Monday, April 22nd, 2013
Sai fraternity's greater commitment to World Peace got a fillip today with the commencement of the three-day Vishwa Shanti Loka Kalyana Homam this morning here in Prasanthi Nilayam. The three-day Vishwa Shanthi Homam is being organised as part of the Sri Sathya Sai Aradhana Mahotsavam 2013 and is aimed at World Peace. Amidst loud Vedic chantings, well supplemented by nadaswaram music, the programme commenced at 05:45 hrs. with the priests taking out a procession circumambulating Prasanthi Mandir, arriving at the venue.
The specially erected, well decked up, Yajna Mandap had the fire-pit at the centre, facing the Seat Of The Divine; Idols of Eternal Divine Parents, Lord Shiva along with Mother Parvathi, along with Kalashas, adorned a make-shift podium set next to the fire-pit.
Initial proceedings for the Homa began at 0600 hrs. with Swasthi Vachanam, Ganapathi Puja, Punyaha Vachanam followed by Sri Sathya Sai Ashothara Archana.
Even as the priests retired to the Bhajan Hall, for Vastra Dhaanam, Veda Chanting by the students continued until they returned after Dheeksha Dharanam to continue with further proceedings.
Worshipping the cow, Go-Puja, came next, followed by an array of rituals, namely, Ritwik Varanam, Panchagamya Prasnam, Mandapa Aradhanam, Ganapathi Homam, Navagraha VAasthu Pancha Suktha Homam, etc.
Even as the Homam continued, simultaneously worship was also being offered to the Divine Couple by a set of priests.
The morning function pertaining to the Vishwa Shanti Homam concluded with the offering of Poornahuth at 10:00 hrs.
Bhajans continued until Mangala Arathi offering at 1015 hrs. marking the end of the morning session.
II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II Posted in Prasanthi News |
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013
Today, in the first evening of the three-day Sri Sathya Sai Aradhana Mahotsavam, erudite scholar from Andhra Pradesh Dr Nori Narayana Murthy gave a scholarly exposition in Telugu talking on the epic Ramayana that was followed by Chaturveda Parayanam by the priests conducting the Vishwa Shanthi Homam and bhajans by the students here in Prasanthi Nilayam. Earlier, the evening session commenced with Rudram chanting by the students at 1700 hrs. Dr Nori Naryana Murthy, giving an eloquent expression based on the epic, Ramayana, enlightened the evening assembly with his lucid musical narration of Sita Rama Kalyanam. Intertwining his scholarly exposition with melodious singing of bhajans and verses from epics, Dr Murthy regaled the audience for 45 minutes narrating wonder-tales from the Ramayana, often reminding the audience of the Oneness of Sai-Rama.
Bhagawan's Divine discourse, played on the loud speaker system, followed next.
With the passage of time man has not changed; ill-feeling has not disappeared from human hearts. This is not a desirable trend, echoed Bhagawan talking of the greatness of Bharatiya culture. None has understood the full potential of Bharatiya culture, said Bhagawan exhorting the audience to understand its greatness in full measure.
Sarva Jiva Namaskaram Keshavam…whomsoever you salute, it reaches God, said Bhagawan cautioning Sai devotees to refrain from evil path following His dictum. Explaining about the five sheaths in human body, including the bliss sheath, Bhagawan said human heart has gone barren with bliss missing in the heart.
At the end of the Divine discourse, continuing with the Vishwa Shanthi Loka Kalyana Homam, priests got engaged in chanting holy traditional renditions from Mantra Pushpam, chanting Chandi Saptashathi, Navagraha Mahamrithyunjaya chanting, Sudarshana chanting etc.
Bhajans by students continued and ended with Mangala Arathi at 2005 hrs. Prasadam was distributed to the entire audience.
II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II Posted in Prasanthi News |
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