Symphonies of India
Symphonies of India - An Enchanting Confluence of Divine Melodies Across India, held at Nehru Park, Delhi on Saturday 27th June 2015
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How can we get divine help easily, given our daily situation, circumstances and challenges? Bhagawan lovingly gives us valuable tips today.
Today's Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam, Monday, June 29, 2015
Embodiments of love! Where the six qualities of zeal, determination, courage, intelligence, ability and heroism are present, there Divine help will manifest. In any field, at any time, success is assured to the person endowed with all these six precious qualities. They help you confront various difficulties from time to time and contribute to your all-round well-being. Just as a student must pass various tests and examinations, these qualities are also subject to trials. Such trials are your stepping stones to high achievements. These trials come in the form of losses, troubles, pains, sufferings and calumny. Unfortunately, many students and elderly alike, lack self-confidence and have become a prey to peacelessness because of their involvement in sensual pleasures. Youth, students and everyone must develop self-confidence. In fact, self-confidence should be the life-breath of every person. Develop self-confidence and embark on the journey of life with faith in God.
- Divine Discourse, 23 Jan 1997.
Fortitude endows you with self-confidence. Self-confidence generates an immense internal power.-BABA.
Read the full discourse here:
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Download the special poster of Summer Showers 1990 Illustrated - Discourse 10 and read the full discourse here:…/SUMMER-SHOWERS-ILLUSTRATED-1990…
Radiosai Team.
How can controling our external tendencies and habits lead us to control the internal thoughts and tendencies? Bhagawan explains with a simple example.
Today's Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam, Sunday, June 28, 2015
External control helps internal control in many ways. To succeed in external controls is more difficult than to achieve success in controlling the internal! A turn of the steering wheel in one's hand in any direction makes the wheels of the car, which are not i...n one's hand, move in the same direction. The wheels won't turn in one direction when the steering is turned in another; this is the natural. But sometimes, when the steering is turned one way, the wheels may drag another way, but this is due to the giving up of the natural characteristic. The internal wheels, if they have no air, which is the true essence, may behave as if there is no relationship with the steering. But they can't go beyond the bounds of steering; the steering in the hand is related to the wheels below. If there is no such relation, the journey becomes impossible. Therefore for the one who has struggled with and conquered the external tendencies, the internal tendencies become easily controllable.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 53.
Control of the senses and observance of the accepted code of discipline are the hallmarks of a cultured person. - BABA.
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Download the special poster of Summer Showers 1990 Illustrated - Discourse 10 and read the full discourse here:…/SUMMER-SHOWERS-ILLUSTRATED-1990…
Radiosai Team.
What are the characteristics of a true aspirant? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.
Today's Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam, Saturday, June 27, 2015
Aspirants are engaged in contemplation of the Lord (Sarveswara-chinthana) as ceaselessly as the waves of the sea; they accumulate the wealth of equality and equal love to all, and are content in the thought that all is the Lord's and nothing is theirs. Unlike the regular person, the spiritual seeker won't easily bend bef...ore grief or loss, anger or hatred or selfishness, hunger, thirst or fickleness. One should master all the above good things as much as possible and journey through life in fortitude, courage, joy, peace, charity, and humility. Realising that tending the body is not all-important, one has to bear even hunger and thirst patiently and be engaged uninterruptedly in contemplation of the Lord. Quarreling at every tiny little thing, losing one's temper, becoming sad at the slightest provocation, getting angry at the smallest insult, worried at thirst, hunger, and loss of sleep — these can never be the characteristics of an aspirant.
Prema Vahini, Ch 59.
Cool comforting conversation is most congenial to the aspirant; this habit will take him to the goal. – BABA.
Get 'Thought for the day' in your email every day. Subscribe to our newsletter (Also called Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam, a free daily Inspirational Email service from Radio Sai)
Download the special poster of Summer Showers 1990 Illustrated - Discourse 10 and read the full discourse here:…/SUMMER-SHOWERS-ILLUSTRATED-1990…
Radiosai Team.
Have you ever been in a sunflower garden? Or in the midst of primary school tiny tots or in a photo gallery of beautiful pictures of Swami? Now, if we ask you to pick one sunflower which is outstanding or one kid who is extraordinary or one picture which is breathtaking, you are not going to have it easy, right? Because each sunflower is so alluring, every child is so adorable, and every picture of Swami is so bewitching. So you are going to take a while to do this task. Same was our predicament when we received the entries for the Radio Sai Photography Competition – 2015.
However, reluctantly we had to do the judging as we had promised. Here is what our panel of judges gave us.
We sincerely thank each participant for their beautiful entries. And are grateful to Swami for bestowing on all participants such noble thoughts and ideas.
View all the winners photographs and Consolation images in our web page. Just hover on the Image to view in large.
Thank you and Loving Sairam,
Radio Sai Team.
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