EXPERIENCES - posted MONDAY 14th September 2015 Gulbarga Campus. 11-12th Sept 2015 |
♥ Sai Ram All. Here is an update on Swami's visit to Gulbarga Campus on 11-12 Sept. Thanks to Satyanarayana Sir, the warden, for sending it.
A report of Swami's visit to Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Niketanam, Gulbarga.
The days of preparations by boys to receive The Lord had fulfilment on 11th and 12th when we had the coveted chance of rejoicing in His presence after a long year of pining.
Ananda Nilayam is His residence always. Residing here , He is the one who motivated the boys to crave, to hear Him speak also. Then he made the ones , who could convey His voice and enable us to feel His presence, also to come here.
Madhu brother, MurthyAnna and their team reached SATHYA SAI VIDYA NIKETANAM at 5.40pm . A warm welcome was extended by all boys standing in guard of honour right from arch gate till Guest house. After a brief rest, all of them had supper with boys and then retired for the night.
Next morning all 425 boys filled the air with the melodious song...'Banadaana aaha Bandaana..' ( He has come!)...a new song in Karnataka folk style, rejoicing on His arrival and voiced out their heart together in the form of musical rendering of songs, for half an hour. Swami listened to them so lovingly. He cares for the feeling more than anything else! Two boys expressed the feelings on behalf of the other boys in their talks, which was followed by the ever inspiring talk of Murthyanna and the most awaited Divine Discourse of Swami. Swami was so concerned that the first he said is that the boys could go for a short break to relieve themselves before the discourse starts as they had been sitting for more than 2 hours already. But boys surprised us by not getting up or move, in spite of Swami repeating the instructions.
In the midst of His discourse , HE asked boys "What do you want?" ...."You Swami" was the answer in unison. Swami said if boys develop this kind of yearning for Swami in our schools, the purpose of starting the schools is well served. The program ended with Arati as Swami blessed the Prasadam and also a few pens to be gifted away to all.
Upgraded computer room was opened and blessed by Swami for the boys, with a formal inauguration after the morning programm. Sachin Sutar, the Teacher incharge was blessed with a chain as Swami told everyone how the teacher joined here despite his parents not being too happy. However Swami also assured him Swami will bring them all together soon.
Afternoon there was an exclusive session in HIS ROOM for all the teachers. Some teachers, new to the fold, were stunned when Swami mentioned things that were personal to their lives, things of the past and gave them a glimpse of His omniscience. Teachers are now motivated more then ever to play their roles well as enlightening teachers , affectionate brothers and caring parents to the students.
The Ananda Nilayam hall was packed to its capacity and many were sitting outside the hall too as the devotees from surroundings also were permitted to join for the afternoon program.
After a few cultural programmes and talk by a staff , MurthyAnna spoke, remembering the initial days of this campus and then prayed to Swami to bless all with His Divine discourse. The translation was into Kannada. Swami advised teachers to play their role well. He told "look after my students well, I will take care of your well-being and all your responsibilities".
He asked boys "when should I come again?" Boys in unison said " be here only Swami". Swami said," ok, I am here always, what about NarasimhaMurthy, he has lot of work in all places. So , soon after Birthday They will come here, then the new hostel can be inaugurated". Again He asked "what do you want?"Boys said "you Swami". Swami was very happy and asked anything else? " boys said "Padanamaskar Swami".
"Come in line and have it", was the most spontaneous response of Swami. (Madhu brother indicated that they may place their heads on the foot rest of Swami's chair ). This was an opportunity not only for boys but also for devotees. One devotee who had been the construction contractor, here 3 years back , was blessed with a gift.
Swami sat patiently for an hour blessing each individual young and old, speaking a word here and there, for about an hour after Aarathi. Love is patience!
This morning Swami's Team started their journey from here to Bijapur campus leaving behind Swami and the sweet moments in the hearts of all here.

EXPERIENCES - posted TUESDAY 2nd September 2015 London Satsangh Experience no3 - 31st Aug 2015 |
♥ Does God's love know any boundaries? People from Italy, Croatia, Greece, dubai, singapore, Holland, Netherlands, Germany and of course from around London, gathered to meet Swami at the home of Dr Grish Malhotra and family last evening.
A beautiful marquee was setup to seat up to 400 people however it was overflowing with devotees. Despite the drizzle all, worked hard to get the venue prepared for the evening.
While volunteers and family members were busy outside, Swami was busy giving interviews, first to a group of 19 people from Holland. He blessed them profusely speaking to each of them and answering their prayers patiently. After a group photo they left. Swami called in the the family members and volunteers to give some important institutions for the function. After that He called a group in, this comprised of a respectable Lady who had come all the way to offer her property to Swami for using it as an ashram in UK. Around 2 hours drive it is set in a picturesque country side on the east cost and is perfect for an Ashram. Swami blessed the lady and accepted the offering of love at the same time taking upon himself, her responsibility.
Later in the evening, Swami talked to a few people before coming down to the venue. The rain that had not agreed to stop despite several requests, all of a sudden became silent as if mesmerised by the divine beauty and lost itself in His charm. As Swami glided in to the Hall, people felt His divine energy. After a few soulful songs by sister Sonja from Italy and others, there were three talks by Mr Tigrett,Mr Sreenivas and Sri Narasimhamurthy. While Mr Tigrett emphasised on the point that though GoD created Man, it's Man who invented God, he narrated stories form his life. Mr Sreenivas was the next speaker who mentioned about the wonderful miracle of Swami bringing people together in unknown lands for His work. Substantiating it with the incident in Nigeria during the recent visit of Swami. As Swami instructed Sri CS to take over the running of a small hospital which was being managed by an Indian lady for the last 30 years single handedly, that too in one of the most backward areas of Lagos. Sri CS Got a call from a stranger who mentioned to him about his late mother Dr C Rajeshwari ( instrumental in setting up of Whitefield general hospital in 70s). His mother was the family doctor of this caller and she was very dear to their family for her services while she lived in Ghana in late 60s. It was a divine providence that this caller owned the hospital building and he immediately offered that to Swami! So now Swami has a hospital in Lagos that will serve poor free of all costs.
Sri Narasimhamurthy in his speech recounted the several projects that are happening which is humanly impossible. More than 5000 students given free education and more than 1000 free paediatric cardiac surgeries after Mahasamadhi are only proofs of Swami's unseen hand and subtle presence.
Swami in His discourse mentioned that His mission to give bliss and protection to all, succour to needy, guidance to the strayed still continues.
God though unmanifest in His true form, takes upon himself a form akin to humans only to teach lessons. Swami descended to our level to teach us but now we must ascend to His level. Selfless service is the way to realise Him. Feeling Him in all and thereby loving and serving Him in all is true devotion. The children studying free or cured at no cost are not blood relatives of either Sri CS or Sri BNN but are related through Love. This Love can't stay quiet when it sees others suffering and immediately acts upon it, till the suffering is removed and relief restored. Mr Tigrett too gave up all to help Swami build the first super speciality Hospital in Parthi. He gave all his life's earning to serve those whom he did not even know. That's why they are dear to Swami. Thats why Swami loves and trusts them with His work. The temporary world can't give permanent Joy, they are the testimony to this truth. Be selfless, be fearless by developing true faith in God and believing that He will look after. Swami said that now we need to move on to the High School with higher thoughts. Only if we have done well in primary school can we graduate and come to high school. Following the two footsteps of Love and Service one can march and reach God.
What an inspiring discourse that was, He roared like a Majestic Lion at the same time conveyed the profoundest truths in the sweetest and simplest way that only He can.
Dinner Prasadam was served to all who attended as Swami retired Satisfied with the arrangements made in such a short time.

EXPERIENCES - posted TUESDAY 1st September 2015 London Satsangh Experience 29th Aug 2015 |
♥ Grading shades of green, heralding the onset of Autumn welcomed us, as we drove towards the residence of Dr Grish Malhotra in Chigwell. The drive from the Gatwick airport to Chigwell seemed like forever, thanks to the packed roads. Yes, exhaustion did catch us, but there is something magical about London, always has been!
We were very lovingly welcomed by Sri Grish Malhotra, his wife Smt Seema, Sri Romi Tandon and his wife Smt Anita. After some sumptuous food, we were ready to hit the sack. Five magical days with the Lord and His loving children in the UK were just about to begin!
Residence of Sri Deepak Mehta - Saturday, Aug 29 - Morning After a hearty breakfast, we started on a two-hour drive to Wimbledon. Swami very lovingly bid us farewell and said He would see us directly at the Mehta residence. The sweet Lord doesn't enjoy His ride through traffic!
It was an intimate gathering of about 25 people. Sri Deepak, his devout wife Smt Mona and their sweet daughter Saisha welcomed Bhagawan will a lot of devotion and gratitude. After a few bhajans, Swami commanded Sri B N Narasimha Murthy to address all gathered. This was followed by Bhagawan's nectarine message. He said, "Purity will lead you to divinity. When the heart is pure, that becomes the seat of the divine. If you want to talk & access me, you have to be pure. You are all part of the great divine being! Think together, work together and be together. So, everytime a selfish thought springs in your mind, discard it with a selfless thought. Purity is of utmost importance!"
Two beautiful songs were rendered at His Divine Lotus Feet. The evergreen 'Humko Tumse Pyaar Kitna' followed a soulful 'O Nesthama Priyamaina Bandhama'. Swami was very happy and quite excited to see the songs being sung in chaste Telugu and infact quipped to say, "The Queen is going to get very upset with the Telugu songs!" His subtle humour earthly in texture does delude us, but definitely allows everyone around Him to enjoy the Divine wit. Swami partook His lunch and retired for the afternoon.
Saturday, Aug 29 - Afternoon We left at 3pm from the Mehta residence to The Rutlish School in Wimbledon, a secondary school for boys, where the afternoon program was arranged. As we walked into a packed auditorium of almost 400 people, Rudram was being changed with a lot of devotion. The vibrations were magical! Inspiring talks by Sri Isaac Tigrett, Sri C Sreenivas and Sri B N Narasimha Murthy preceded Bhagawan's discourse. The highlight of the evening was a play staged by the children on selflessness and sacrifice, ultimately leading oneself to transformation. Short acts from Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and even from the life of Swami, was a sheer joy to witness. So much of purity and innocence emanates from children, and all gathered enjoyed every bit of the play.
Swami joined everyone for dinner amidst much excitement. We learnt later there were people from close to 12 countries - Italy, The Netherlands, Germany, France, Japan, Singapore, Greece, just to name a few. The warm sunshine attracts the flowers, and a fragrant flower calls the attention of bees, need we say more! As we drove back from Wimbledon to Chigwell to retire for the night, recapitulating the proceeds of the day just gone by, a saying comes to mind. Jesus told the apostle Thomas at the time of His Resurrection, "Blessed are they that have not seen, but yet have believed."

EXPERIENCES - posted TUESDAY 1st September 2015 London Satsangh Experience No2 - 30th Aug 2015 |
♥ Here is another update of 30th August program...UK Visit - August 30
As we woke up to a cheerful morning, we were greeted by delicious breakfast, which had become a routine now. We were all set to drive to Wimbledon once again, to the residence of the Rajasingams. Ever so grateful to the Google Map which took us through some very beautiful roads. The UK is indeed blessed with scenic drives and miles of open roads!
Residence of Sri Rajasingam - Sunday, Aug 30 - Morning
Sri Rajasingam, his devout wife Smt Vasanthi and their daughters Saima & Sai Janany welcomed the Lord to their abode with much devotion. Once again an intimate group of devotees had gathered. As Swami entered He said, "Same God, same devotees!" Simple, yet drenched with profundity! If we ruminate on the statement & attempt to understand even an iota of its inner significance, it is certainly bound to reveal many truths!
Swami spoke about the importance of complete faith and surrender to God. "Leave everything to God just like how the baby cat trusts its mother to take care of it (Marjala Saranagathi Reethi)."
Bhagawan commanded Sri C Sreenivas to speak. An absolutely inspirational speaker, he expounded about Swami's ceaseless, endless & relentless love. "We have all been picked by Him. He has placed His trust on us, and now it is time for us to honour him with our faith. This is a defining moment, we have to constantly feel, experience & live His message. We have to deeply internalize. We are on a road not travelled before, and this cud be life's defining role. Grasping & grabbing the opportune moment is the need-of-the-hour." The morning session ended with a delectable spread of lunch. Everyone retired for a bit, before heading to the Rutlish English School once again, for the afternoon program.
UK Youth Meet - Sunday, Aug 30 - Afternoon
Bhagawan arrived at the venue amidst much adoration by the youth, who had gathered to welcome their Master. A very powerful evening was just about to unravel in front of us! Sri Isaac Tigrett, the first speaker of the afternoon rendered a very inspiring and stimulating speech, dotted with lessons from his journey of life. He urged the youth of today to count every circumstance as a blessing instead of a curse, and stressed the need to cease the current golden moment with the Lord.
Talks by Sri C Sreenivas and Sri B N Narasimha Murthy followed. Sri C Sreenivas made a profound observation when he said, "After BC and before AD there was a time that defined the world, we are living in such times now which will define the future".Sri Narasimhamurthy quoted Khalil Gibran, "we pass with the passing times and remain nameless, only those who have crossed Him in the mid stream will be remembered for crossing Him in the mid stream". He said that today we have this rare chance to be a part of Bhagawan's holy mission and the choice we make now will make us immortal. Two young speakers from the UK specially chosen by Bhagawan, shared their thoughts soon after.
Bhagawan in His divine discourse said, "God is present in everything in this creation, in an unmanifest way. Why is God important? From birth to death, we all live in this false notion of identifying ourselves with our physical appearances, and we tend to base everything on the status of the body, which is the name and form. It's like a fancy dress which we must give up in order to know that we truly are God".
"Don't give too much importance to the world. Between world and God...God comes first. As long as you live life in accordance to JOY (Jesus first; Others next; Yourself last) you will always be full of happiness".
You are God. Until you realise this, don't stop the search. Get up, wake up, and walk till you reach the goal. Walk hand-in-hand together and reach your destination which is divinity. Your primary and only duty is to realise divinity. Anything which is not allowing you to take you closer to that goal, is a waste of time.
My message to the youth is - Bear all and do nothing. Hear all and say nothing. Give all and take nothing. Serve all and be nothing."
A very tall order, and indeed an extraordinarily powerful message from the Lord to all the youth around the world. The energy and dedication of the youth in the Lord's mission is integral. In retrospect, at the end of day, all of this is simply about self transformation and realising the true innate divine nature!
Swami blessed the organising team of young people with an interview .Once again the sweet Lord gave immense joy and happiness to everyone gathered by joining them for dinner. An euphoria filled afternoon came to an end and we all scampered back to the Rajasingam residence. Swami lovingly granted pada namaskar to everyone gathered and took Aarti. While slumber caught us unaware as we made our way back to Chigwell, it left us thinking about the inspiring messages. We often hear the expression, "doing God's work' which is essentially "doing good work", which enhances our connection with God, who is always working through us. At the very least, all this helps us in our quest to open up our higher consciousness! |
EXPERIENCES - posted TUESDAY 1st September 2015 The Sai Within - experiences of a devotee |
♥ When Swami had a body he came to me many times in the subtle or astral form. I am going to share a small segment of these experiences. I will try to put these experiences into chronological order. I had the most unorthodox experience around 1972. I was meditating in East Setauket, in my apartment which was part of a private home located in a wooden area. And it was around 11:00 pm at night. We had no street lights along these country roads. I was experiencing great pain in my back and felt like I was on fire. God had said from within to go for a car ride. I had no head lights on my car, so I was arguing with God. Finally because the pain was so severe I said okay. I drove and reached the country road safely. When I reached the small county shopping mall, however, I jumped over a cement parking divider. I thought I had destroyed my gas tank. Next on my right appeared a police man in a car who blew me away because he just passed me and didn't stop. My thoughts were, "there goes the Higher Mind." On my left stopped a car and the stranger got out and approached me and told me to get a button changed on my car and then I would have headlights., I obeyed this stranger, got the button changed and I had lights. My Lord, does God know how to play His leelas, (His games). I apologized profusely to God and asked for forgiveness. This lesson taught me to listen to God even if I think the messages are unusual and weird requests.
I just love his leelas. I use to sell jewelry with a friend, Claudia on the streets of New York City before we would attend our Hilda Charlton's meditation spiritual class meeting. On one of these occurrences in 1974 or 1975, while I was home and preparing to go to NY City, I heard a voice. "You don't understand, leave immediately". Well, I knew where I was to go so I left immediately. Mind you it is a hitch hike ride to the train station. Then a 1 ½ train ride, and finally a subway ride to get to my destination. When I reached there I was just in time to receive my friend's police ticket for selling things on the street of NY City. Claudia did not have an identity card and for her it would of meant jail, but for me it was just a $10 fine. What did I learn? I learned the importance of following Swami's voice instructions. But look how far in advance Swami was playing his game. In the middle of 1970's I was sitting in my bedroom meditating. During my meditation I experienced seeing a body of white light against the opposite wall of mine. There was a loud noise and this body of light climbed back into me and I was in pain. I never had any idea of what that was, but today in 2015 I now understand, it was my own light body. It was a sukshma body of my own. We each have a sukshma body and we use it usually unconsciously, but some people can use it consciously.
In 1981 During one darshan when Swami had by-passed me by about two feet to my left. I heard him say, "No permission to leave". The voice was loud and clear. But I knew it was from the inner realms. I communicated this to the ashram authorities and I stayed in the ashram with permission for one year total. It was a great experience and I am glad that Baba kept me here.
Another experience that occurred during this period of time which was beyond words is the following. I used to carry a large statue of Lord Krishna in the ashram. One day I placed the statue on the café table. I walked away and returned with my food. Upon returning I saw someone praying to the statue and I saw Lord Krishna standing behind the statue, receiving the pray. I was stunned and I then understood idol worship. It was a learning experience. I was reprimanded by the ashram for carrying Lord Krishna, but when I told them my experience they said, "carry Lord Krishna".
This experience occurred in 1981 too while a group of us were following Swami to a lecture, but we were in a train. I had reached into my purse and separated my passport from my money and airline ticket. I didn't know why. Afterwards I heard a voice, "You are not going to like this train ride". Immediately I reached into my bag and discovered that someone had stolen by ticket and all my money. The voice prepared me for the experience and I laughed and laughed. I was not sad at all. What is the message? When God tells you the play participating in it is one big glorious experience. That just brings bliss.
Around 1983 while substitute teaching in the North Babylon Schools, Swami came to me astrally in the classroom. At that time I was studying Wicca. Swami's appearance indicated to me to teach students about the Wiccan faith, which I did. It is the old Druid religion with the worship of Divine Mother. There is an emphasis on Mother Earth and Nature, plus I dwelled on karma. Wicca holds that what you do comes back to you three times stronger. Do good and good returns stronger, hurt another and your karma is three times increased. I told them it is like the boomerang. Teenagers need to understand that their behavior has consequences.
There was another astral experience with Swami in the school. I was in biology class and I asked the students who had dreams. One girl said she did and explained what happened to people after her dreams. What was the purpose of that experience? I told the girl to pray for the people who she saw in the dream and then place that person into God's hands. And know that only what God wants will happen. She was afraid of her own night dreams. The reason being that whoever appeared in her night dream would die in a few days. Students asked her not to tell them her night dreams.
I did not tell the students about Swami astrally entering the classroom. I knew the school authorities wouldn't like me to discuss dreams with the students. But the dealing of that fear was my own issue. I had to face that fear, rise above it, and act according to God's needs and what was best for the children. What would happen afterwards, didn't matter. It was my lesson on faith and God would take care
In 1987, at the start of my India trip when I first arrived at Puttaparthi, I heard a voice say, "buy what you want for gifts now". I did as I was told, but didn't know why. At the end of my stay Swami surprised me and I came down with hepatitis. I got it from drinking juice at the cart stands. Originally I thought it was healthy but I realized that cart sellers don't wash the glasses thoroughly enough. I must have gotten a contaminated glass. The lesson was to listen and to obey. I had bought the gifts when I first arrived saving me from not being able to do that task at the end of the journey. I no longer take drinks from cart stands.
In the 1990"s I was working as a substitute teacher for the Franklin county Public Schools. While at work one day Swami visited me astrally in the classroom. It was a strong, quick visit. What was the purpose of this visit? I asked the students, Is anyone into dreams. There were two girls who had dreams of walking with the wolves and their dreams were peaceful. I informed the girls that a books existed called, Women who walk with Wolves. It was about opening up to the intuition through the Native American path. The girls begged to read it and they did with much enjoyment. Only after they read it was I able to read it. I adore the Native American spiritual path. In 1992 I had an extra ordinary experience in my room, while in the ashram. I wanted more than anything to have an interview. All of a sudden I spoke words I didn't know. My roommate said, "I didn't know you knew Italian". I said, "I don't". She replied that I spoke it perfectly and translated it for me. Swami was showing me that He can speak through anyone he pleases at any time. Don't Christians talk about the Holy Ghost. Swami is that Holy Ghost.
During the late 1990's, when Baba was still walking, I stated mentally to Swami in one of the Darshans, "Swami thank you for the body, but I want to see the real you.". At that moment I experienced a Divine energy that flooded my being. It made me speechless. Swami is really an energy experience not a body.
What have I learned from all these astral experience and hearing of voices from Swami. Always listen to Swami voice. But one must always observe that the voices prove truthful and hurt no one physically, mentally and emotionally. As long as the voices speak of love take a chance to follow them and experience the bliss of your will (God) not mine. There are others and perhaps I will communicate them later. My first meditation teacher could astral project at will anytime he wanted. My physical brother could astral project in his history class at high school. Why is it important to understand the astral world and hearing God's voice? Because it helps you to transcend the third dimension into the next realms and helps bring that knowledge into third dimensional matter, thereby helping all matter to love more. It helps us to access new ideas and to bring them into the physical world. Beethoven heard beautiful music. And the man who invented the sewing machine saw how to make the needle and thread part in a dream. We learn in the astral at night and bring this knowledge into our dream state to tell our conscious mind how to better the physical world. All of my experiences have prepared me for Muddenahalli. I now truly understand what Madusudan is doing. All are welcomed on to Space ship Earth taking off for the Divine. What I experience, what other people experience like Madusudan are simply what all human beings are working to experience. There are many experiencing the Divintity Within now. We must all step forward and acknowledge and love this new paradigm of existence.
Love Mirabi. |
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