Bienvenida del Presidente Nacional |
Queridísimos hermanos y hermanas, Rezo para que con la Gracia de Bhagavan, ustedes y sus familias se mantengan a salvo y bien.
El sábado 25 de marzo, tuvimos nuestra primera reunión de Sadhana de Peregrinación Nacional, a la que asistieron tanto aquellos que se habían registrado para unirse a la peregrinación como aquellos que aún tenían que decidir. La peregrinación es una maravillosa oportunidad para que todos nosotros estemos juntos como una sola familia SAI y ofrezcamos nuestra reverencia y gratitud a nuestro amado Señor Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Os recordamos que el plazo de inscripción se cerrará el 30 de abril. Consulte nuestro sitio web para obtener la información más reciente sobre la peregrinación.
La vida es una peregrinación, donde el hombre arrastra los pies por el camino áspero y espinoso. Con el Nombre de Dios en sus labios, no tendrá sed; con la Forma de Dios en su corazón, no sentirá agotamiento. La compañía de la santa voluntad lo inspira a caminar en la esperanza y la fe. La seguridad de que Dios está al alcance de la mano, que Él está siempre cerca, dará fuerza a sus miembros y valor a su mirada. Sri Sathya Sai Habla, Vol.8, Cap. 9 Hubo conmemoraciones de Semana Santa en todo el país celebrando la resurrección de Jesús al tercer día después de que entregó Su vida en la cruz. Muchos Centros y Grupos observarán Aradhana Mahotsovam a finales de este mes, donde todos expresaremos nuestro amor y gratitud por la gracia, la guía y las bendiciones que seguimos recibiendo de Bhagavan. La Conferencia de Líderes del Centro también se llevará a cabo en Prasanthi Nilayam inmediatamente después de Guru Poornima, los días 4 y 5 de julio. La inscripción para esto se cerrará el 15 de abril. Ya son muchos los delegados del Reino Unido que asistirán a esta Conferencia y al evento de networking que tendrá lugar los días 6 y 7 de julio. Si aún no se ha registrado, hágalo lo antes posible. Como ha mencionado Bhagavan en varias ocasiones, los Jóvenes Adultos de nuestra Organización son nuestros futuros líderes. Es por eso que he organizado una sesión virtual con todos los Adultos Jóvenes de todo el país, para que nos hagan las preguntas que tengan a los dos Vicepresidentes Conjunto-Nacionales ya mí. Esperamos este satsang con los Jóvenes Adultos. Nuestro evento del Día Nacional de Easwaramma también ha sido confirmado para el sábado 20 de mayo en The Grange Academy. El evento se ha aplazado ligeramente debido a las celebraciones de la Coronación del Rey a principios de mes. Esperamos verlos a todos ahí. Como notará, tenemos algunos tiempos ocupados pero emocionantes por delante y rezo para que Bhagavan continúe brindándonos muchas más oportunidades para que progresemos en nuestro viaje espiritual.
Amorosamente, en el servicio de Sai, Pratap Thakkar
Con la Divina Gracia de Bhagavan, el 23 de noviembre, el Consejo Global Sri Sathya Sai anunció que la Conferencia de Líderes del Centro se llevará a cabo el 4 y 5 de julio . El tema de la conferencia es " Practicar e inspirar " y se espera que sea una congregación increíble de líderes de centros y miembros senior de países de todo el mundo. La conferencia está abierta a los presidentes de centros y grupos actuales y pasados y a todos los coordinadores de ala, incluidos los trabajadores activos que probablemente asuman tales roles, así que anime a los miembros de su comité a asistir. El evento incluirá charlas, talleres, investigaciones y resoluciones, y actualmente se está planeando mucho más. La Zona 6, de la que forma parte el Reino Unido, ha tenido el privilegio de organizar la ceremonia de apertura. Esta es una maravillosa oportunidad para que nos unamos y seamos parte de esta conferencia.
También habrá un evento de networking los días 6 y 7 de julio , donde cada país de todo el mundo compartirá su maravilloso trabajo para inspirarse, apoyarse y guiarse mutuamente.
Por favor, regístrese a través del siguiente enlace. La inscripción se ha extendido hasta el 15 de abril para permitir que asista la mayor cantidad de personas posible. |
¡Última oportunidad de registrarse si quiere unirse! | | Actualización de la peregrinación nacional del Reino Unido |
Cierre de inscripciones pronto!
La inscripción para los niños de Bal Vikas (SSE) y sus familias ya está cerrada ; sin embargo, otros devotos que deseen unirse a esta peregrinación sagrada tienen solo hasta el 30 de abril para registrarse. Ya se han registrado más de 260 devotos. Regístrese si aún no lo ha hecho a través del siguiente enlace; y llene un formulario separado para cada persona . Próximas reuniones
La próxima ronda de reuniones de sadhana será regional, de la siguiente manera: - Regiones 1, 2 y 6 : sábado 29 de abril, de 10:30 a. m. a 4:00 p. m., Sai Mandir, Effra Road, Londres SW19 8PU
- Región 3 : sábado 29 de abril, de 10:30 a. m. a 12:30 p. m., Lemsford Village Hall, Brocket Road, Welwyn Garden City AL8 7TT
- Regiones 4 y 5 : sábado 29 de abril, de 10:30 a 15:30, St James' Centre, Malcolm Street, Derby DE23 8LU
- Región 7 : domingo 7 de mayo, de 15:15 a 18:15, Claverton Down Community Hall, Claverton Down Road, Bath BA2 6DT
Todos son bienvenidos a asistir, incluidos aquellos que no planean unirse a la Peregrinación; la asistencia es obligatoria para todos los aspirantes a peregrinos, incluidos los niños, ya que habrá una actualización en cada reunión y es una gran oportunidad para estar en compañía de los aspirantes que también se embarcarán en este viaje espiritual. Esto también nos ayudará a enfocar nuestras mentes en Bhagavan y fortalecer nuestra conexión con Él. Nos reservamos el derecho de no ofrecer privilegios como asientos preferenciales si los devotos no asisten a estas reuniones, a menos que se haya otorgado una excepción.
Las próximas reuniones están previstas para las siguientes fechas: - Sábado 3 de junio, 10:30-16:30 (lugar por confirmar) - Reunión nacional de sadhana
- Sábado 15 de julio, 11 a. m. a 3 p. m., Oxhey Wood Primary School, Oxhey Drive, South Oxhey, WD19 7SL - Reunión nacional de oración
¿Necesitas más información?
Envíe un correo electrónico al equipo de planificación o visite el micrositio a través de los enlaces a continuación (se agregará más información a su debido tiempo). Los materiales de sadhana previos a la peregrinación también se pueden encontrar allí. |
Reunión Nacional de Sadhana de marzo |
La primera reunión de sadhana nacional en persona para la peregrinación del Reino Unido a Prasanthi tuvo lugar el sábado 25 de marzo. Fue un día maravilloso que permitió que más de 200 devotos se reunieran para comenzar su viaje a Sai. El día comenzó con el poderoso canto de Vedam y Gayatri mantra, preparando el escenario para el día siguiente. Esto fue seguido por una maravillosa introducción dada por nuestro Presidente Nacional, el Hermano Pratap Thakkar, donde brindó a todos mucha información muy útil y práctica sobre los elementos logísticos de la peregrinación. La hermana Risha llevó a todos a través de un fantástico ejercicio de visualización, imaginando un día en Prashanti; realmente nos sentimos como si estuviéramos allí por las hermosas descripciones narradas. El hermano Kapil dio una charla muy inspiradora sobre sus experiencias de peregrinaciones anteriores; esto nos dio una idea del propósito y los beneficios de la peregrinación, y cómo aprovechar al máximo esta maravillosa oportunidad.
Luego, los devotos se dividieron en talleres individuales de su elección, para obtener información sobre las diversas actividades que se están planeando para la peregrinación. Estos talleres incluyeron servicio; un taller sobre la importancia de nuestros caminos espirituales; Vedam; y canto de bhajans. Los niños de Bal Vikas estuvieron ocupados durante todo el día, practicando sus artículos. Fue muy alentador ver la gran cantidad de niños de Bal Vikas presentes.
Finalmente, el día terminó con vibrantes bhajans y aarti. Fue una manera verdaderamente maravillosa de enfocar nuestra sadhana al comenzar nuestro viaje hacia Sai . |
Con la gracia y las bendiciones de Bhagavan, nos complace informarles que ya está abierta la inscripción para el evento insignia de Bal Vikas de este año. - Fecha: sábado 20 de mayo
- Hora: 10:30-16:30
- Lugar: La Academia Grange, Bushey, WD23 3AA
Comenzando con la procesión de los niños, el día promete estar repleto de ofrendas amorosas de todo el país, incluidos Vedam, obras de teatro, obras de teatro, canciones y música, así como actividades para los niños. Por favor, regístrese a través del siguiente enlace. |
Inmensa efusión de amor de los devotos de SSSO Reino Unido | | Alivio del terremoto de Siria |
Gracias a los devotos de SSSO Reino Unido, sus familias, sus amigos, el Heart Valve Bank y la Fundación del Consejo Global Sri Sathya Sai de los EE. UU. por su amabilidad y generosidad, lo que ha resultado en la entrega de trece paletas de ropa, que comprenden un total de 27,373 artículos. a nuestra organización benéfica asociada para su posterior envío a Siria, donde los artículos se entregarán a los necesitados. Tras el envío del primer palé el 24 de febrero, se enviaron ocho palés más el 8 de marzo y otros cuatro palés el 17 de marzo. Gracias a los voluntarios de la Región 4 que fueron al almacén para ayudar a empacar. Estamos agradecidos por la efusión de amor de todos y rezamos para que las prendas de vestir sean de ayuda para nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Siria. Hemos tenido conversaciones para identificar qué más se necesita y estamos analizando la provisión de equipos escolares para niños para ayudarlos a retomar el camino de la educación. Continúe orando por las víctimas del terremoto de Turquía y Siria. |
Continuación de la serie de artículos de UK Young Adults | | El espíritu de servicio |
Para el bienestar del país y del mundo entero se necesita con urgencia espíritu de servicio, entusiasmo vital, imaginación constructiva, motivación pura y vigilancia desinteresada . Sri Sathya Sai habla, vol. 15, cap. 31, 19 de noviembre de 1981 El propósito del Ala de Jóvenes Adultos es servir a toda la Organización mientras apoya el viaje espiritual de la próxima generación. Por lo tanto, es el deber de los Jóvenes Adultos estar al servicio, no solo de sus hermanos y hermanas de todo el país, sino también del mundo del que simplemente toman prestado. La próxima serie de artículos captura un fragmento de las actividades de servicio apoyadas por Adultos Jóvenes en todo el Reino Unido, con la esperanza de inspirar a otros. En la edición de este mes, escuchamos al hermano Saiwarren Nathan de la Región 1. Bhajan significa contemplar a Dios. Sólo eso nos da paz y felicidad. La paz y la felicidad no están separadas la una de la otra. Solo se pueden lograr a través de Hari bhajan (contemplar a Dios). (Sri Sathya Sai Habla, Vol. 42, Cap. 6) Para comenzar el año, la Región 1 organizó un "bhajam" (bhajan jam), que se llevó a cabo en Wimbledon Sai Center el 26 de marzo. Esta actividad informal de bhajans ha sido popular entre los Jóvenes Adultos en los últimos años, por lo que se decidió que esta sería una buena oportunidad para que los Jóvenes Adultos se reconectaran. Además, Swami ha dicho que " todos deberían unirse y cantar bhajans. La mente de algunos puede ir en otras direcciones. Pero al menos algunos de ellos lo enfocarán en el nombre de Dios. Por lo tanto, cuando haces bhajans en grupo, las oraciones de al menos uno o dos pueden llegar a Dios, lo que beneficiará a todos" (Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 41 Ch. 8). -face satsangs en los últimos años, había un entusiasmo de los Adultos Jóvenes por unirse y participar en una forma de canto comunitario. Para aquellos que no están acostumbrados a un "bhajam", es esencialmente una oportunidad para que fluyan los jugos creativos sin la presión de cantar en un ambiente en vivo. La sesión comenzó a media mañana después de que los bhajans del Centro Sai de Wimbledon y los Adultos Jóvenes de varios centros e incluso de otras Regiones fueran llegando poco a poco. Rotando entre cantantes e instrumentistas, todos los que asistieron tuvieron la oportunidad de cantar o tocar un instrumento de su elección. Fue alentador ver a los Jóvenes Adultos salir de su zona de confort, especialmente algunos que normalmente no cantan bhajans en sus centros. Por la abundante gracia de Swami, el "bhajam" duró más de dos horas y media. La participación activa de todos ayudó a convertir el evento en un éxito y todos nos fuimos llenos de energía. ¡Algunos Adultos Jóvenes incluso continuaron su día asistiendo a otro bhajan! |
| Región 1 (sureste y suroeste de Londres) | |
| Se recolectaron más de 700 huevos de Pascua en toda la región para los niños de los hospitales de la Universidad de Croydon y St Helier, junto con otros fideicomisos y organizaciones benéficas. | |
| Merton Sai Center reanudó el seva en el Winter Night Shelter en enero después de que el refugio no abriera el año pasado. Este año había 11 residentes permanentes en el refugio y 6 voluntarios ayudando todos los días. Los devotos de Merton cocinaron una comida de 3 platos para 17 personas cada semana durante 7 semanas de enero a marzo. La calidad de las comidas proporcionadas recibió excelentes críticas tanto de los invitados como de los voluntarios.
Recibimos una actualización semanal de cómo les estaba yendo a los invitados y algunos logros clave se enumeran a continuación: - One guest was offered permanent employment in Greenford. He was very pleased with this, and the shelter is working hard to see if accommodation can be secured for him. - One guest continues to work with Westminster Drug Project and has been prescribed vitamins to help his body repair. - One guest had a follow up appointment at the doctors. He was told his blood pressure was in the healthy range for the first time in over 15 years and he had a clean bill of health. He was so delighted and put this down to the warm, safe environment with which he had been provided, the healthy three meals eaten each day, and the dramatic decrease in his alcohol intake. Thank you to all the volunteers from the Centre who helped cook and deliver meals. We will hopefully continue with the Winter Night Shelter in 2024. | |
| El Centro Sai de Wimbledon celebró Rama Navami el domingo 2 de abril, marcando el cumpleaños del Señor Rama. | |
| El Centro Tooting Sai sirvió 80 comidas calientes (caldo vegetariano mexicano) y distribuyó más de 90 bolsas de frutas y agua a las personas sin hogar en el centro de Londres. | |
| Región 2 ( noroeste de Londres y condados locales cercanos) | |
| Harrow East Sai Center y Harrow West Sai Center participaron conjuntamente en la Gran Limpieza de Primavera Británica el 18 de marzo. Esta es la campaña ambiental de acción masiva más grande del Reino Unido y fuimos el primer grupo en iniciar este evento. Había estado lloviendo todo el día, pero con las bendiciones de Swami, el clima se aclaró a tiempo para preparar la limpieza. Muchas gracias a todos los miembros que participaron en este servicio, especialmente a nuestros niños de Bal Vikas. | |
| Para el Día de la Madre de este año, los amados niños Bal Vikas (SSE) del Centro Harrow West Sai ofrecieron su amor y gratitud a la Madre Sai ya sus madres al hacer estas hermosas tarjetas hechas a mano. Esta fue su ofrenda de amor en acción.
Próximos Eventos:
- Centro Sai Harrow Oeste
- Sunday 23rd April, 4-6pm: Aradhana Mahotsavam at Oxhey Wood Primary School, Oxhey Drive, South Oxhey, Watford WD19 7SL
- Sunday 7th May, 4pm: Easwaramma Day celebrations at Oxhey Wood Primary School
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| Region 3 (London North, East & Central and nearby Home Counties)
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| On 11th March, Colchester Sai Centre celebrated International Women's and Mother's Day. Our Ladies' Wing Coordinator started off the celebrations by giving a brief talk on International Women's Day. The Mother's Day celebration involved the Bal Vikas children and Young Adults performing a small Aarti offering to their mothers, then presenting their mothers with flowers and handmade garlands, receiving blessings in return. | |
| Cambridge Sai Centre celebrated Mother's Day on Saturday 18th March at Mayfield Primary School by chanting Vedam and singing bhajans, mainly Sai Maa and Devi bhajans. It was attended by 12 devotees and Bal Vikas children who read out Swami's Thought for the Day, glorifying the virtues of Mothers and their contribution to society. Cambridge Sai Centre also celebrated Ram Navami and Hanuman Jayanti on 1st April. It was attended by 15 devotees and Bal Vikas children, who chanted Narayana Upanishad, recited multi-faith prayers and sang Sri Rama and Sri Hanuman bhajans. The Bal Vikas children read out Swami's thought for the day to complete the programme. It was a lovely gathering to celebrate the auspicious event of Ram Navami. | |
| El Centro Sai de Edmonton celebró a Ram Navami y Chaitra Navratri en la Escuela Primaria Houndsfield en Edmonton el domingo 26 de marzo. Alrededor de 80 devotos se unieron a nosotros cuando cantamos parte del Ramayana y bhajans en Durga Maa y Ram. | |
| El Centro Sai de Chelmsford celebró a Ram Navami y Hanuman Jayanti el 2 de abril con alrededor de 30 devotos. Las celebraciones consistieron en el canto de Vedam dirigido por un niño de Bal Vikas, oraciones de Ram, una puja, bhajans de Ram y Hanuman, una lectura sobre el Señor Hanuman por otro niño de Bal Vikas, la recitación de Hanuman Chalisa y finalmente las oraciones de clausura y el pensamiento del día. leído por un estudiante de Bal Vikas. La atmósfera fue de lo más edificante y todos los devotos experimentaron la mayor felicidad. | |
| Bedford Sai Center celebró a Ram Navami con hermosos bhajans, oraciones y un discurso de Swami, seguido de nuestra AGM. A esto asistieron 21 devotos, incluidos niños. | |
| Región 4 (Tierras Medias)
Próximos Eventos:
- Centro Sai de Birmingham
- Domingo 23 de abril, 10 a. m.: Aradhana Mahotsavam en The Broadway Academy, The Broadway, Perry Barr, Birmingham B20 3DP
- Centros Sai de Leicester
- Lunes 24 de abril, 7:30 p. m. a 9:00 p. m.: Aradhana Mahotsavam en Soar Valley College, Gleneagles Avenue, Leicester LE4 7GY
- Sábado 27 de mayo, 10 am-4 pm: Día de adultos jóvenes "My Sai and I" en Soar Valley College
- Centro Sai de Narborough Road
- Sábado 15 de abril, de 2 a 6 p. m.: celebración del 35.° aniversario en Beaumont Leys School, Anstey Lane, Leicester LE4 0FL
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| Región 5 (Norte de Inglaterra e Irlanda del Norte)
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| Nuestro evento Regional Aradhana Mahotsavam será organizado por el Centro Sai del Gran Manchester. Como es habitual en nuestros eventos regionales, estaremos apoyando a una organización benéfica. Hemos elegido a Barnabus, que trabaja con personas sin hogar y vulnerables en Manchester. Los artículos que necesitan con urgencia se enumeran a continuación:
- Joggers (pantalones de chándal), tallas pequeñas y medianas.
- Mochilas pequeñas (30L ligeras, plegables e impermeables, aptas para llevar en la espalda). No mochilas grandes por favor.
Tráigalos al evento del 22 de abril, donde Barnabus los recogerá. | |
| Bradford Sai Center celebró a Sri Ram Navami el jueves 30 de marzo. | |
| Bradford Sai Centre devotees collected Easter eggs for two local causes: 116 eggs for the local Junior Chamber of Commerce who distribute to underprivileged children; and 111 eggs for Bradford Royal Infirmary. | |
| Region 6 (South & South East England) | |
| Rochester Sai Centre marked Aradhana Mahotsavam on 1st April; it was a wonderful commemoration where every devotee expressed why they are thankful to our beloved Mother Sai. The meeting was comprised of beautiful bhajans, heartfelt prayers, and guided meditation, and ended with concluding prayers, Mangala Aarti and Maha Prashadam. | |
| Tunbridge Wells Sai Group celebrated Ram Navami and Hanuman Jayanti on 2nd April. Around 70 devotees attended including Bal Vikas children. The programme started with Bhagawan's Ashtottaram and Vedam, followed by the singing the glory of Lord Rama and Lord Hanuman. It concluded with bhajans, followed by Mangala Aarti and Prashadam. Farnborough Sai Centre held special Ram Navami bhajans on 30th March, attended by around 25 devotees. The programme began with bhajans, and concluded with Mangala Aarti followed by Maha Prashadam. | |
| El Centro Sai de Farnborough también celebró bhajans especiales el 6 de abril con motivo de Hanuman Jayanti. Cerca de 30 devotos asistieron junto con los niños de Bal Vikas; el programa comenzó con el canto de Hanuman Chalisa, seguido de bhajans y Mangala Aarti.
Evento proximo:
- Centro Sai de Farnborough
- Lunes 24 de abril, 6 p. m.: Aradhana Mahotsavam en 3 Ribble Place, Farnborough GU14 9LX
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| Región 7 (oeste y suroeste de Inglaterra y Gales) | |
| El Centro Sai de Edimburgo celebró sus celebraciones Ram Navami el 30 de marzo. Alrededor de 25 a 30 personas asistieron a los bhajans seguidos de muchos prashadam traídos por diferentes devotos. | |
| Con motivo de Ram Navami, los bhajans del Centro Sai de Glasgow se celebraron en la casa de un devoto el 30 de marzo. Alrededor de 25-30 personas asistieron a los bhajans. El Centro Sai de Aberdeen también celebró bhajans de Ram Navami en la casa del hermano Ram. Asistieron alrededor de 20 personas. | |
National President's Welcome | | | | Dearest Brothers and Sisters, I pray that with Bhagawan's Grace, you and your families are all keeping safe and well.
On Saturday 25th March, we had our first National Pilgrimage Sadhana meeting, which was well attended both by those who have registered to join the pilgrimage and those that had yet to decide. The pilgrimage is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to be together as one SAI family and offer our reverence and gratitude to our beloved Lord Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Please be reminded that the deadline for registration will be closing on 30th April. Please check our website for all the latest information on the Pilgrimage.
Life is a pilgrimage, where man drags his feet along the rough and thorny road. With the Name of God on his lips, he will have no thirst; with the Form of God in his heart, he will feel no exhaustion. The company of the holy will inspire him to travel in hope and faith. The assurance that God is within call, that He is ever near, will lend strength to his limbs and courage to his eye. Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol.8, Ch. 9 There were Easter commemorations across the country celebrating the resurrection of Jesus on the third day after He gave up His life on the cross. Many Centres and Groups will be observing Aradhana Mahotsovam at the end of this month, where we will all express our love and gratitude for the grace, guidance, and blessings we continue to receive from Bhagawan. The Centre Leaders Conference is also taking place in Prasanthi Nilayam immediately after Guru Poornima, on 4th and 5th July. Registration for this will be closing on 15th April. There are already many delegates from the UK attending this Conference and the networking event that will take place on 6th and 7th July. If you have yet to register, please kindly do so ASAP. As Bhagawan has mentioned on several occasions, the Young Adults of our Organisation are our future leaders. It is for this reason that I have organised a virtual session with all Young Adults from across the country, so that they may ask the two Joint-National Vice Presidents and me any questions they may have. We look forward to this satsang with the Young Adults. Our National Easwaramma Day event has also been confirmed for Saturday 20th May at The Grange Academy. The event has been slightly deferred due the King's Coronation celebrations earlier in the month. We look forward to seeing you all there. As you will note, we have some busy but exciting times ahead of us and I pray that Bhagawan continues to give us many more opportunities for us to progress in our spiritual journey.
Lovingly, in Sai service, Pratap Thakkar
| | | | With the Divine Grace of Bhagawan, on 23rd November the Sri Sathya Sai Global Council announced that the Centre Leaders Conference will be held on 4th & 5th July. The theme of the conference is "Practise & Inspire" and it is expected to be an amazing congregation of centre leaders & senior members from countries across the globe. The conference is open to current and past Centre and Group Presidents and all Wing Coordinators, including Active Workers likely to take up such roles, so please encourage your committee members to attend. The event will include talks, workshops, research and resolutions, and much more is currently being planned. Zone 6, of which the UK is a part, has been given the privilege of organising the opening ceremony. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to come together and be part of this conference.
| | | | There will also be a networking event on 6th & 7th July, where each country from around the globe will share their wonderful work in order to inspire, support and guide each other.
Please kindly register via the link below. Registration has been extended to 15th April to allow as many people as possible to attend. | | | | Final chance to register if you want to join! | | UK National Pilgrimage update | | | | Registration closing soon!
Registration for Bal Vikas (SSE) children and their families is already closed; however, other devotees who wish to join this sacred pilgrimage have only until 30th April to register. Over 260 devotees have already registered. Please register if you have yet to do so via the link below; and fill in one separate form for each person. Next meetings
The next round of sadhana meetings will be Regional, as follows: - Regions 1, 2 & 6: Saturday 29th April, 10.30am-4pm, Sai Mandir, Effra Road, London SW19 8PU
- Region 3: Saturday 29th April, 10.30am-12.30pm, Lemsford Village Hall, Brocket Road, Welwyn Garden City AL8 7TT
- Regions 4 & 5: Saturday 29th April, 10.30am-3.30pm, St James' Centre, Malcolm Street, Derby DE23 8LU
- Region 7: Sunday 7 May, 3.15-6.15pm, Claverton Down Community Hall, Claverton Down Road, Bath BA2 6DT
All are welcome to attend, including those who are not planning on joining the Pilgrimage; attendance is mandatory for all would-be pilgrims, including children, as there will be an update provided at each meeting and it is a great opportunity to be in the company of aspirants who will also be embarking on this spiritual journey. This will also help us focus our minds on Bhagawan and strengthen our connection with Him. We reserve the right not to offer privileges such as preferential seating if devotees do not attend these meetings, unless an exception has been granted.
Subsequent meetings are planned for the following dates: - Saturday 3rd June, 10.30am-4.30pm (venue TBC) - National sadhana meeting
- Saturday 15th July, 11am-3pm, Oxhey Wood Primary School, Oxhey Drive, South Oxhey, WD19 7SL - National prayer meeting
Need more information?
Email the planning team or visit the microsite via the links below (more information will be added in due course). The pre-pilgrimage sadhana materials may also be found there. | | | | March's National Sadhana Meeting | | | | The first in-person National sadhana meeting for the UK pilgrimage to Prasanthi took place on Saturday 25th March. It was a wonderful day that enabled over 200 devotees to come together for the start of their journey to Sai. The day started off with powerful chanting of Vedam and Gayatri mantra, setting the scene for the day ahead. This was followed by a wonderful introduction given by our National President Brother Pratap Thakkar, where he provided everyone with a lot of very useful and practical information on the logistical elements of the pilgrimage. Sister Risha took everyone through a fantastic visualisation exercise, imagining a day in Prashanti; we really felt like we were there from the beautiful descriptions being narrated. Brother Kapil gave a very inspirational talk about his experiences of previous pilgrimages; this gave us insight into the purpose and benefits of the pilgrimage, and how to make the most of this wonderful opportunity.
| | | | The devotees then broke away into individual workshops of their choice, to gain information about the various activities that are being planned for the pilgrimage. These workshops included service; a workshop on the importance of our spiritual journeys; Vedam; and Bhajan singing. The Bal Vikas children were busy throughout the day, practising their items. It was very encouraging to see the large number of Bal Vikas children in attendance.
Finally, the day ended with vibrant bhajans and aarti. It was a truly wonderful way of focusing our sadhana as we begin our journey to Sai. | | | | With Bhagawan's grace and blessings, we are pleased to inform you that registration for this year's flagship Bal Vikas event is now open! - Date: Saturday 20th May
- Time: 10.30am-4.30pm
- Venue: The Grange Academy, Bushey, WD23 3AA
Starting with the children's procession, the day promises to be packed with loving offerings from around the country, including Vedam, plays, skits, songs and music, as well as activities for the children. Please register via the link below. | | | | Immense outpouring of love from SSSO UK devotees | | Syria earthquake relief | | | | Thanks to SSSO UK devotees, their families, their friends, the Heart Valve Bank and the Sri Sathya Sai Global Council Foundation of the USA for their kindness and generosity which has resulted in thirteen pallets of clothing, comprising a total of 27,373 items, being delivered to our partner charity for onward shipment to Syria where the items will be handed out to those in need. Following the dispatch of the first pallet on 24th February, eight more pallets were dispatched on 8th March and a further four pallets on 17th March. Thank you to volunteers from Region 4 who went to the warehouse to help pack. We are thankful for the outpouring of love from all and pray that the clothing items will be of help to our brothers and sisters in Syria. We have had discussions to identify what else is needed and are looking into the provision of school equipment for children to help them to get back on the path to education. Please continue to pray for the victims of the Turkey and Syria earthquake. | | | | Continuing the series of articles by UK Young Adults | | The spirit of service | | | | For the welfare of the country and of the entire world, the spirit of service, vital enthusiasm, constructive imagination, pure motivation, and unselfish alertness are all urgently needed. Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 15, Ch. 31, 19 November 1981 The purpose of the Young Adults Wing is to serve the whole Organisation whilst supporting the spiritual journey of the next generation. Thus, it is the duty of the Young Adults to be of service, not only to their fellow brothers and sisters across the nation, but also to the world from which they merely borrow. This next series of articles captures a snippet of the service activities supported by Young Adults across the United Kingdom, in the hope of inspiring others. In this month's issue, we hear from Brother Saiwarren Nathan from Region 1. Bhajan means to contemplate on God. That alone gives us peace and happiness. Peace and happiness are not separate from each other. They can be attained only through Hari bhajan (contemplating on God). (Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 42, Ch. 6) To kickstart the year, Region 1 hosted a "bhajam" (bhajan jam) - held at Wimbledon Sai Centre on 26th March. This informal bhajan activity has been popular amongst Young Adults in recent years, and so it was decided that this would be a good opportunity for Young Adults to reconnect. Furthermore, Swami has said that "all should come together and sing bhajans. The mind of some may go in other directions. But at least a few of them will focus it on God's name. Therefore, when you do bhajans in a group, the prayers of at least one or two may reach God, which will benefit all" (Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 41 Ch. 8). Given the challenges faced in hosting face-to-face satsangs in recent years, there was an eagerness from Young Adults to come together and take part in a form of community singing. For those unaccustomed to a "bhajam", it is essentially a chance for creative juices to flow without the pressure of singing in a live environment. The session started mid-morning after Wimbledon Sai Centre bhajans and Young Adults from various centres and even other Regions slowly trickled in. Rotating between singers and instrumentalists, all who attended were given the opportunity to sing or play an instrument of their choice. It was encouraging to see Young Adults come out of their comfort zone, especially some who normally do not sing bhajans at their centres. By Swami's abundant grace, the "bhajam" lasted for over two and a half hours. Everyone's active participation helped turn the event into a success and we all left feeling energised. Some Young Adults even continued their day by attending another bhajan! | | | | | Region 1 (London South East & South West) | | | | | | | Over 700 Easter eggs were collected across the Region for the children of Croydon University & St Helier's Hospitals, along with other trusts and charities. | | | | | | | Merton Sai Centre resumed seva at the Winter Night Shelter in January after the shelter did not open last year. This year, there were 11 permanent residents in the shelter and 6 volunteers helping every day. The devotees from Merton cooked a 3-course meal for the 17 people every week for 7 weeks from January to March. The quality of meals provided received rave reviews from both the guests and the volunteers.
We received a weekly update of how the guests were doing and some key achievements are listed below: - One guest was offered permanent employment in Greenford. He was very pleased with this, and the shelter is working hard to see if accommodation can be secured for him. - One guest continues to work with Westminster Drug Project and has been prescribed vitamins to help his body repair. - One guest had a follow up appointment at the doctors. He was told his blood pressure was in the healthy range for the first time in over 15 years and he had a clean bill of health. He was so delighted and put this down to the warm, safe environment with which he had been provided, the healthy three meals eaten each day, and the dramatic decrease in his alcohol intake. Thank you to all the volunteers from the Centre who helped cook and deliver meals. We will hopefully continue with the Winter Night Shelter in 2024. | | | | | | | Wimbledon Sai Centre celebrated Rama Navami on Sunday 2nd April, marking the birthday of Lord Rama. | | | | | | | Tooting Sai Centre served 80 hot meals (Mexican vegetarian hotpot) and distributed over 90 bags of fruit & water to the homeless in central London. | | | | | | | Region 2 (London North West and nearby Home Counties) | | | | | | | Harrow East Sai Centre and Harrow West Sai Centre jointly took part in the Great British Spring Clean on 18th March. This is the UK's biggest mass-action enviromental campaign and we were the first group to kick start this event. It had been raining all day but with Swami's blessings, the weather cleared up in time to set for the clean up. A big thank you to all members who took part in this service, especially our Bal Vikas children. | | | | | | | For Mother's Day this year, the beloved little Bal Vikas (SSE) children at Harrow West Sai Centre offered their love and gratitude to Mother Sai and to their mothers by making these beautiful handmade cards. This was their offering of love in action.
Upcoming events:
- Harrow West Sai Centre
- Sunday 23rd April, 4-6pm: Aradhana Mahotsavam at Oxhey Wood Primary School, Oxhey Drive, South Oxhey, Watford WD19 7SL
- Sunday 7th May, 4pm: Easwaramma Day celebrations at Oxhey Wood Primary School
| | | | | | | Region 3 (London North, East & Central and nearby Home Counties)
| | | | | | | On 11th March, Colchester Sai Centre celebrated International Women's and Mother's Day. Our Ladies' Wing Coordinator started off the celebrations by giving a brief talk on International Women's Day. The Mother's Day celebration involved the Bal Vikas children and Young Adults performing a small Aarti offering to their mothers, then presenting their mothers with flowers and handmade garlands, receiving blessings in return. | | | | | | | Cambridge Sai Centre celebrated Mother's Day on Saturday 18th March at Mayfield Primary School by chanting Vedam and singing bhajans, mainly Sai Maa and Devi bhajans. It was attended by 12 devotees and Bal Vikas children who read out Swami's Thought for the Day, glorifying the virtues of Mothers and their contribution to society. Cambridge Sai Centre also celebrated Ram Navami and Hanuman Jayanti on 1st April. It was attended by 15 devotees and Bal Vikas children, who chanted Narayana Upanishad, recited multi-faith prayers and sang Sri Rama and Sri Hanuman bhajans. The Bal Vikas children read out Swami's thought for the day to complete the programme. It was a lovely gathering to celebrate the auspicious event of Ram Navami. | | | | | | | Edmonton Sai Centre celebrated Ram Navami and Chaitra Navratri at Houndsfield Primary School in Edmonton on Sunday 26th March. Around 80 devotees joined us when we sang part of the Ramayana, and bhajans on Durga Maa and Ram. | | | | | | | Chelmsford Sai Centre celebrated Ram Navami and Hanuman Jayanti on 2nd April with around 30 devotees. The celebrations consisted of Vedam chanting led by a Bal Vikas child, Ram prayers, a pooja, Ram and Hanuman bhajans, a reading about Lord Hanuman by another Bal Vikas child, recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa and finally the closing prayers and Thought for the Day read out by a Bal Vikas student. The atmosphere was most uplifting and utmost bliss was experienced by all devotees. | | | | | | | Bedford Sai Centre celebrated Ram Navami with beautiful bhajans, prayers and a discourse by Swami, followed by our AGM. This was attended by 21 devotees including children. | | | | | | | Region 4 (Midlands)
Upcoming events:
- Birmingham Sai Centre
- Sunday 23rd April, 10am: Aradhana Mahotsavam at The Broadway Academy, The Broadway, Perry Barr, Birmingham B20 3DP
- Leicester Sai Centres
- Monday 24th April, 7.30-9pm: Aradhana Mahotsavam at Soar Valley College, Gleneagles Avenue, Leicester LE4 7GY
- Saturday 27th May, 10am-4pm: "My Sai and I" Young Adults day at Soar Valley College
- Narborough Road Sai Centre
- Saturday 15th April, 2-6pm: 35th anniversary celebration at Beaumont Leys School, Anstey Lane, Leicester LE4 0FL
| | | | | | | Region 5 (North England and Northern Ireland)
| | | | | | | Our Regional Aradhana Mahotsavam event will be hosted by Greater Manchester Sai Centre. As usual for our regional events, we will be supporting a charity. We have chosen Barnabus, who work with homeless and vulnerable people in Manchester. The items they urgently need are listed below:
- Joggers (tracksuit bottoms), small and medium sizes.
- Small rucksacks (30L lightweight, foldable, and waterproof, suitable to wear on the back). No large rucksacks please.
Please bring them to the event on 22nd April where they will be collected by Barnabus. | | | | | | | Bradford Sai Centre celebrated Sri Ram Navami on Thursday 30th March. | | | | | | | Bradford Sai Centre devotees collected Easter eggs for two local causes: 116 eggs for the local Junior Chamber of Commerce who distribute to underprivileged children; and 111 eggs for Bradford Royal Infirmary. | | | | | | | Region 6 (South & South East England) | | | | | | | Rochester Sai Centre marked Aradhana Mahotsavam on 1st April; it was a wonderful commemoration where every devotee expressed why they are thankful to our beloved Mother Sai. The meeting was comprised of beautiful bhajans, heartfelt prayers, and guided meditation, and ended with concluding prayers, Mangala Aarti and Maha Prashadam. | | | | | | | Tunbridge Wells Sai Group celebrated Ram Navami and Hanuman Jayanti on 2nd April. Around 70 devotees attended including Bal Vikas children. The programme started with Bhagawan's Ashtottaram and Vedam, followed by the singing the glory of Lord Rama and Lord Hanuman. It concluded with bhajans, followed by Mangala Aarti and Prashadam. Farnborough Sai Centre held special Ram Navami bhajans on 30th March, attended by around 25 devotees. The programme began with bhajans, and concluded with Mangala Aarti followed by Maha Prashadam. | | | | | | | Special bhajans were also held by Farnborough Sai Centre on 6th April on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti. About 30 devotees attended along with Bal Vikas children; the programme began with the chanting of Hanuman Chalisa, followed by bhajans and Mangala Aarti.
Upcoming event:
- Farnborough Sai Centre
- Monday 24th April, 6pm: Aradhana Mahotsavam at 3 Ribble Place, Farnborough GU14 9LX
| | | | | | | Region 7 (West & South West England and Wales) | | | | | | | Edinburgh Sai Centre held its Ram Navami celebrations on 30th March. Around 25-30 people attended the Bhajans followed by lots of prashadam brought by different devotees. | | | | | | | On the occasion of Ram Navami, Glasgow Sai Centre bhajans were held in a devotee's house on 30th March. Around 25-30 people attended the Bhajans. Aberdeen Sai Centre also held Ram Navami bhajans in Brother Ram's house. Around 20 people attended. | | | | | | | | |
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