Aum Sri Sai Ram! Today - Thursday, 9th June, 2016 - we are pleased to share with you the Divine Booklet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Visit to Germany in April 2016. To download the English language Germany Booklet, please click here. A German version will be available soon. In case you have not received the recent emails, the following Divine Booklets are now available on the Online Library of Divine Booklets: 1. The Indonesian Translation of the Booklet of Bhagawan Baba's Visit to Bali, Indonesia on 24-26 March, 2016. Please click here to download. For the English-version Indonesia Booklet, please click here. 2. The Booklet of Swami's visit to Croatia on 24th April, 2016, which you can download in English here. For the Croatian Translation, please click here. 3. Bhagawan Baba's Visit to the UK in April 2016. Please click here to download. 4. The Croatian Translation of the Booklet of Swami's visit to the USA in June 2015, available here. You can also visit to view and download all the Divine Booklets of Swami's travels overseas uploaded till date. Jai Sai Ram! BSG Admin Sri Sathya Sai Premamruta Prakashana (R)  Subscription List and Online Library of Divine Booklets: To download or view all the Booklets of Swami's travels around the world since 2015, please visit or click here. The Booklets are stored on Google Drive. If you are unfamiliar with Google Drive, there is an instructional PDF available at the link above. New Booklets of Swami's travels in 2016 will be added as they are ready and you will receive an update by email. If your loved ones or friends would like to subscribe to this email list, to receive updates on the latest travels of Bhagawan overseas, please ask them to write to | |
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