"Whatever the mind conceives and believes, it achieves."
The Gayatri Mantra is a 24-syllable hymn from the Rig Veda , and is a confluence of 24 Beej Aksharas which has an hypnotizing effect on the chanter's consciousness. The language of the mantra is a moresymbolic and metaphysical one.
The Gayatri Mantra
The Vedic form of the famous Gayatri mantra is:
Om bhoor-bhuvah-svah
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat.
The phrase Om Bhoor Bhuvah Svah is generally added to the mantra,when it is recited.
Om generally represents the Supreme Consciousness , and the Bhoor , Bhuvah and Svah are the three planes or levels of consciousness.
tat savitur varenyam means " that revered God (Solar Principle)" bhargo devasya dhimahi means " destroy the ignorance with divine wisdom"
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat means " lead our intellects (buddhi) and energy in right direction "
Chanting Method
Gayatri should be chanted at medium speed, and each mantra chant should be immediately followed by the next chant, such that a cycle (spiral) of chants is formed and pervades around the chanter.
No precautions as such are necessary , but the following are worth noting.
1. The mind should be positive, and no negative thoughts should be entertained. Because, what ever thoughts we entertain during Gayatri chant, gets multiplied.
2. Specific time and place for regular chant is more helpful in the longer run.
About Mantra
The Gayatri Mantra is one of the keynotes to the transformation of consciousness and is an identical vibration to the vital force in nature. The Gayatri Mantra is extremely powerful and its divine implications are not easily comprehended.
The 24 syllables in the mantra are intended to give the following qualities in physical plane.
1. 'tat' - tapini - fruitfulness
2 'sa' - saphalata - valor
3 'vi' - visshwa - perseverance
4 'tur' - tushti - welfare
5 'va' - varada - yoga
6 're' - revati - love
7 'ni' - sukshma - wealth
8 'yam' - jnana - lustre
9 'bhar' - bharga - protection
10 'go' - gomati - wisdom
11 'de' - devika - subjugation
12 'va' - varahi - allegiance
13 'sya' - simhani - determination
14 'dhi' - dhyana - life
15 'ma' - maryada - time
16 'hi' - sphutaa - penance
17 'dhi' - medha - forecast
18 'yo' - yogamaya - alertness
19 'yo' - yogini - production
20 'nah' - dhanin - protection
21 'pra' - prabhava - idealism
22 'cho' - ushma - adventure
23 'da' - drishya - discrimination
24 'at' - niranjana - service.
The 24 powers of Gayatri mentioned above awaken certain qualities, and along with this awakening, one starts getting success and prosperity i.e., siddhi. Many feel that these benefits are showered by some Gods or Goddesses. But in reality, the development of the subtle force is done within themselves. If they are able to realize the subtle force working in them, they will realize that such benefits do not accrue of their own accord, and that all of them are the results of the interplay of spiritual forces in them. Gayatri sadhana or upasana is no more a blind faith, but is a scientific process.
The above article was posted by Janakinath
More on Gayatri sourced from www.chennaionline.com:
The Description of Gayatri Mantra
Om | The word that is God |
Om Bhuh | God who is eternal |
Om Bhuvaha | God who is the creator |
Om Svah | God who is independent |
Om Mahah | God who is worshipful |
Om Janah | God who has no beginning |
Om Tapah | God who is the light of wisdom |
Om Satyam | God who is the truth |
Om Tat | That Eternal God |
Savitur | The creative principle of light manifesting through the sun |
Varenyam | That Supreme God propitiated by the highest Gods |
Bhargo | The light that bestows wisdom, bliss and everlasting life |
Devasya | The light of that effulgent God |
Dhimahi | We meditate |
Dhiyo | Intellect |
Yo | Who |
Nah | Our |
Pracodayat | May lead towards illumination |
Om Apo | Om (one who protects us from) the waters (of karma) |
Jyotih | (One who is) the Light (of all the Lights) |
Raso | (One who is) quintessence (in everything) |
Amrtam | (One who blesses us with) immortality |
Brahma | That Almighty God |
Bhur Bhuva Svar | (Who is pervading in earth), atmosphere and heaven |
Om | (May he bless us with enlightenment) |
There are twenty different Gayatri mantras as noted below.
Gayatri Mantra is known to be the greatest mantra. The Rishis of the yore composed different Mantras on the same meter as that of Gayatri on different manifestations of God. Twenty of them are given below. These twenty are apart from the Vaidika Gayatri - Om Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Pracodayat.
Though the complete import of the mantras cannot be given, the implied and closest translations are given against each mantra.
Om Ekadantaya vidhmahe
Vakratundaya dhimahi
Tanno dantih pracodayat
May we realise Lord Ganesa. Let us meditate on that elephant-headed god who removes the hurdles. May that one-tusked god enlighten us.
2 Narasimha Gayatri
Om Vajranakhaya vidmahe
Tiksnadamstraya dhimahi
Tanno Narasimhah pracodayat
May we realise Narasimha, the man-lion god, with his diamond nails that pierce the veil of ignorance. Let us meditate on that sharp-toothed one that destroys the demon of darkness. May that Lord Narasimha illumine us.
3 Narayana Gayatri
Om Narayanaya vidhmahe
Vasudevya dhimahi
Tanno Vishnu pracodayat
May we realise Lord Narayana, the Heavenly Father. Let us meditate on his Vasudeva aspect (indwelling spirit in all). May that Lord Vishnu illumine us.
4 Mahalakshmi Gayatri
Om Mahalakshimi ca vidhmahe
Vishnupatni ca dhimahi
Tanno Lakshmi pracodayat
May we realise Mahalakshmi. Let us meditate on that spouse of Lord Vishnu and may Goddess Lakshmi illumine us.
5 Kali or Devi Gayatri
Om Adyayai vidhmahe
Paramesvaryai dhimahi
Tanno Kali pracodayat
May we realise the Primordial Energy. Let us meditate on that Paramesvari, the spouse of Siva. May that Goddess Kali illumine us.
6 Brahma Gayatri
Om Paramesvaraya vidhmahe
Paratattvaya dhimahi
Tanno Brahma pracodayat
May we realise the Supreme Brahma. Let us meditate on that transcendental principle, and may that God Brahma illumine us.
7 Hamsa Gayatri
Om Hamsaya vidhmahe
Paramahamsaya dhimahi
Tanno Hamsa pracodayat
May we realise Hamsa that is our own Self as swan Let us meditate on that Paramahamsa, the Supreme Self. May Hamsa illumine us.
8 Agni Gayatri
Om Vaisvanaraya vidhmahe
Lalelaya dhimahi
Tanno Agnih pracodayat
May we realise Vaisvanara, the fire-god. Let us meditate on that seven-tongued, mystic fire and may that Agni, the fire-god illumine us.
9 Surya Gayatri
Om Baskaraya vidhmahe
Divakaraya dhimahi
Tanno Suryah pracodayat
May we realise Bhaskara, the shining one. Let us meditate on that Divakara, the presiding deity over the day, and may that Surya, the sun god, illumine us.
10 Durga Gayatri
Om Katyayanyai ca vidhmahe
Kanyakumari ca dhimahi
Tanno Durga pracodayat
May we realise Katyayani, the Sakti. Let us meditate on Kanyakumari, the virgin goddess. And may that Durga, illumine us.
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