Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles - the stories

Miracles were day to day affair in Shirdi while Sai Baba was embodied and lived in a small village of Shirdi. The masjid which he lovingly called Dwarkamai ( Sacred Mother) was not in a good condition. Yet He chose the place for the sacred gold the place possesses.
Speaking of miracles many happened in Dwarkamai.
Dwarkamai was old and neglected building until Shri Sai, choose it to settle down in Shirdi.
Once Sai Baba was eating with fellow devotees. In the noon time regularly, few devotees would eat their meal with Him. A cracking sound was herd, while the lunch was being eaten, from the roof of the old building. Every one knew that the slab would come crashing down. Some of devotees took to their heals fearing of getting being crushed under the rubble of the collapsed roof.
Sai Baba in the thundering voice called out wait, and continued to eat the afternoon meal. The close devotees who had Faith (Shraddha) in Baba also continued to eat their meal along with Him. After the meal was completed, every one came out to the safer place. Sai Baba said "Now you may fall", and the roof came crashing down. This is just one of many many miracles that happened in Shirdi.
In fact before His miraculous powers were revealed, He was considered a mad Muslim Fakir (Sufi) by most of the villagers. A mad beggar who begged for the food, smoked chillum (an earthen pipe used in India, which is filled with tobacco or other substances) and looked unconcerned with society in general.
Two miracles changed the attitude of the villagers residing in Shirdi. The mad Fakir (Sufi Beggar) used to beg for oil. He loved to light oil lamps with wicks in Masjid. Another of His act that would make him look mad. The oil was begged from the local shops. Somehow it was conspired with all the shopkeepers (known as Telis , who owned small local oil mills) that the mad Fakir has to be denied with the free oil, with which he burns the lamps in the Masjid.
So it happened. One day out of conspiracy all the Telis (oil man) denied to give oil to the mad Fakir. The mad Fakir looked unperturbed and returned to Masjid (Dwarkamai). Those who conspired wanted to have some fun at the expense of Mad Fakir. They stealthily followed the Fakir. Hidden at a distance they watched what the Fakir would do.
What happened changed the way they looked at the Fakir. The Fakir known as Sai Baba, filled the container in which he used to beg for oil, with water. He drank some and filled it again. He poured the water from it in the earthen lamps. To the conspirators it was still the pleasure to watch a mad man, trying to light lamp with water. The fakir lighted the lamps which remained burning all night long.
This was the incident when the villagers came to know that the Fakir, an ordinary beggar was no ordinary man. He was gifted with some great mystical powers.
The above two miracles shows Sai Baba's power and command over the material elements. There are many such incidents recorded. All the stories with miracles will be link listed below this post.
However it was the other miracles that begin to draw the devotees to Sai Baba. The miracles that were filled with love and compassion. People came to knew about the a Saint called Sai Baba, who was most compassionate and caring and had miraculous powers, that would help them to get rid of their calamities.
Miraculous powers can attract the mind only as an amusement. It was this characteristic of the mind which was used by Sai Baba to attract people. Once they came near Him, they found a loving, full of compassion Baba (Father). Baba was and is a loving companion who takes care of all His devotees. His presence is felt too strongly in good times as well as bad times. That's why most devotees while speaking of Sai Baba, uses the word Baba
A companion that joked and laughed with his devotees in spite of His overwhelming sacred presence and miraculous and spiritual powers. To record his miracles in a post is impossible task. In fact most of the stories and experiences of devotees covers some sort of miracle, that helped them out of a difficult situation or guided them to be a good human being.
Some characteristics of Shirdi Sai Baba's miracles are
Baba knew details of every one coming to Him, the details that happened in their life and details of what they had thought of in past or were thinking in present. This happened every day, with many. So a book is required to record them all.
Healing : Sai Baba used to take ailments and physical sufferings on to His body. Number of incident have been recorded where a devotee (or a near relative) would have high fever. Baba's body would become hot with fever, and tremble as it happens with a fever patient. After few minutes He would become normal and so would be, the devotee. Same as fever other ailments like huge boil on the body would appear on His body, same size and same place the devotee would be suffering. The devotee would be free from the ailment after the same. Sai Baba Says , "I take upon the troubles and ailments of my devotees on myself." Such is the love of Guru Sai Baba. For the devotees who feels his grace He is not just God. He is a loving companion. A Father, a Mother, a Friend, a God who can be worshiped, and much much more. It would be better to call Sai Baba of Shirdi as love incarnate. There are many miracles where devotees got free from stubborn diseases and ailments. Many physical stubborn physical ailments got cured just by His graceful glance, or words, or by moving His hand on affected part. Sometimes He would should and scold in rage to free the devotee from harm. Only He knows His ways. One such miracle of curing stubborn disease.
Another miracle deals with His sacred and divine presence. Devotees who saw Sai Baba would feel drawn towards His love and compassion. The love and compassion would be felt too much for them. The mind would be filled with unknown love and easiness and joy. Eyes would flow with tears unkown. Hair on the body would stand on their end. Overall the experience cannot be put in words, those who feels knows. Nobody can describe love. It has to be felt and lived. Same is true for divine love and sacred experience. More on 8 types of Spiritual Ecstasies that devotees felt.
Sai Baba appears in Physical form to His devotees. There are many records where a devotee far away from Shirdi would see Him appearing in gross physical form, talking and guiding. This happens even after He left His physical body (MahaSamadhi). As also described about in dreams of Sai Baba, there are records of Him appearing in physical form to those who have never herd of Him, one such experience about Osborne and Christian Nun Miss Dutton you can on this blog.
Sai Baba when was in physical body would sometime shout and scream in Dwarkamai. To the newly onlooker it was just crazy, mad act! Why is the holy man shouting or screaming. It was out His immense love. Would you believe this amazing miracle with Capt. Jahanghir F. Daruwala which happened during world war 1. Well it happened.
Miracle of progeny.
He was and is known for helping His devotees looking for children. There are many incidents that narrates how the parents wishing to have children got them with the grace of Sai Baba. Two miracles in the early days of Shirdi changed the peoples view towards the mad Sufi Fakir, called Sai Baba. One was of lightning lamps with water, the other one was of a close devotee who did not had children prayed to Baba for having the children. Soon after devotees wife got pregnant and gave birth to a child.Even these days so many devotees visit the holy shrine Sai Baba Mandir, Samadhi Temple in Shirdi for the same and get positive results.
Sai Baba in dreams. One more characteristic of Shri Sai, is appearance in dreams of various devotees. Records shows that so many devotees who had never seen or herd of Him, first had a vision of Sai Baba in dreams and than after some more or less time saw His Picture and realized, hey this is the same saint with kerchief on His head who appeared in my dreams. Amazing isn't it.
List of posts describing Sai Baba's appearance in Dream :
- He appears in dream of a devotee
- One very close devotee name Abdul Baba He called him through a dream vision.
- He appears in dream and reminds about a 60 year old forgotten vow
- He aids in sculptoring Sai Baba idol in Samadhi Mandir (Temple)
- A portrait now in Chavadi (female section) has a story behind it.
- Story of Dwarkamai picture painted in His physical presence with His permission. . (The copy of one which you see on top right of this post, it is worshiped by the blogger)
- He cautions Shama about the pot of Udi being thrown away
There are more miracles related with the Sacred ash (Udi) of Sai Baba and the sacred Text Sai SatCharitra which will require a post each.
Sai Baba's miracles were only to attract people to the love for divine, developing compassion, so along with miracles do read
Asking from Sai Baba - His grace and miracles
Fulfillment of desires or ending of Desires?
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