feet and waved their hands greeting Bhagawan. Completing a round of blessing Bhagawan came on to the verandah. Special cake on the occasion, done by devotees from Italy, was ready for blessing. Bhagawan cut the cake and then moved along the lower verandah to come on to the dais. ![]() Vedic chanting continued until 1850 hrs. when Bhagawan nodded for the Akhanda Bhajans to commence. Boys and girls sang alternatively rendering many Shiva bhajans creating an air of greater devotional ambience. ![]() At 1915 hrs. Bhagawan moved off the dais to board His car. The car moved along the gents' side, with a reverse round, taking The Lord back to Yajur Mandiram at 1925 hrs. ![]() Earlier, before coming into the Sai Kulwant Hall, Bhagawan, upon emerging from Yajur Mandiram headed towards Poornachandra Auditorium where thousands have assembled for Divine Darshan. Spending awhile there Bhagawan blessed the audience before returning. ![]() Tue, Mar 1, 2011: Maha Shivarathri is just a day away and on this preceding evening Prasanthi has been echoing the spiritual ambience of the holy occasion. Bhagawan arrived at 1920 hrs. to cheerful greetings from the jampacked audience, filled every inch of space in Sai Kulwant. ![]() Coming on stage after His usual round of blessings, Bhagawan presided over the bhajan session for the next ten mintues. In the meanwhile, a couple of boys received His special blessings. Ten minutes through the 'session' Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi. Blessing the concourse withAbhayahastha Bhagawan moved off the dais into the Interview Room for a brief pause, before retiring to Yajur Mandiram at 1945 hrs. Prasadam was dsitributed after the offering of Mangala Arathi. With twilight bhajans, that has been the order of the day, serving feelers of the great holy night dedicated to Lord Shiva, Prasanthi is gearing up for the holy occasion scheduled for tomorrow. Ambience around is full of verve in anticipation of the holy night. Students from Brindavan and Anantapur campus have joined Prasanthi Nilayam to celebrate the occasion in the Holy Presence of their Beloved Swami. ![]() |
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