On 31st Dec`2011, Sai Baba's Samadhi Temple`Shirdi was kept open for devotees the whole Night
so that all of them who had reached Shirdi for New-years Eve, could have Baba's Darshan.
As a result there was no Shej Aarti on 31st Dec`2011
nor was there Baba's Kakad Aarti on 01st Jan`2012.
Sai Bhajans were sung live, through out the night by various singers.
And as the Clock Struck Midnight, Bells were Rung continuously
while all devotees voiced out "Shri Sachchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!"
Laddu Prasad was sold through out the 31st night for which an extra 2 quintals of Laddu's were specially made
and no VIP Darshan Passes were issued on 25th & 31st Dec`2011, 01st & 02nd Jan`2012.
As there was a huge rush of devotees, the Shirdi Sansthan had made arrangements for their stay.
Awnings, Beds and Tents were put up in approx 61,000 sr.ft area in the open area of the 'Sainagar' Field,
the parking lots of the new 'Bhakt Niwas' & the 'Sai Prasad Bhakt Niwas'.
Apart from these, lodging arrangements were also made for the devotees,
in the rooms of the Sansthan's Educational Complex Buildings.
In the additional Lodging, next to the new 'Bhakt Niwas'
arrangements were made for Prasad Meals for the convenience of the devotees.
On 1st Jan`2012 alone a record 4 lakh devotees visited Shirdi for Baba's Darshan
and to clear such extra rush of passengers, the Central Railway (CR)
ran a "Shraddha Special" between Mumbai and Sainagar Shirdi,
on the intervening night of 31st Dec`2011 - 01st Jan`2012
From 23rd Dec`2011 to 01st Jan`2012, a record donation worth Rs 14 crore 60 lakhs was made at the Shrine.
The donations included Rs.11 crore Cash, 1.25 kg Gold and 13.5 kg Silver.
According to the annual report of the Shirdi temple for the year 2010-11, the temple has come to amass a huge fortune
with its investment in fixed deposits with banks and government securities exceeding Rs.500 crore mark as of 31st March`2011.
The temple has Fixed Deposits with various nationalised banks worth Rs.466 crore,
while it has invested Rs 40.84 crore in Kisan Vikas Patra
and Rs.22 crore in Government Bonds aggregating to about Rs.529 crore.
Besides, the Shrine has 300 kgs gold worth approx Rs.28 crore,
3,000 kg silver worth approx Rs.4 crore & in 2011 alone it got Rs 250 crore in donations,
apart from some other valuables like precious stones, copper and brass objects.
1) Live Darshan of Sai Baba on New Years Eve Midnight
2) Shirdi on New Years Eve.
3) Record Donations made in Shirdi this Festive Season.
A wOman while traveling in the mOuntains fOund a preciOus StOne in a stream.
The next day she met anOther Traveler whO was Hungry,
sO she Opened her Bag tO share her fOOd.
The Hungry Man saw the preciOus StOne & asked the wOman tO give it to him.
She did sO withOut any hesitatiOn.
The traveler left rejOicing On his gOOd fOrtune as
he knew the StOne was wOrth enOugh tO give him Security for a Lifetime.
But, a few days later, he came back to return the StOne to the wOman.
He Said: "I've been thinking, I knOw hOw valuable this StOne is,
but I return it back,
in the hOpe that yOu can give me sOmething even mOre preciOus.
Give me what yOu have WITHIN yOu that enabled yOu to give me this StOne !
sOmetimes it's nOt the Wealth yOu have Outside
but what's Inside yOu, that Others Need !!!
Blessed tO be Messed
- rOhit
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