The revealing story of Shiv Yogi Maharaj 1
The picture of the altar that drew my attention to the saint...
Source: aravindb1982
It was by coincidence that I came to know about a certain Shiv Yogi Maharaj. But as I have repeatedly realized, nothing in life is ever a coincidence. What piqued my interest in this saint is the association he shared with Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, our beloved Swami. The story that I was blessed to hear is so beautiful and sweet that it must be shared with one and all to partake.
The story has a kind of funny beginning if I may say so. For more than a year, when Swami was granting darshan in His physical frame, there was a person who used to offer a chocolate to me with a smiling "Sairam". This happened almost every time I met him after the session in the mandir. I did not know who this person was, but I used to enjoy his 'sweet' treatment. The acquaintance grew into a warm friendship and one day he told me that I should visit his house. It was only then that I came to know that his name was Sarvajyoti Arora.
I visited his home and was at once struck by the many pictures of Swami from which vibhuti was flowing out. Amidst all these pictures was a picture of a saint who looked like some Sikh guru. There was vibhuti coming from that picture too. There was another picture of the same saint on which was written the word, "Sairam". I asked Sarvajyoti as to who wrote that word.
"Maharaj wrote that when I asked him to sign a photograph for me. He said that there is no name better than that for him to write. Shiv Yogi Maharaj is my guru who led me to Swami."
That was what ignited me to probe more into the story of this Maharaj and what Sarvajyoti told me, simply took my breath away. I wanted to write about the story long ago but I felt that maybe it was not appropriate. However, during this recent trip to the Himalayas, we visited a friend's home in Delhi. While having lunch, I once again saw the picture of this saint, framed and hanging on the wall. My enquiries revealed a few more details about him. Now, I felt compelled to write the story and that is the first thing I am doing after returning from the trip.
In an interview at Brindavan, the ashram in Whitefield, Bangalore, Swami asked a lady as to what her plans were. This was in the summer of 1993. She replied that she would be visiting Delhi.
"And what will you do there?"
"Swami I plan to visit some relatives, do some sight-seeing and do some shopping."
"What else?"
"Ah yes! I also plan to visit a certain Shiv Yogi Maharaj, Swami."
"Ask him why he has not come to meet me yet!"
That was duly conveyed to Maharaj and he immediately set about planning a trip to see Swami. He said,
"It is not right that we keep the Lord waiting."
Thus, in the same summer of 1993 he landed in Bangalore with a few of his chelas (disciples). One Thursday, his entourage visited Whitefield, Brindavan where Swami was granting darshan. Entering the grounds, Maharaj simply walked into the rows of devotees and sat there. His chelas wanted to procure a special seating for him but he simply refused saying,
"Everyone is equal in the home of the Lord."
The gentle smile on Maharaj's face seemed to spread a glow and carry a halo about it. The Sevadal volunteers simply called him aside and let him in first into the Sai Ramesh hall. Soon, the darshan music began and with that, an amazing story of Love, Grace and Divinity too had its beginning!
As soon as Swami came into the hall, He asked for a chair to be placed for the saint to sit on. This was a 'VIP treatment' that not many are accorded. After the session, Swami ensured that a special place was allocated to Maharaj to stay just behind His residence in Trayee Brindavan. Thus it was that Maharaj became a guest of Swami. Days passed this way and two students were allocated to even take care of Maharaj's dietary and other needs.
One day, Maharaj told his chela,
"We devotees have to serve the Lord. Instead, we are here simply enjoying His hospitality. This does not seem right. Let us take permission and leave."
Within 15 minutes of Maharaj saying that, there was a knock on the door. It was a student who had come with a message from Swami.
"Swami says that you should not make any plans to leave. Swami will see you tomorrow."
The story has a kind of funny beginning if I may say so. For more than a year, when Swami was granting darshan in His physical frame, there was a person who used to offer a chocolate to me with a smiling "Sairam". This happened almost every time I met him after the session in the mandir. I did not know who this person was, but I used to enjoy his 'sweet' treatment. The acquaintance grew into a warm friendship and one day he told me that I should visit his house. It was only then that I came to know that his name was Sarvajyoti Arora.
I visited his home and was at once struck by the many pictures of Swami from which vibhuti was flowing out. Amidst all these pictures was a picture of a saint who looked like some Sikh guru. There was vibhuti coming from that picture too. There was another picture of the same saint on which was written the word, "Sairam". I asked Sarvajyoti as to who wrote that word.
"Maharaj wrote that when I asked him to sign a photograph for me. He said that there is no name better than that for him to write. Shiv Yogi Maharaj is my guru who led me to Swami."
That was what ignited me to probe more into the story of this Maharaj and what Sarvajyoti told me, simply took my breath away. I wanted to write about the story long ago but I felt that maybe it was not appropriate. However, during this recent trip to the Himalayas, we visited a friend's home in Delhi. While having lunch, I once again saw the picture of this saint, framed and hanging on the wall. My enquiries revealed a few more details about him. Now, I felt compelled to write the story and that is the first thing I am doing after returning from the trip.
In an interview at Brindavan, the ashram in Whitefield, Bangalore, Swami asked a lady as to what her plans were. This was in the summer of 1993. She replied that she would be visiting Delhi.
"And what will you do there?"
"Swami I plan to visit some relatives, do some sight-seeing and do some shopping."
"What else?"
"Ah yes! I also plan to visit a certain Shiv Yogi Maharaj, Swami."
"Ask him why he has not come to meet me yet!"
That was duly conveyed to Maharaj and he immediately set about planning a trip to see Swami. He said,
"It is not right that we keep the Lord waiting."
Thus, in the same summer of 1993 he landed in Bangalore with a few of his chelas (disciples). One Thursday, his entourage visited Whitefield, Brindavan where Swami was granting darshan. Entering the grounds, Maharaj simply walked into the rows of devotees and sat there. His chelas wanted to procure a special seating for him but he simply refused saying,
"Everyone is equal in the home of the Lord."
The gentle smile on Maharaj's face seemed to spread a glow and carry a halo about it. The Sevadal volunteers simply called him aside and let him in first into the Sai Ramesh hall. Soon, the darshan music began and with that, an amazing story of Love, Grace and Divinity too had its beginning!
As soon as Swami came into the hall, He asked for a chair to be placed for the saint to sit on. This was a 'VIP treatment' that not many are accorded. After the session, Swami ensured that a special place was allocated to Maharaj to stay just behind His residence in Trayee Brindavan. Thus it was that Maharaj became a guest of Swami. Days passed this way and two students were allocated to even take care of Maharaj's dietary and other needs.
One day, Maharaj told his chela,
"We devotees have to serve the Lord. Instead, we are here simply enjoying His hospitality. This does not seem right. Let us take permission and leave."
Within 15 minutes of Maharaj saying that, there was a knock on the door. It was a student who had come with a message from Swami.
"Swami says that you should not make any plans to leave. Swami will see you tomorrow."
The Trayee Brindavan residence of Swami in Bangalore where the divine encounter took place...
Source: aravindb1982
That was all the answer that was needed and the party stayed on. The next day, as He had promised, Swami called the Maharaj for an interview. There was a foreigners' group also that had been called in. Swami told an elderly person from the foreigners' group to sit at one end of a long sofa. At the other end, which was close to His chair, Swami wanted Maharaj to sit. That was done and the memorable interview began.
Swami was speaking to the international group in English but in between He would turn to the saint and speak to him in Hindi. Looking lovingly and compassionately into his eyes, Swami said,
"I am so happy today. I have been waiting to see you from so long. Why did you take such a long time to come?"
"Lord! As soon as you called, I came. It is all your mercy!"
The interaction was reminiscent of the one between Lord Krishna and his dear friend Sudama. Swami then turned to the group and continued speaking in English. After a while, He turned to Maharaj and pointed to his neck.
"What is it that you are wearing there?"
It was a Rudraksha bead that Maharaj always wore. When it was exposed and shown to Swami, He said,
"Why do you wear that? That is needed only for the spiritual aspirants. You are beyond all that. You need not wear this. Take it out."
The chela helped Maharaj take out the Rudraksha bead as Swami continued to talk to the Westerners. The next time He looked at Maharaj, He asked with all love,
"I will give you a watch. Will you wear it?"
To this Maharaj said that he usually did not wear anything on his wrists. Swami smiled and then drew back both the cuffs of His robe. He said sweetly,
"See! I too don't wear anything on my wrists! Watches are only for those that are bound by time. They are not for those that have transcended it!"
Saying that, Swami waved His hand and materialized a watch nevertheless. He gifted the same to the elderly person sitting at the other end of the sofa. Swami was very happy and two more times mentioned to the saint as to how happy He was to see him. It was then time for the personal interview. One by one, the devotees were called into the inner interview room. When Maharaj was called in, Swami asked for another chair to be brought in. The small room had only one sofa and Swami almost picked up a chair by Himself. It was at this time that the chelasof the saint carried in the chair. Swami wanted the chair to be placed by His side.
Swami slid His hand into the hand of the saint. The fingers of the hand had been bent permanently. This had happened because the saint had incessantly done Namajapa or chanting the divine name with a rosary for more than 21 years! Swami was full of love and concern and He said,
"Why did you have to do this? Not needed at all. Not needed for you at all."
With that, Swami slowly massaged his hands and straightened them in a trice! If the bent hands were proof of the devotee's intense sadhana and incessant chanting of the Lord's name, the now straightened hands heralded the Lord's love for the devotee. There is a famous song that states that the Lord is the servitor of His devotee and Swami gave a new dimension to that aspect.
What else happened in that loving interaction is not known, but as the interview concluded and all came out, Swami asked Maharaj,
"Will you wear orange robe?"
Maharaj used to wear a pink robe with a pink dhoti and a pink turban. He said that he was ready to do anything that pleased Swami. Swami gave him a robe and a dhoti. Smiling He further said,
"Get an orange turban made for yourself!"
Swami was speaking to the international group in English but in between He would turn to the saint and speak to him in Hindi. Looking lovingly and compassionately into his eyes, Swami said,
"I am so happy today. I have been waiting to see you from so long. Why did you take such a long time to come?"
"Lord! As soon as you called, I came. It is all your mercy!"
The interaction was reminiscent of the one between Lord Krishna and his dear friend Sudama. Swami then turned to the group and continued speaking in English. After a while, He turned to Maharaj and pointed to his neck.
"What is it that you are wearing there?"
It was a Rudraksha bead that Maharaj always wore. When it was exposed and shown to Swami, He said,
"Why do you wear that? That is needed only for the spiritual aspirants. You are beyond all that. You need not wear this. Take it out."
The chela helped Maharaj take out the Rudraksha bead as Swami continued to talk to the Westerners. The next time He looked at Maharaj, He asked with all love,
"I will give you a watch. Will you wear it?"
To this Maharaj said that he usually did not wear anything on his wrists. Swami smiled and then drew back both the cuffs of His robe. He said sweetly,
"See! I too don't wear anything on my wrists! Watches are only for those that are bound by time. They are not for those that have transcended it!"
Saying that, Swami waved His hand and materialized a watch nevertheless. He gifted the same to the elderly person sitting at the other end of the sofa. Swami was very happy and two more times mentioned to the saint as to how happy He was to see him. It was then time for the personal interview. One by one, the devotees were called into the inner interview room. When Maharaj was called in, Swami asked for another chair to be brought in. The small room had only one sofa and Swami almost picked up a chair by Himself. It was at this time that the chelasof the saint carried in the chair. Swami wanted the chair to be placed by His side.
Swami slid His hand into the hand of the saint. The fingers of the hand had been bent permanently. This had happened because the saint had incessantly done Namajapa or chanting the divine name with a rosary for more than 21 years! Swami was full of love and concern and He said,
"Why did you have to do this? Not needed at all. Not needed for you at all."
With that, Swami slowly massaged his hands and straightened them in a trice! If the bent hands were proof of the devotee's intense sadhana and incessant chanting of the Lord's name, the now straightened hands heralded the Lord's love for the devotee. There is a famous song that states that the Lord is the servitor of His devotee and Swami gave a new dimension to that aspect.
What else happened in that loving interaction is not known, but as the interview concluded and all came out, Swami asked Maharaj,
"Will you wear orange robe?"
Maharaj used to wear a pink robe with a pink dhoti and a pink turban. He said that he was ready to do anything that pleased Swami. Swami gave him a robe and a dhoti. Smiling He further said,
"Get an orange turban made for yourself!"
The picture of Shiv Yogi Maharaj at Sarvajyoti's home in Puttaparthi
Source: aravindb1982
"It is now time to leave. We have enjoyed the Lord's hospitality for so long."
And once again, within 15 minutes of stating that, there was a knock on the door. It was a student with a message from Swami.
"Swami is leaving for Puttaparthi tomorrow. He would like that you accompany Him to Parthi. Would you be ready?"
"Definitely! The Lord's wish is my command. It is my pleasure to accompany Swamiji to Puttaparthi."
"Swami has said that He would send a car for you. He says that you can travel with yourchelain the back seat."
This was fixed but a new situation arose now. There was another chela of Maharaj who was a bit upset at being kept away from the thick of the action till now. He said that he too would sit along with Maharaj in the car. Maharaj's response was straight and simple,
"See, when the Lord says, we have to listen. This is not some taxi. He has said that the two of us should sit in the back seat and it does not bode well to add another passenger to the back seat."
The pride-hit chela was adamant. He said that he would sit in the front seat then. There was no way that he would let go of an opportunity to sit in the Lord's car. Maharaj meekly agreed and that was settled upon.
The next day however, there was a little surprise. Swami sent His car, no doubt, but there was a passenger in the front seat too. The student in the front seat said that Swami had instructed him to accompany Maharaj. The adamant chela had no choice but to let go of his desire. The journey began and Swami had instructed that Maharaj's car should go in front of His own. As the cars proceeded, Maharaj's car came to a halt in front of the Gokulam complex. This complex is about a kilometre from the Brindavan Ashram. At this point, another beautiful play of the Lord unravelled.
The student, who was seated in the front seat, got down. Bowing to the saint he said that Swami had instructed him to travel till that point and then get off! The car then proceeded without him. So, the student travelling in the front seat was a small and neat drama that Swami had planned in His omniscience to deter the adamant chela!
Swami was expected to make a stop at Muddenahalli along the way to Parthi. Muddenahalli is home to Swami's school and is very close to the town of Chikaballapur. A message was sent to the people at Muddenahalli that Swami was coming with a very special guest and appropriate arrangements should be made for his stay too. Soon, Swami's entourage moved into the school at Muddenahalli at Chikaballapur.
Swami's main concern seemed to be about what arrangements had been made for Shiv Yogi Maharaj. A room had been cleared above Swami's room for the saint. But Swami seemed dissatisfied with that. He said that Maharaj would stay with Him in His own room! What happened in Swami's room was later revealed by Maharaj himself.
"The Lord knows everything. I do not know anything. There was a separate bathroom which had complex things. He taught me how to turn different knobs to make the water flow!"
Swami did not stop at teaching him how to use the taps and shower, but also made him rest on His own cot! The Lord gave up His own two hours of rest for the devotee's comfort! And when asked about it Maharaj said that he was simply obeying orders of the Lord!
After the short time, Swami proceeded to Parthi. Maharaj also stayed for about two weeks as Swami's guest in Puttaparthi. During that time, there were many interactions and everyone wondered as to who this saintly person was, who was getting so much attention from Swami. One day, Maharaj had a bad cold and did not wish to come for darshan with a runny nose. When Swami came to know about that, he sent doctors of Homeopathy, Allopathy and Ayurveda to help him! Such was the attention that was given to him for the period of over two weeks. After lavishing love and pampering Maharaj with blessings, Swami permitted him to leave.
I confirmed this story from a few people and their response was,
"Oh! So it was this person whom Swami showered with so much love."
Who was this saint that endeared himself so much to Swami? What were the amazing things that he had to say about Swami – particularly about the Mahasamadhi? I am sure that these details will grip any reader as they gripped me and drop one's jaw in awe, wonder and thrill.
The revealing story of Shiv Yogi Maharaj - 2
A smiling Shiv Yogi Maharaj
Source: aravindb1982
The previous part introduced the reader to an intimate interaction and association between the Lord and His devotee; between Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and Sri Shiv Yogi Maharaj. The story now proceeds to explore some amazing facets of Maharaj's revelations.
I asked Sarvajyoti about his association with Maharaj. He had been blessed with the opportunity to learn at Maharaj's feet and had been guided to Swami. He was also privileged to cook for Maharaj on many occasions. Maharaj always stayed at some devotee's place for he had no residence of his own. He wanted none too. In fact, he would never even eat from a plate. He would take the roti (Indian bread) and place the side dishes on it as he ate.
"It is God's grace that we have a roof on our heads and food to eat. It is not right to get attached to things like plates and tumblers also. Today I have a plate. Tomorrow, I might not have one."
That was Shiv Yogi Maharaj's rationale. The name itself was something that his devotees had bestowed on him. He was born as Shadilal.
Once, on 24th February 2003 to be precise, Sarvajyoti had a dream in which Swami told him to invite his "old man" for lunch on 3rd March 2003. This put him in a fix because he had no way to invite Maharaj. Maharaj rarely gave darshan. He even spoke rarely. Days passed and two days before the stipulated day, Sarvajyoti came to know that Maharaj would be granting darshan. He rushed to the venue and much to his amazement, there was a person waiting to tell him that the Maharaj wanted to speak to him. When he went to the saint, he laughed and asked,
"I have already received the order. When are you going to send me the invitation?"
Thus it was that Shiv Yogi Maharaj visited his residence to partake lunch. Based on how Swami had treated him, Sarvajyoti arranged a chair for him right next to Swami's chair at his residence. But try as he might, he could not get Maharaj to sit on the chair. When he reminded him of how Swami had made him sit on a chair in Brindavan, Maharaj's reply was simple and straight,
"That was a different case. It was an order then. I will not dare to sit at His level on my own!"
There is a reason why am delving briefly into some of the stories about Maharaj. This is because he made some observations about Swami. Those observations thrilled me.
When in 2003 Swami had a fall and was finding it difficult to walk, Sarvajyoti rushed to his guru to cry and ask as to what was happening. Maharaj often maintained and observed the vow of silence. It was very rarely that he opened his mouth to speak. On this occasion, however, even before Sarvajyoti could open his mouth, Maharaj said,
"Listen to this story. The Lord came on earth as the Vamana (dwarf). People thought he was a dwarf and belittled him. But with just two footsteps, he covered the entire universe."
Sarvajyoti was wondering as to what he was speaking and why because it was very rarely that Maharaj spoke. Then, when permitted to speak, he began to tell about how Swami had fallen.
"Arey! That is why I told you about Vamana", laughed Maharaj. Then, he changed his tone into a serious one and said,
"If He wishes, He can cut His whole leg a million times and grow a new one in its place. Don't get fooled by appearances!"
Maharaj's devotees believed him to be the Kalki avatar. But he himself had a different opinion. He stated that he had come only to help the Kalki avatar.
"So, who is the Kalki avatar?" he was asked.
"He never arrived! This being (Sri Sathya Sai Baba) said that when He was there, there was no need for any lesser avatars! That is why I too am not having any work to do."
As I listened to this, my hairs began to stand on their end. The revelations got more fantastic after that.
"On one occasion," Sarvajyoti continued, "Maharaj whispered to me that the Lord was going to do such a magnificent leela (Divine Play). That leela would plunge all the devotees into grief but the leela would be done nevertheless."
As I heard this, I suddenly had a strong desire to meet this saint. I wanted to know where He was presently staying. The answer I got made my hairs stiffer as they stood on their ends.
"Maharaj once said that he would leave his physical frame 6 years before Bhagawan Baba left His. So I thought that it would be sometime in 2015 or 2016. One day, in 2004, Maharaj suddenly said that he wanted to go to Puttaparthi. He was brought to Prashanti Nilayam on 27th January 2004 as per his wishes. He stayed in a room outside the ashram saying that on this trip, Swami would not speak to him. He did not leave his room for more than a year. It was shocking for me at that time."
"You mean he did not go for darshan?" I asked.
"In that whole period, he had only two darshans and as he had said, Swami did not interact with him on both those occasions. Otherwise, Maharaj just confined himself to his room. When his disciples would go anywhere, he would ask them to lock the door and leave. He just stayed in that room only. That was till 26th March 2005 when he left for Bangalore."
"What happened then..."
"Nothing much in Bangalore. On 14th July 2005, he left Bangalore for Parthi again. He called me on my phone and said that I should be in Parthi by evening, the next day. He said that it was very important for me to follow that command. I promptly booked tickets from Delhi and landed in Puttaparthi. I came to know that Maharaj had developed fever. He soon gave up his body!"
This revelation was shocking for me too! I came to know that Sarvajyoti was the one who lit the pyre for Maharaj whose physical body was cremated on the banks of the river Chitravati! When the fires had cooled, four bones had been left behind and they were all in the shape of a conch. That was the physical end of a saint who had all through his life guided devotees towards Swami. No wonder then that the devotees of this saint also adore Swami.
"But before he left, he had told me that I should hold on to Swami and never falter. Any doubt that arises is only because Swami is fooling us. He said that I should never get fooled by the 'mortal' things that He does."
I asked Sarvajyoti about his association with Maharaj. He had been blessed with the opportunity to learn at Maharaj's feet and had been guided to Swami. He was also privileged to cook for Maharaj on many occasions. Maharaj always stayed at some devotee's place for he had no residence of his own. He wanted none too. In fact, he would never even eat from a plate. He would take the roti (Indian bread) and place the side dishes on it as he ate.
"It is God's grace that we have a roof on our heads and food to eat. It is not right to get attached to things like plates and tumblers also. Today I have a plate. Tomorrow, I might not have one."
That was Shiv Yogi Maharaj's rationale. The name itself was something that his devotees had bestowed on him. He was born as Shadilal.
Once, on 24th February 2003 to be precise, Sarvajyoti had a dream in which Swami told him to invite his "old man" for lunch on 3rd March 2003. This put him in a fix because he had no way to invite Maharaj. Maharaj rarely gave darshan. He even spoke rarely. Days passed and two days before the stipulated day, Sarvajyoti came to know that Maharaj would be granting darshan. He rushed to the venue and much to his amazement, there was a person waiting to tell him that the Maharaj wanted to speak to him. When he went to the saint, he laughed and asked,
"I have already received the order. When are you going to send me the invitation?"
Thus it was that Shiv Yogi Maharaj visited his residence to partake lunch. Based on how Swami had treated him, Sarvajyoti arranged a chair for him right next to Swami's chair at his residence. But try as he might, he could not get Maharaj to sit on the chair. When he reminded him of how Swami had made him sit on a chair in Brindavan, Maharaj's reply was simple and straight,
"That was a different case. It was an order then. I will not dare to sit at His level on my own!"
There is a reason why am delving briefly into some of the stories about Maharaj. This is because he made some observations about Swami. Those observations thrilled me.
When in 2003 Swami had a fall and was finding it difficult to walk, Sarvajyoti rushed to his guru to cry and ask as to what was happening. Maharaj often maintained and observed the vow of silence. It was very rarely that he opened his mouth to speak. On this occasion, however, even before Sarvajyoti could open his mouth, Maharaj said,
"Listen to this story. The Lord came on earth as the Vamana (dwarf). People thought he was a dwarf and belittled him. But with just two footsteps, he covered the entire universe."
Sarvajyoti was wondering as to what he was speaking and why because it was very rarely that Maharaj spoke. Then, when permitted to speak, he began to tell about how Swami had fallen.
"Arey! That is why I told you about Vamana", laughed Maharaj. Then, he changed his tone into a serious one and said,
"If He wishes, He can cut His whole leg a million times and grow a new one in its place. Don't get fooled by appearances!"
Maharaj's devotees believed him to be the Kalki avatar. But he himself had a different opinion. He stated that he had come only to help the Kalki avatar.
"So, who is the Kalki avatar?" he was asked.
"He never arrived! This being (Sri Sathya Sai Baba) said that when He was there, there was no need for any lesser avatars! That is why I too am not having any work to do."
As I listened to this, my hairs began to stand on their end. The revelations got more fantastic after that.
"On one occasion," Sarvajyoti continued, "Maharaj whispered to me that the Lord was going to do such a magnificent leela (Divine Play). That leela would plunge all the devotees into grief but the leela would be done nevertheless."
As I heard this, I suddenly had a strong desire to meet this saint. I wanted to know where He was presently staying. The answer I got made my hairs stiffer as they stood on their ends.
"Maharaj once said that he would leave his physical frame 6 years before Bhagawan Baba left His. So I thought that it would be sometime in 2015 or 2016. One day, in 2004, Maharaj suddenly said that he wanted to go to Puttaparthi. He was brought to Prashanti Nilayam on 27th January 2004 as per his wishes. He stayed in a room outside the ashram saying that on this trip, Swami would not speak to him. He did not leave his room for more than a year. It was shocking for me at that time."
"You mean he did not go for darshan?" I asked.
"In that whole period, he had only two darshans and as he had said, Swami did not interact with him on both those occasions. Otherwise, Maharaj just confined himself to his room. When his disciples would go anywhere, he would ask them to lock the door and leave. He just stayed in that room only. That was till 26th March 2005 when he left for Bangalore."
"What happened then..."
"Nothing much in Bangalore. On 14th July 2005, he left Bangalore for Parthi again. He called me on my phone and said that I should be in Parthi by evening, the next day. He said that it was very important for me to follow that command. I promptly booked tickets from Delhi and landed in Puttaparthi. I came to know that Maharaj had developed fever. He soon gave up his body!"
This revelation was shocking for me too! I came to know that Sarvajyoti was the one who lit the pyre for Maharaj whose physical body was cremated on the banks of the river Chitravati! When the fires had cooled, four bones had been left behind and they were all in the shape of a conch. That was the physical end of a saint who had all through his life guided devotees towards Swami. No wonder then that the devotees of this saint also adore Swami.
"But before he left, he had told me that I should hold on to Swami and never falter. Any doubt that arises is only because Swami is fooling us. He said that I should never get fooled by the 'mortal' things that He does."
"Hold on to Swami and never falter. Do not get fooled by His actions." - Shiv Yogi Maharaj
Source: aravindb1982
Sarvajyoti continued the narrative,
"Everything that my master told me about Swami came true. He once had told me that if Swami ever asked me what I wanted, I should ask for only Sathya, Dharma, Shanti and Ahimsa. When Swami asked me once as to what I wanted, I remembered the advice and asked for the same. Swami smiled and said that the old man had taught me well!"
I had nothing to say. I was simply listening, all ears to what was being said.
"However, there is one thing that has not yet happened. Maharaj said that Swami would not leave the body in a bad shape. He would throw away the wheelchair and walk."
I remembered that Swami too had said that He would walk (and walk fast at that), on quite a few occasions.
Sarvajyoti's faith in his Guru was complete,
"How can it be said that Swami is gone? He has to walk. I am waiting for that day."
I felt so inspired with that faith. How wonderful if we too have that same faith in our Lord's words.
"I am in you, around you, above you, below you and with you always. You may leave me but I shall never leave you. "
As Shirdi Baba had said,
"The only pre-requisites for a devotee are Shraddha (Faith) and Saboori(Patience/Perseverance).
I conclude with a prayer,
Swami, every moment of my life, I know you are there. All that is needed is awareness of that fact. I forget the fact just as I forget the fact that I am continuously breathing. Make me aware and let my love for you grow stronger every passing moment.
"Everything that my master told me about Swami came true. He once had told me that if Swami ever asked me what I wanted, I should ask for only Sathya, Dharma, Shanti and Ahimsa. When Swami asked me once as to what I wanted, I remembered the advice and asked for the same. Swami smiled and said that the old man had taught me well!"
I had nothing to say. I was simply listening, all ears to what was being said.
"However, there is one thing that has not yet happened. Maharaj said that Swami would not leave the body in a bad shape. He would throw away the wheelchair and walk."
I remembered that Swami too had said that He would walk (and walk fast at that), on quite a few occasions.
Sarvajyoti's faith in his Guru was complete,
"How can it be said that Swami is gone? He has to walk. I am waiting for that day."
I felt so inspired with that faith. How wonderful if we too have that same faith in our Lord's words.
"I am in you, around you, above you, below you and with you always. You may leave me but I shall never leave you. "
As Shirdi Baba had said,
"The only pre-requisites for a devotee are Shraddha (Faith) and Saboori(Patience/Perseverance).
I conclude with a prayer,
Swami, every moment of my life, I know you are there. All that is needed is awareness of that fact. I forget the fact just as I forget the fact that I am continuously breathing. Make me aware and let my love for you grow stronger every passing moment.
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