Siva and Sivasakthi
Thursday, September 6th, 2012
God, Who is miraculous by His very nature, reveals glimpses of His glory, off and on, through what humans decipher as miracles. When faith meets with devotion, God acts swiftly, bringing heavenly providence, converting a humanly impossible situation into a possible miracle. How a little 14-year old lad came out unharmed, of cerebral meningitis and paralysis, by sheer blessing of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai.
Sivakumar, aged 14 years, son of Sri Subramanian, of the Military Engineering Stores at Secunderabad stays with his uncle. Dr. M.D.V. Raman at Ramanagar, Dombivli, Bombay. He was attending school and playing with his friends, until about three years ago, when he was taken seriously ill and the doctors declared him to be suffering from endocarditis (heart trouble).
On 20th November last, Siva developed cerebral meningitis, followed by partial paralysis of the left side. He lost sight and speech. The boy was in great misery, on account of severe pain in the head, almost every half hour. Siva's father arrived in haste from Secunderabad.
On Tuesday, 30th November, the boy became unconscious, after repeated attacks, every ten or fifteen minutes. At 11:45 a.m. cyanosis intervened. Doctors gave him only a few hours more of life. He had turned blue. The family waited grimly for the worst.
About 12 noon, people around him saw that Siva was talking to `himself' by signs! He set up in bed and indicated by signs that he wanted a bath and some Vibhuti. The family members around him were dazed with amazement; but, they carried him to the bathroom and gave him a bath and applied Vibhuti, that was brought just that morning by a friend.
Then, he asked by signs for the copy of the Illustrated Weekly of India of the 21st November, and when this was given, he opened the pages and held in front of him, the portrait of Sathya Sai Baba and meditated on it for some time. While doing so, he was rubbing his left leg and left hand with his right hand. Then, suddenly, to the wonder of all, Siva stood up and walked into the Puja room, faltering a little carrying the Weekly with him! He kept it, with Baba's portrait page open, near the altar and sat, meditating for over two hours. He then WALKED OUT OF THE PUJA ROOM without any assistance and sat in a chair.
He SPOKE; he explained that Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba had come and told him that he would not die. Baba told him that He would give him both sight and speech, when he came to see Him during His visit to Bombay, shortly, but, Siva said, be had insisted that sight and speech should be given immediately or else he would not take any food, for, he wanted to continue his studies; Bhagawan granted his prayer, he said.
Sai and the Irate Missionary…
Tuesday, September 4th, 2012
For the oppressed and for the depressed, for the needy and disconsolate, He is there as a friend, guide and guardian. Serving the mankind, serving them from the glitches of ignorance, He moves on often showing glimpses of His Divine aura. How He comes to the rescue of a troubled heart, saving blushes, often avoiding ignominy of tarnishing the Divine Name. Giri Naidu shares his experience, happened in the distant Himalayan region. (from Sanathana Sarathi archives)
One March evening I found myself dropped like a hot cake within the towering grey walls of a convent school run by foreign missionaries in a Himalayan town and the gates closed behind me. I found myself amidst sons of ministers, aristocrats, diplomats, and what not. I found something missing in them. I could not help stealing away from their company. At times I felt lost in this big world, but slowly learnt to accept it as a part of my life. I kept myself at a safe distance from the stern looking missionaries. Not a day passed without my hearing the "whoosh! Whoosh!" of a cane and uncontrollable sobs and cries of some unfortunate child. I was destined to spend a fraction of my life there.
One day I received a rude shock. A photograph of Bhagawan Baba which I had with me was taken away and was locked in a cupboard. In my loneliness I derived consolation from the book, "Sathya Sai Speaks" which was kept well hidden beneath my bed as I feared it would be confiscated too.
One cold night, just before supper, the warden came in with a grim face and announced, "Henceforth none shall keep any books beneath their beds. If books are found they shall be confiscated. Even if any religious books are found, they shall be torn into bits. The boys found guilty shall be caned severely." My heart leaped on hearing this and it raced fast. The supper refused to pass down my gullets. I rose and walked out of the dining hall.
I tucked my gloved hands into the pockets of my overcoat and went out into the open grounds behind the convent. An icy wind from the snow covered mountains greeted me. I brooded, "what am I to do with that book of Swami. How could I give it away! It was my only source of joy and consolation, whose support and companionship I sought during those deserted moments." My mind was now determined that I would continue to keep it beneath my pillow and face the consequences. I knew it was a severe test, and my Lord would make me pass.
A week passed and nothing happened. None had come to check. One night, it was roundabout 10. I was still wide awake in my bed. The cold wind from the Himalayas whistled outside my window and it made the glass window rattle loudly. All the boys in my dormitory were fast asleep, perhaps dreaming of angels and fairies, unaware of the terror that was to strike that night.
The lights of the dormitory were suddenly put on. There stood the warden with another missionary with a thick cane in his hand, that knew no compassion. They pulled the sleeping boys out of the bed and the beds were checked. Many had comics and fairy tale books which were found beneath their beds. Blows rained upon them. The cane fell upon them terribly, its sound came rhythmically, and the cries for mercy; equally kept pace with it.
While it was freezing outside, I was perspiring profusely. I covered myself and lay still and chanted the Gayatri Mantra frantically. I could hear the soft footsteps of the missionary approaching my bed. It was my turn now. I felt a light tap. My lips went dry. My tongue refused to chant any mantram. But I felt myself yelling within, "Baba! Baba! Baba!" I opened my eyes and tried to present an innocent look. I slowly got off my bed. The missionary gave me a sarcastic smile. I was afraid, surely not of the cane, as I was cocksure that my soul would jump out before the cane could land on me. I feared the dreadful fate that awaited the book. The missionary overturned my pillow with his cane and "Sathya Sai speaks" showed itself lovingly. He looked at me ferociously. He hit the book with the cane. I felt the blow, a little cry escaped from my lips. He asked me, raising his gruff voice, "What is that I see?" I remained silent. The boys stood motionless in dreadful silence, while tears streamed down the cheeks of some. The angry missionary pounced on the book, and took it in his big rough hands. The story of Prahlada and the saviour Lord Narasimha flashed back in my mind! I stood in terror expecting him to tear it into bits. But I found the book still safe in his hands. He was staring at it and kept muttering: "Sathya Sai Speaks! Sathya Sai Speaks! Sathya Sai Speaks!" He stared at it unceasingly and after a few minutes he opened the book. The picture of our benevolent Sai stared at him. He stared at the beautiful picture and it stared back at him. I wondered what had happened to him.
A few minutes later the missionary asked me softly, "Who is he?" I was silent, and felt I had lost my voice. He repeated his question again, "Who is He?" Finding my voice, I said, "SAI BABA!" The cane fell from his hand. He stared at the picture with greater concentration. I did not know what was happening to him. Even now I am at a loss to know what happened in those few fleeting moments between the missionary and Bhagawan. It remains still a baffling mystery to me.
The missionary placed the book gently on my bed, to the astonishment of all, and tip toed out of the room. Tears of joy and gratitude trickled down my cheeks, for my beloved Lord had made me feel the warmth of His Love even in the distant Himalayan region.
II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
Posted on: Sept 03, 2012
Sai Bhajan virtual classroom
Lambodhara Gananatha Gajanana and Deena Bandhava Baba Daya Sagara
Lambodhara Gananatha Gajanana and Deena Bandhava Baba Daya Sagara
Lambodhara Gananatha Gajanana
| Raga: Charukeshi Tala: Keherva 1. Lambodhara Gananatha Gajanana O munificent elephant-faced Lord Ganesha! You are the pot-bellied One, the Reservoir of Happiness and Bliss, and the Ruler of the Ganas, the Master of our Minds and Intellect. 2. Parvathi Nandana Shubhanana O Lord Ganesha! You are the beloved Son of Mother Parvathi, the One whose face always radiates supreme auspiciousness. 3. Pasupathi Tanaya Siddhi Vinayaka O Lord Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva! You are the Ultimate Leader, the One who has no master above Him, and the Bestower of Wisdom. 4.Pranavaakaaraa Shambho Nandana O Lord Ganesha, the benevolent Son of Lord Shiva! You are the very Embodiment of the Primordial Sound, the Sound of Creation – Aum. 5.Parthipureesha Pahi Gajanana O Lord Sai Ganesha! You are the Lord of Puttaparthi, protect us please. 6.Parvathi Nandana Shubhanana O Lord Ganesha, the supremely auspicious son of Mother Parvathi! You are one who is always showering His choicest blessings upon us. |
Raag: Khamaj Taal: Keherva (8 beat) 1. Deena Bandhava Baba Daya Sagara O Dearest Bhagawan Baba! You are the infinite Ocean of Compassion, the closest friend and relative of the forlorn. 2. Patita Pavana Sai Karunakara O Lord Sai, You are the One who out of Your unbounded compassion forgives and uplifts the fallen. 3. Deena Bandhava Baba Daya Sagara O Lord Sai, You are the Ocean of Compassion, the Sole Refuge of the downtrodden. 4. Sathya Sai Prema Sai Shanti Dharma Sindhu Sai O Lord Sai! You are the very Embodiment of Truth, Righteousness, Supreme Peace and Pristine Love. 5. Jeevan Aadhaar Sai Janani Janaka Bandhu Sai O Lord Sai! You are the sole support of all our lives, the Mother of Mothers, the Father of all of us and our Dearest Friend and Relation. 6. Patita Pavana Sai Karunakara O Lord Sai! You are the Benevolent Master who forgives even the vilest of sinners. |
Heart Check Up Camp at Dharmakshetra date changed from 14th October, 2012 to 28th October, 2012.
Please note that the "Heart Check Up Camp" at Dharmakshetra which was scheduled to be held on 14th October, 2012 has been shifted to 28th October, 2012, to enable the samithis more time to plan and be prepared. The process chart can be downloaded from the below link.
Please note the following conditions by which a person can be eligible for free Heart Check Up at Dharmakshetra.
The person's age should be below 60 yrs and remuneration of below Rs. 20000/- per month.
Please note that the "Heart Check Up Camp" at Dharmakshetra which was scheduled to be held on 14th October, 2012 has been shifted to 28th October, 2012, to enable the samithis more time to plan and be prepared. The process chart can be downloaded from the below link.
Please note the following conditions by which a person can be eligible for free Heart Check Up at Dharmakshetra.
The person's age should be below 60 yrs and remuneration of below Rs. 20000/- per month.
Heart Check Up Camp
Heart Check up Camp by Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital Rajkot (Gujarat) will be organised on Sunday 28th October at Dharmakshetra, Andheri, Mumbai.
Those found meeting the requirements will be operated at "Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital Rajkot " ( Gujarat ) in the near future depending upon the urgency.
All Expenses for the treatment and operation at Rajkot will be borne by "Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital Rajkot". The beneficiaries have only to take care of initial screening, and travelling costs to Rajkot.
The details of the programme, procedure , eligibility criterions etc are contained in the enclosure . The form to be filled up is also enclosed in English as well as Marathi.
Please spread message across all VIP villages, Sai Colonies and amongst all our devotees and bring all forms duly filled in alongwith required reports. (Attached - - Please unzip the 3 files using any winzip programme or you may collect the forms from your convernor....)
Those found meeting the requirements will be operated at "Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital Rajkot " ( Gujarat ) in the near future depending upon the urgency.
All Expenses for the treatment and operation at Rajkot will be borne by "Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital Rajkot". The beneficiaries have only to take care of initial screening, and travelling costs to Rajkot.
The details of the programme, procedure , eligibility criterions etc are contained in the enclosure . The form to be filled up is also enclosed in English as well as Marathi.
Please spread message across all VIP villages, Sai Colonies and amongst all our devotees and bring all forms duly filled in alongwith required reports. (Attached - - Please unzip the 3 files using any winzip programme or you may collect the forms from your convernor....)
Photos of Paduga Pooja - by Ghatkopar Samithi at Dharmakshetra on September 1 & 2, 2012
Photos - Dharmakshetra_2nd Sept_2012_Evening
Other Updates........
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