Annually, on festivals like Ram Navami, Guru Purnima & Dussera, the 3 main festivals which are celebrated in Shirdi,
Sai Baba's Golden Chariot, after due rituals is taken out on a procession from "Shree Dwarkamai" to
all around the Shirdi village. This procession is celebrated with great passion, verve and he artfulness.
There is puja, music (bhajan), public parayana (reading of scriptures and devotional texts)
and exuberant processions with the palanquin and the Rath (cart).

"gOOd timber dOes nOt grOw with ease:
The strOnger wind, the strOnger trees;
The further the sky, the greater length;
The mOre the stOrm, the mOre the strength.
By sun and cOld, by rain and snOw,
In trees and men gOOd timbers grOw !"
.....dOuglas mallOch

sAve tRees,
nOt shAve tRees !
"gOOd timber dOes nOt grOw with ease:
The strOnger wind, the strOnger trees;
The further the sky, the greater length;
The mOre the stOrm, the mOre the strength.
By sun and cOld, by rain and snOw,
In trees and men gOOd timbers grOw !"
.....dOuglas mallOch
sAve tRees,
nOt shAve tRees !
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