Yet another year has come to an end... yet another year has dawned. Even as we cross this manmade marker of time we look back at the year passed with fond memories, with pains we wish to forget and thoughts of events, which have influenced our lives in such a way that it will never be the same again. Introspecting, one wonders how every new beginning is also marked by an end. The night ends for the dawn to break; a new year is born when the older year fades. Time gives birth to time. Time alone consumes time. Time bows to none. And God is described as Kalagarbha, the One in Whose womb is borne Time itself. Could we ask for more than to be guided and guarded, lead and loved by such a Lord Himself! On this New Year's Day, we have selected from our archives, a small incident that marked with love and sweetness, one such New Year's Day for Prof. Kasturi. It was the beginning of the year 1960 and a pleasant surprise was waiting for him with the postman. In his mail, along with the others was a greeting card from Swami! It was a poem handwritten by Swami. And to remind you, Prof. Kasturi at that time was very much in Puttaparthi. What Baba had done is so sweet; He had sent a devotee with the card to Bukkapatnam to be posted there so that it reaches Prof. Kasturi on the New Year Day leaving him completely surprised. Even as we imagine the joy and thrill that he would have felt that moment, let us read that poem of Swami which is in fact a prayer that actually resonates in each of our hearts, even as we bid farewell to an eventful year.
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Post Script: "Kasturi, Begin the New Year with the above Prayer." And, the Blessings and Boons follow in plenty, for He writes, "Endowed with long life and sound health, surrounded by children, grandchildren and friends, keep on imbibing joy through Bhakti (devotion) and Jnana (wisdom). I bless that your days be spent in the service of Sarvesvara, the Lord of All. Spend your life in abundant peace and happiness. Baba."
Even as we ruminate over this small and beautiful incident, one would wonder, is this not what Bhagawan had done for all of us too? God was and is ever present in our hearts, but He decided to manifest outside us, to give us the excitement and bliss of living with Him.
It is said, and it cannot be denied, that living with Bhagawan is true education. But living with Bhagawan is also a joy indescribable. We can expect a surprise, a thrill, a moment of beauty, an instance of ecstasy any time – these 'God moments' are always round the corner. For He is the Ruler of Time itself. All we have to do is to look out for Him. He has held our hands to take us on a journey beyond the fragments of time and space, to a state beyond grief and elation. May be that is why even though we live under His divine umbrella we cannot choose one over the other. His ways are inscrutable; the choices He makes for us can leave us baffled, whining or pleasantly surprised. But one thing which is ever constant, is His love for us. Let us hold on to that anchor and welcome this New Year. Yes, with Him by our side this is going to be a glorious time for us!
Wishing all our readers a happy, holy and prosperous 2012,
- Radio Sai Team
Scintillating Band Display On New Year Morning…
Sunday, January 1st, 2012
After two days of depression owing to tropical cyclonic storm Thane, Prasanthi woke up on the New Year morning with bright luminous Sun revisiting the township spreading warmth all around. Spicing up the occasion, illustrious Brass Band from Prasanthi Nilayam played some scintillating tunes rejoicing on the Advent of the New Year.

Led by former Band Master and Institute Faculty Shyam Sharma, the troupe played some thematic numbers, that included I am Man…, Fire Works…, Love Story, based on Andy William's famous number Where do I begin?, Tempest…, Easwaramma Priya Thanaya…, Hungarian Dance and Shiva Shankara. The Band Troupe that has a rich legacy of Divine guidance has always been an exceptional outfit maintaining high standards. Playing to its reputation, playing for half-an-hour, the Band Troupe incited audience applause for excellence.

Even as bhajans continued, students from the Senior Hostel presented a New Year Cake at Bhagawan's Lotus Feet that was followed by New Year Greeting Cards, handmade ones, by the Tiny Tots from Sri Sathya Sai Primary School.
After half-an-hour bhanjans Mangala Arathi was offered at 10:00 hrs. Special Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage of devotees.
Alumni of Sri Sathya Sai Institute Of Higher Learning will present a special offering at Bhagawan's Lotus Feet on this New Year evening.
Oh! 2012, It's between Me and You and the Higher Self…
Sunday, January 1st, 2012
Pilgrims in the Sai Path we are, that we are on the threshold of yet another New Year, Year 2012, the year for Truth to reappear. Waiting at the doorstep of the New how do we gear up to embrace the New Year? With the need of the hour well defined, to trudge tha path with a Universal Outlook, it is time to establish the universal prayer, "Samasta Lokah…", beforfe beseeching Him to grant us His darshan. So, let's gear up with palms joint in prayer and a soul deep in communion, praying to Beloved Mother Sai reaffirming that We need Him and Him alone. Read on a golden heart's expressions while waiting to embrace 2012…as expressed by Ms. Jullie Chaudhuri…
Oh! 2012 be kind,
Be gentle,
Facilitate us,
Even as we face a void phenomenal,
A grief ever so monumental…
Oh! 2012 be gentle,
Be kind,
Soothe our hearts and mind,
Assist us, be so inclined,
Send along tidings glad,
That would benefit entire mankind…
Help us trace and find,
That which is unconfined, well defined, and truly refined,
Oh! 2012 shows us a way to consciously realign,
Lead us on to delve,
In the realm of the Divine…
Be gentle,
Facilitate us,
Even as we face a void phenomenal,
A grief ever so monumental…
Oh! 2012 be gentle,
Be kind,
Soothe our hearts and mind,
Assist us, be so inclined,
Send along tidings glad,
That would benefit entire mankind…
Help us trace and find,
That which is unconfined, well defined, and truly refined,
Oh! 2012 shows us a way to consciously realign,
Lead us on to delve,
In the realm of the Divine…
Oh! 2012, I offer you and myself, at Beloved Bhagawan's cherished Lotus Feet, even as the dawn of your much awaited arrival, I do greet.
The 'I', 'me', and 'myself', here refers to all of Creation – the silent mineral world, sweetly perfumed flowers, creepers, plants and trees, insects, birds and bees, all animals both great and small, dainty ducks, graceful swans and cackling geese, mighty snow capped mountains and fertile fields, the Sun, Moon and the Stars, as well as fluffy clouds, the strong gale and the soft breeze, colourful aquatic creatures, gurgling brooks, refreshing waterfalls, rivers and the seas, the human race, as well as all beings the Universe through…Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth too…together 'I and me' becomes 'us' and 'we'…
The 'I', 'me', and 'myself', here refers to all of Creation – the silent mineral world, sweetly perfumed flowers, creepers, plants and trees, insects, birds and bees, all animals both great and small, dainty ducks, graceful swans and cackling geese, mighty snow capped mountains and fertile fields, the Sun, Moon and the Stars, as well as fluffy clouds, the strong gale and the soft breeze, colourful aquatic creatures, gurgling brooks, refreshing waterfalls, rivers and the seas, the human race, as well as all beings the Universe through…Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth too…together 'I and me' becomes 'us' and 'we'…
For that 'us' the Cosmos through, upon the canvas of 2012, from Beloved Bhagawan, I seek Soft Strokes and Prolific Grace of Immeasurable Worth and an Abundance of which there is no dearth.
All of Creation, represents waves being tossed about upon the Ocean of Existence, the pendulum swings beyond pretense, each wave seeks the Merciful Shores of Compassion, so as to evolve through Expansion of Consciousness, that growth, that advancement, that comes only out of Constant Integrated Awareness and an Extension of Perception.
Oh! 2012, with palms joint in prayer and a soul deep in communion, Creation prays for you and itself, asking of the Higher Self – for thoughts, words and deeds, events, circumstances, experiences both individual and collective, which will gloriously reveal truth, express love, ensure peace, an expansion of consciousness, enhancing compassion, augmenting harmony, a spirit of amity, a cosmic fraternity…
Come let us pray, aesthetically comply, please the One Who always listens and is forever nearby, let our earnest intentions ring across the etheric sky –
Oh! Beloved Mother Sai,
We, Your children,
Long overwhelmingly to see You,
Till such a time You deem us worthy,
Of such an exclusive sight,
Till the moment is blessed and right,
Award us a deep insight,
May we soak in the delight of Thy radiant light,
May we be permitted to delve,
And sustain the bliss of Thy Formless Self…
Oh! Beloved Mother Sai,
We, Your children,
Long overwhelmingly to see You,
Till such a time You deem us worthy,
Of such an exclusive sight,
Till the moment is blessed and right,
Award us a deep insight,
May we soak in the delight of Thy radiant light,
May we be permitted to delve,
And sustain the bliss of Thy Formless Self…
Oh! Loving God Most High,
Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai,
We yearn and yearn to hear You,
That unforgettable distinct voice,
That does within us divine feelings imbue,
Though we know we are never without You,
Until You allow us to so do,
Of Thy silence ever so profound, explicit and meaningful,
Grant us an understanding accurate and true…
Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai,
We yearn and yearn to hear You,
That unforgettable distinct voice,
That does within us divine feelings imbue,
Though we know we are never without You,
Until You allow us to so do,
Of Thy silence ever so profound, explicit and meaningful,
Grant us an understanding accurate and true…
Oh! Most Cherished Divine Mother,
We want You and none other,
You we have solely chosen as our Friend, Guide,
Father and Mother,
Interactions with You is our soul's sole desire,
Bless us that it should so transpire,
Come reveal Yourself to us all,
Even as we await from Thee,
An assenting response, yielding to our adoring call,
Our forceful plea, intent and intense,
Permit us until then,
To rejoice in the joy of Thy Omnipresence…
We want You and none other,
You we have solely chosen as our Friend, Guide,
Father and Mother,
Interactions with You is our soul's sole desire,
Bless us that it should so transpire,
Come reveal Yourself to us all,
Even as we await from Thee,
An assenting response, yielding to our adoring call,
Our forceful plea, intent and intense,
Permit us until then,
To rejoice in the joy of Thy Omnipresence…
Children of Mother Sai, Brothers and Sisters the Universe through – A 'Sai Conscious' 2012 to all of you. Consciously aware of Sai may all be, may His love flow to you and through you too…may He reveal Himself to You and through you…
Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu…
I Firmly Believe…
Sunday, January 1st, 2012
It's New Year 2012. For everyone who wants to start the New Year with Beloved Mother Sai, here is a prayer to beseech Him, penned by none other than Him alone, our Beloved Mother Sai. Imagine our Beloved Mother Sai preparing a greeting card especially for you wishing you Happy New Year…and penning a prayer inside the card with endearing words, "My dear one! Begin the New Year with the above Prayer." And our vision does not end there, He inundates you with more love and blessings with the magic message: "Endowed with long life and sound health, surrounded by children, grandchildren and friends, keep on imbibing joy through devotion and wisdom. I bless that your days be spent in the service of Sarveshwara, the Lord of All. Spend your life in abundant peace and happiness." Our Beloved Bhagawan did exactly the same with Prof. Kasturi. It was five decades ago, way back in 1960, that Bhagawan greeted His chosen devotees in His own inimitable style. The story does not end there.
The Lord did not just hand over this poem to Prof. Kasturi when he came for His blessings on the dawn of the New Year day; on the contrary, the Greeting Card came gleefully to Prof. Kasturi searching for him. The Sweet Lord had sent the card through someone to be dropped in Bukkapatnam, five miles away the previous day, though the addressee was living five metres away! Recalling that momentous morning, Prof. Kasturi writes, "When the Blessing was delivered by the postman along with other mail, the surprise, the thrill, the gratitude and the yearning to express it direct to Him, rendered me incapable of speech or movement."
I firmly believe there is none kinder than You,
to shower Grace on me.
Tell me, is this not the reason why
I am at Your Lotus Feet?
to shower Grace on me.
Tell me, is this not the reason why
I am at Your Lotus Feet?
I firmly believe You will respond quick
When I do pray and plead.
Tell me, is this not the reason why
I am crying aloud for You?
When I do pray and plead.
Tell me, is this not the reason why
I am crying aloud for You?
I firmly believe You are ever beside me
To guide my steps aright.
Tell me, is this not the reason why
I am Yours thro' day and night?
To guide my steps aright.
Tell me, is this not the reason why
I am Yours thro' day and night?
I firmly believe You can never say 'No'
Whatever I ask from You.
Tell me, is this not the reason why
I long for a glance from You?
Whatever I ask from You.
Tell me, is this not the reason why
I long for a glance from You?
What have You designed for me this time?
Why this dire delay to offer boons?
However long You make me wait and wail
I will not leave. I will be standing still
Until Your loving eyes do turn to me.
Why this dire delay to offer boons?
However long You make me wait and wail
I will not leave. I will be standing still
Until Your loving eyes do turn to me.
II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
Attachment(s) from Deepak Arjandas Bharwani
1 of 1 Photo(s)
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