| | From the Heart  | | Sreemayee - From Here Unto Eternity There could be no describable pain, ever, as excruciating as that of losing a daughter and an only child. Plucked out prematurely from a Life of Hope and Promise, which was only intending to enrich and exalt Life itself, it just did not add up right. For someone, who wished only the best for everybody and everything she encountered, Happiness for All, being the aim of her existence, Life certainly lost out, with this untimely passing. There is a peculiarity in such a Passing. What is no longer there, now, is almost everywhere. The existence from a given place moves to become existent in every thing you think, speak or do. An All Pervasiveness is now an experiential reality. Sreemayee was born into this world by Divine Will and as it now seems, only for a Divine Purpose. She was put into a Medical Undergraduate Course, pulled out from an Arts Course she was studying for. Her JeJe Baba did so. While she loved her new pursuit, the medical education journey was arduous. Her becoming an Anaesthetist was intrinsically linked to Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani. In Sanjeevani she found the Purpose of Her Pursuit. Her Life itself. A new equation emerged. 'Sreemayee - Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani - Swami'. These were three components, soon merging into One. She was no ordinary young Doctor. In every patient she first saw a Person. She sought to look beyond the anatomy of the body, the physiology of the heart as an organ. She was a keen student with a different approach. Different from the way Medicine is taught in Medical Schools. Different from the Way it is practised in Hospitals. Sathya Sai Sanjeevani being unique that it is a Totally Free of Cost Institution was her Universe to blend Health, Heart, and Humanity. Children were her World. Not surprising she remained one. She firmly believed All Life was Divine and sought to find it in Her Work. To me, Sreemayee epitomised Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani. She defined it. She is, what it stands for. Sanjeevani is not just a Leading Paediatric Cardiac Hospital. It just doesn't provide Cardiac care and train doctors. It is not just an Institute of Service. Sathya Sai Sanjeevani is Life. It is why we were born and why we believe every one is born for. It saves lives as much as it makes lives. There is none like it that I have known. Just like Sreemayee, Sanjeevani defines Life as it gives Life to Lives. Many who will go forth to fill our World with Beauty and Goodness. To that Great End Sanjeevani strives every day with each Member of it's Marvellous Team. Selfless and Relentless. Like Sreemayee - from Here unto Eternity. C. Sreenivas Chairman | | Sreemayee with Her JeJe Baba | | "When heart misses a beat!!" It is indeed making my heart sob,forehead sweat,eyes weep and hands tremble and quiver as I write this note.Yet, this is written to express my loving offering ,only because she loved this Newsletter and the people who read it . "This Heart-Beat was Her Heartbeat", as she always said. She was an amalgamation of (S)piritual , (R)ealistic, (E)nvisioned, (E)nthusiastic, (M)ethodical and Modern, (A)rtistic, (Y)earned, (E)verhelping and (E)mpowered bundle of preciousness. Together,we had the opportunity to live in a town for a few years when we shared books,cooked yummy food,played with pets,had pragmatic discussions on politics and life's twists and turns,sang bhajans to heart's content,watched her favourite comedy shows,chatted endlessly about anything and everything not realising dawn and dusk, helped in the thesis making ,lent each other shoulders in times of need and rejoiced success and happy times. Little did I realise then, all these would be imprinted in the history and we were making memories for life. She left behind her footprints- Of love in each of our hearts, Of care on all the pets or dogs she loved the most, Of friendship on all her fond mates, Of patience with all the struggles and obstacles given to her by life, Of adoration for nature, Of meticulous art etched on the walls of fame, Of the nobility and doctrine towards patients Of equal respect and love towards humanity,either rich or poor,intellectual or illiterate and importantly to all the people who worked under her.. She is a winner of all our hearts and has always been one!! Miss you darling,Sreemayee!! Dr Sai Sujana "Flower in the Garden of God" She was never born, and never died. She was, is and will always be a Flower in the Garden of God. She is always the fragrance of The Eternal SELF. Our love Dimitris and Ioanna Mexis | Sreemayee! You were my first friend at Sanjeevani. You were an incredibly simple girl who did not care much about superficial things like clothes, jewellery and fashion. You would say " Fashion is what seems beautiful now but looks ugly later; art can be ugly at first but it becomes beautiful later". You left in the middle of a story. A story you were helping your dad write. A story in which you were a central character. It is left to those who have outlived you to complete this story. You will continue to inspire. I feel cheated that you were taken away so soon, and yet I will have to learn to be grateful that you came along at all. Sreemayee! You are a hole in my life, a black hole. Anything I place there cannot be returned. I miss you terribly. Dr Ashish Katewa
"Remembering Sreemyaee" Her life defined direction. She had been blessed with a purpose. Her life's work was the assemblage of activities that allowed her to express her intelligence and creativity, living in accordance with her values, and experiencing the profound joy of simply being herself. She lived her life with the true potential, with intent and passion, a more authentic, driven life. Taking stock of her strengths, passions, beliefs and values, her love for a pursuit gave it meaning. This uniqueness Sreemayee, that defined you, also defined your purpose and your ability to endure and keep the faith strong. You are always with us, igniting our lives and fueling our passions. Sairam! Mr Sathyan Bala "A Beautiful Soul" A Beautiful soul, She will always be remembered for Her good deeds. Humbleness- was her identification and Sreemayee is Our source of Inspiration. Dr Balswaroop Sahu
Sreemayee has been a truly Divine Child! Her untiring, relentless efforts for the cause of Sai Sanjeevani, at such a young age, with an effervescent smile, always reassuring the accomplices. Tributes to her Divine Soul is by carrying forwards Sai Sanjeevani Mission. Dr Yogesh Sathe | | "Homage to Dr Sreemayee" Sreemayee, born to serve the Lord.. Saw in granny Dr Rajeswari her Role Model.. From Mother Shalini she inherited beauty and grace.. And a heart so pure it was God's Dwelling Place.. From Father Sreenivas she inherited fire and grit And a smiling face with a never say die spirit MBBS she sailed through with aplomb and ease. And finished an MD too in Anasthesia soon And a Fellowship in Paediatric Cardiac Anasthesia to boot! She wasted not a moment.. and plunged into work.. Helped mend little hearts in India and abroad too! Winning the hearts of grateful parents who extolled Her healing touch and care, for their little ones in her fold.. Hospital management too came naturally to her.. For it was in her very blood like Gran before her.. A speaker par excellence indeed was she.. What joy it was to hear Dr Sreemayi Compere the Inaugural Med Meet at Mumbai! Full of life, full of zest- to love and to serve.. Sprinkling love, joy and laughter on all who came her way.. Mother Earth was so proud of her little doctor daughter But then the Gods in Heaven wanted her too.. And so she has moved on to do the Lords work In those unseen, wondrous dimensions beyond. We, left behind, pay homage to her.. As Baba leads her to those worlds further Godspeed Dearest Sreemayee As you journey ahead We love you! We are proud of you! And we are blessed to have known you.. Jai Sairam! Dr Hiramalini Seshadri | Tribute to Sreemayee We just have to lend our ears for a brief moment and Sreemayee will tell us, "Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry; I am not there. I did not Die." Sreemayee will now be The Eternal Light that glints on our Green Plains The Rainbow that appears amidst the Thunderous rain Our Hospital Paths resound with her determined footfalls She Smiles gently in the Blossoms that adorn our Walls She is integrated in every Sanjeevani Particle, Large and Small When you walked the Earth, You were Sreemayee, Now that you walk on Water, You Live Eternally as Sanjeevani, Au Revoir Sreemayee, We will meet again! Dr Ragini Pandey Sreemayee - As unique as her name, and as strong as it means! Young, creative, capable, energetic, the adjectives can go on..But what makes us love her and miss her is her genuine warmth and affection, the respect she had for a fellow human being and the care she so generously showered on all around her. She embraced every member of the Sanjeevani family and made us all a part of her life . She shared her plans for the organisation, inspired and motivated one and all, leaving behind a bit of her dreams in each one of us. Let's steadfastly work for her aspirations, for the cause, for Sreemayee! Dr Rashmi & Dr Madhu | | Rani Kumari was the Last Life that Sreemayee physically touched before she Merged with The Divine and started Pouring Eternal Love on us all, as we still continue to wish for Her Presence. | | If we only we could be consoled! If only our Love could be expressed in any other way! We write for you, We pray for you, We think of you and We Love you, like you taught us! Sanjeevani Family writes for Our Sreemayee! | | As we write, still reeling from the tragic demise of dear Dr Sreemayee, we are shocked, scared and angered at His unfairness that took her away from us. We seek to make sense of this, to understand the reason why this happened. What plan could this have been a part of, what possible meaning can we deduce from this? Well meaning people will tell us that it is all part of God's plan, or that this was just her time to go, that she is in a better place at the lotus feet of the Almighty. But we cry out that while God certainly knows his plan, we do not. But it is certainly a huge loss for Sanjeevani family. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers, and as difficult and painful as it is, we must accept it. As a family, as friends, as a community, we express our sadness, we lament our loss, acknowledge the great importance of Sreemayee's role in a short life, and the loss to us all that her passing away brings. Unfortunately tears cant build a stairway right up to heaven, hence, it is better to realize that those who are done with the job here will receive a call which one cannot refuse. But the memories, moralities, and more than anything else, the richness of her smile shall prevail in our hearts and she will live on in the continuation of this mission of healing hearts and touching needy lives all over the county as well as the world. Dr Atul and Shruti Prabhu Sairam Sreemayi, You have touched our lives with all your love and gentleness , thus you have a very special place in our hearts. You were one amongst our children,we miss our innocent child. Your left your foot prints in our hearts, your love and memories come pouring down throughout our lives. We remember your dreams and your earnest strenuous efforts for the development of Sai Sanjeevani. With your inspiration, we live to make your dreams come true. Mr Venkat and Mrs Jyotsna I have learned that friendship isn't about who you've known the longest, it's about who came, helped and gave you a second chance at life. I truly believe that Sreemayee was a gift from God who came into our lives at exactly the time we needed her most and changed everyone's life completely. Our faith is certainly tested at times like this and it is difficult to understand a loss like this, but we need to be mindful of the true blessing that she was to us. It is said that "Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted." I pray that God will bless Sreemayee and may her soul rest in peace . Dr Deepjit Bhuyan Dearest Sreemayee, You came in like a shooting star, lighting up our lives & hearts. We are so privileged to have spent precious time with you here at Palwal. We take this opportunity to recommit ourselves to this most glorious mission that you held so dear to your heart, keeping the Sanjeevani flame forever glowing in your Sanctum. May you rest peacefully at the Divine Lotus Feet of your Beloved Jeje Baba. Your Loving Sanjeevani Palwal Family.
"Indomitable Spirit" Sreemayee was the Heart Beat of Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospitals. No one had ever dreamt that she would leave for the eternal abode at the age of 32. This is an irreparable loss to the Sanjeevani family. Nevertheless, her Simplicity, Dynamism and Indomitable Spirit will continue to act as a source of Inspiration for good. Mr Ajoy Shroff | | Ms Shelly Gupta pens down a Poem for Sreemayee | | The Sanjeevani Impact Factor | | Patient then - Medical Student Now! The Impact Assessment Model of Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospitals with the purpose of having intervened at all the physical, financial, educational, social and transformational aspects of a family's journey. Priya, a young girl of 12 was treated at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Atal Nagar in the year 2013. Today, after 6 years, Priya is a Medical Student in Russia. Her father who owns a Pharmacy on his name, named it Sri Sathya Sai Medicals after the Hospital and have expressed their heartfelt gratitude towards the hospital. The family believes that their child who got the Gift of Life should be able to cure and heal many other lives. The Impact Assessment Interview has been started at Sai Sanjeevani Centres to have a relationship with each child and family beyond the Medical and Surgical services provided at the Centres. It is that very love that connects us with each child and each family. | | Sanjeevani at Palwal heals its Youngest The Palwal Sanjeevani Center has performed a Cath Intervention on the smallest child till date in the Centre. Baby Archit was all of 1 month and 3.2Kg when he arrived at the centre. Archit arrived with Critical Pulmonary Valvular Stenosis with RV dysfunction. Baby was desaturating around 70%, due to mixing at ASD level and the input blood was unable to pump forward from Right ventricle to the Pulmonary artery, due to the baby being critically stenosed Pulmonary valve. Archit was immediately admitted to the pre-Cath ward. After explaining the risks involved to his family, he was taken up for balloon dilatation of Pulmonary Valve the next morning. We tried the usual femoral venous approach for Pulmonary arterial entry but couldn't succeed due to hypertrophied RV. Hence, neck line approach ( Right internal jugular venous approach) entry across Pulmonary valve was tried that successfully crossed guidewire and over it, balloon catheter into the Pulmonary artery. Balloon dilatation of this critically stenosed Pulmonary valve was achieved with excellent results where the preballoon gradient of 75 mmHg decreased to 5mmHg post ballooning. Baby was finally extubated after 4 hours of ventilation in Critical Care Unit. Archit started regular feeding pattern by next 6 hours and he was discharged after 24 hours. Lives such as Archit's matter to us at Sanjeevani and each one of them makes us realise the Mission and help us take our steps ahead. | | For little Shrestha from Nepal, Sanjeevani was where he smiled the most. His parents who are farmers and run a little grocery store, Care and Love that Sanjeevani gives according to them, "what we can only imagine to give him. We will never forget Sanjeevani. This is his Second Home." As he prepared to go home, he was all giggles. Children can make us smile and in Sanjeevani, that happens to be every single moment, Pristine and Precious. | | Our Little Girl - From Nigeria Oluwatunmininu Adeola, a little less than 2 Years is a child much awaited by the parents for a little over 9 years. When they found that the child had Congenital Heart Disease, the parents reached out to Sai Sanjeevani this year after multiple visits to the local doctors at Nigeria. The mother confesses that she did not smile when they arrived at Sanjeevani but breaks into a smile with relief now that their daughter is healthy and healed. As they hug each of the Sanjeevani Family while leaving, our hearts are filled with more Love and Hope as we are ready to continue on this relentless Mission of Healing Little Hearts. | | All Services Rendered Absolutely Free of Charge | | | Of the Heart  | | We present to you a consolidated report of all the work done at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Centers for Child Heart Care at Atal Nagar, Chhattisgarh & Palwal, Haryana. To offer a little perspective, the numbers you see are not mere figures representing the volume of work being done. What you see is workings of a magnificent system running on an ethereal force beginning with a group of individuals whose choice was to commit to the mission of lightening the burden of Congenital Heart Disease, to the hospitals that provide this care and finally to the child that has been healed. To us these are not just numbers, they are promises of a healthier world. | | Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani so far | | OPD Consultations 77,231 2299 done in March 2019 Children Screened 70,210 2633 done in March 2019 | Surgical & Cath Procedures 8605 287 done in March 2019 Pregnant Mother Screened 12,734 2138 done in March 2019 | | Children Awaiting Treatment 33,216 As of 31st March 2019 | | PEDIATRIC CARDIAC Specialty Clinic for March 2019 | | PEDIATRIC CARDIAC CATH Work for February 2019 | | PEDIATRIC CARDIAC SURGERIES - MARCH 2019 | | The Growing Need for Sai Sanjeevani As on 31st March 2019 | | When a Child arrives at Sai Sanjeevani, it goes through an extensive diagnostic examination. The team of Cardiologists do an exemplary job of taking care of these children, infusing them and their families with a sense of hope and promise. We believe, 33,216 times the Divine has given opportunity to Serve and address His Will so far. The number, though daunting, only serves to re-enforce an energy and commitment to the Mission. | | Divine Mother and Child Health Program | | | Launch of DMCHP in Gulbarga District With blessings of our dearest swami, Ante Natal Care as part of Divine Mother and Child Health Programme was launched in Gulbarga District Karnataka. We have adopted 7 Primary Health Care Centres where Specialist care is being provided to expecting mothers along with SaiSure- Multi Nutrient Supplement. This is a beautiful collaboration between Sarkar(Government), Samaj(Specilaist doctors and volunteers) and Sanstha(Sanjeevani hospital) to bring quality care to the doorstep of the villagers | | Anganwadi Sevikas Training and Felicitation The third training session for Anganwadi Sevikas was successfully completed at Sai Sanjeevani Kharghar Centre. The session was attended by Mr Gopi Naidu who was gracious to give away Certificates of Appreciation to Sevikas who have completed more than 30 Years of Service. | | All Services Rendered Absolutely Free of Charge | | | | | An Initiative Started by the Sai Sanjeevani team, to collect paintings, drawings, or sketches, old or new to adorn the walls of the hospitals, not just to add colour but as a sacrosanct therapy of the soul. | | | | Medical Fellowship Programs | | Fellowship Programs in the fields of Paediatric Cardiac Surgery, Paediatric Cardiac Anaesthesia and Critical Care and Paediatric Cardiology and intervention along with certificate courses in Perfusion Studies, new session begins in Fall, August 2019. | | | | | | | |
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