A Conversation with Dr. Narendranath Reddy
Part 01
Dr. Narendranath Reddy graduated in medicine with distinction from S.V. Medical College, Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh. He then went to the United States of America where he specialised in internal medicine and endocrinology. He has been a consultant and practicing internist-endocrinologist in Southern California for over 34 years.He is a fellow of the American College of Physicians and the American College of Endocrinologists, California.Four generations of Dr. Reddy's family are devotees of Swami, with Dr. Reddy himself having come to Swami at the age of five. Since 1984, Dr. Reddy and his family have had a Sai Baba centre in their home.He is currently the chairman of the Prasanthi Council, the governing body which oversees the activities of International Sai Organisations.This conversation was recorded a few days after the 87th Birthday celebrations of Bhagawan in Prasanthi Nilayam, on November 26, 2012. In conversation with Dr. Reddy is Radio Sai's Bishu Prusty.
Radio Sai (RS): A warm welcome to you, sir, to the studios of Radio Sai.
DR. Reddy (NR): With love and gratitude, I offer myself at the divine lotus feet of our omnipresent, omniscient and loving Lord, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Loving Sairam to you, Bishu, and to all Radio Sai listeners.
RS: Sir, I should thank you, because the time now is 10.00 p.m., and you are leaving tomorrow! Today is 26 November; Bhagawan's 87th birthday celebrations have just concluded a couple of days ago, and you have been so busy with the celebrations.
My heartfelt gratitude to Swami, to have enabled you to take some time out to speak to us tonight.
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Dr. Narendranath Reddy speaking in the divine presence |
NR: Thanks to Swami and the Radio Sai team for giving me this opportunity to share the love and message of Bhagawan. I want to share a relevant anecdote with you. For many years, devotees around the world used to invite me to give talks. At one time I felt, who am I to give talks? – as I felt it was like a blind man leading the blind, since I am not a realised soul. So I said, "Swami, devotees are asking me to share, but I don't want to, because I myself have not realised the truth. I want to lead a contemplative life."
Swami said, "This is not the right attitude. You are selfish! I have given you love! It is your obligation and duty to share My love with others."
Swami used the Telugu words, "Premanu Panchuko Penchuko," which means, "Share the love I have given to you; share with others, and then it will multiply."
So, it is a divine command, and this is an opportunity for me to follow His command by sharing Swami's love and message with all.
The Organisation Will Continue its Service Globally
RS: Thank you for sharing that beautiful anecdote. I remember a talk you gave in 2011 (Sai Shines in Us and Through Us) – I felt it was Bhagawan speaking through you, because it was just a couple of weeks after Baba had left His mortal coil. The world seemed to have collapsed for many of us, and there were people outside, especially of the Sai fraternity and some even in the Sai organisation, who were questioning about the future of the organisation. There were some who were even asking if the programmes in Prasanthi Nilayam would go on the way they had been going on all these years, and would the activities in the Organisation continue like before.
And that day, in your talk, you responded to them, saying, "Yes! They will continue, but with a difference."
Then you went on to say, "Now they will happen with greater intensity, with more enthusiasm, and with much more love!"
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The spread and activities of the Interanational Sai Organisation - Map 1 |
And the audience burst out in applause, but today, when I had a chance to look at the copy of the Annual Report of the International Sai Organisation (2011–12), (PDF Version of the Report) I was reminded of what you said then.
Today, over a year down the line, I see in the Annual Report that there are activities going on in all parts of the world – and some in countries I haven't even heard of. I requested you to come to the studio to share with us these beautiful scenes of love and service that you have witnessed over these two years.
NR: It is really exciting to see the glory and mission of Sai all over the world. The Sai organisation is present in 115 countries, where there are more than 2,000 Sathya Sai Centres, participating in various types of activities, like devotional singing, SSE classes, community service and other programmes, spreading Swami's message and love all over the world.
It is only by Bhagawan's grace that devotees are participating in various activities of the organisation with enthusiasm and love. Truly, Bhagawan is the only source and inspiration.
It is a joy to witness all these wonderful projects happening. As Swami said, "My work will go on." He is blessing more and more devotees in many ways, who are experiencing His omnipresence and His love much more than ever before. In the past we thought Sai was Parthi Vaasa, residing in Parthi. Now we experience Him as Hridaya Vaasi – residing in our hearts. He is omnipresent! We can feel His presence and love everywhere, and that is not only my experience but that of devotees all around the world.
Sai Seva, the World Over
RS: You have travelled a lot over the last 2–3 years. Could you please share with us some of the experiences that have really touched you during your travels – be it in the education movement or in service activities. There are a lot of things happening in Fiji, Guatemala and Thailand! Maybe you can tell us a few things that have really gladdened your heart. (The Sai Movement in Latin America)
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The spread and activities of the Interanational Sai Organisation - Map 2 |
NR: After looking at the international Annual Report, senior leaders and devotees of the Sathya Sai Organisation were amazed to see that Swami's glory and message has spread in countries such as Afghanistan, China and some parts of Russia, Uzbekistan, Croatia and Bosnia. Swami's message and His love are inspiring people in all corners of the world and more and more are eager to hear His message.
Recently I attended a conference on Sathya Sai Education in Human Values in San Luis Potosí, Mexico, from 26–28 October 2012. This was conducted in a university auditorium, and 1,200 educators, mostly teachers and professors, attended the event.
I was informed that among all the delegates there were only 200 Sai devotees – the rest had never even heard Swami's name before. I also came to know that according to their law, one cannot talk about God in such a conference. So I could only talk about Swami's message. This was difficult for me, because I had to restrain myself to focus only on Swami's message, not on His leelas or love or glory.
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EHV Conference In Progress at San Luis Potosi, Mexico |
This conference was unique, in that it started with a military band arranged by the government, followed by the Mexican national anthem. The Deputy Secretary of Education, Mr. Ramos, gave the inaugural address, followed by my opening address on SSEHV. Senior educationists such as Dr. Art-Ong Jumsai, Dr. Ronnie Marantz and Dr. Pal Dhall also addressed the gathering. By the end of the conference, many educators were touched. They all wanted to know about Sai Baba and the Sai movement. During the three days of the conference, many expressed interest to attend SSEHV courses, and some even wanted to visit Puttaparthi.
I would like to share an interesting incident that happened over 10 years ago. We have a Sathya Sai Baba Book Centre in Tustin, California. You might have heard that it was started by Mrs. Elsie Cowan.
RS: Yes.
NR: She was an ardent devotee who served Swami for many, many years. Swami, too, was very fond of her.
RS: Swami had resurrected her husband, Walter Cowan!
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Mrs. Elsie Cowan with Bhagawan in the interview room at Prasanthi Nilayam |
NR: Yes. We were remodeling the book centre. We had to install a new air conditioning unit. Workers were hired from outside. While they were working, the office manager, who is a Sai devotee, had to go out of town. When she returned, the workers informed her that while she was away, her boss oversaw the work. Naturally she wondered who her boss was. They pointed to a large photograph of Swami and said, "He came and inspected the work to make sure everything was going right."
RS: Oh, my God!
NR: She was amazed. She later told other trustees of the book centre that Bhagawan hadn't given darshan to devotees and volunteers, but He had given His vision to these workers who were doing His work!"
A few months after that, I happened to come to Prasanthi Nilayam, and I was with Swami in the car. I then mentioned this particular incident and said, "Swami, You gave darshan to non-devotees, but You didn't give darshan to devotees!"
Swami cut me short and said, "How do you know who is a devotee and who is not?"
That was a great lesson. We are nobody to judge who is a devotee or a non-devotee; only God knows. From then onwards, I have been careful of labeling people as devotees or non-devotees. I will say that the 1,000 people present in the auditorium at the EHV conference in Mexico may have never heard of Swami, but they were happy to hear Swami's message on human values.
RS: They may not have heard of Swami, as of now; that's all.
NR: Yes, that is correct.
Sai Seva in China and Central Asia
RS: You mentioned that there is so much happening in China!
NR: I was in China in April 2012 and was amazed to see how Swami's work is going on silently in that country. Organised religion is not allowed in China. I was invited to the University in Guangzhou, where a programme on SSEHV was conducted. Sathya Sai devotees are doing a lot of good work and are practising Sathya Sai Education in Human Values in their daily lives. There were professors and teachers who attended that event, and I happened to address the gathering.
I was impressed to see their enthusiasm for teaching and practising the Human Values. They have been doing this for a few years. In their presentations, they showed how much the schools that are practising these Human Values have benefitted. They showed how it helped children to change their behaviour at home, to respect their parents, enhance their academic performances and also improve their relationships with peers and teachers. The Human Values education programme has also had an impact on their community, which has become more service-oriented.
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Dr. Reddy visits a school that has adopted SSEHV and participates in a EHV conference (right) in China |
They were telling us how Human Values were helpful in all aspects of life. They had made a scientific study of how [practising] love and truth has helped the students and the teachers. They are recognising love as the underlying principle. I was telling our Sai brothers and sisters in China, "Yes, they may not say that they believe in God, but they are really practising God's message. That is more important."
When I was traveling from Guangzhou to Hong Kong to address the devotees, on the way we visited a regular school that has adopted Sathya Sai Human Values. There they have big billboards – both in Chinese and in English – that read, "Help Ever, Hurt Never" and "Love All, Serve All." As we entered the school, the children were practising silent sitting. Then they sang bhajans in the Chinese language and were dancing to the tune. It was very inspiring, and I was touched.
So, it is happening all over – whether in Mexico or in China. I want to relate another event that happened in Kazakhstan recently. At the invitation of the First Lady of Kazakhstan, our Sathya Sai Organisation arranged a conference on Education in Human Values, in which 250 teachers participated. It was a great success, and we received a letter that was written by the First Lady (who about how many people were touched. She wrote to the organisers of the conference, "You should try to come more often and do many more similar conferences." Some of the teachers expressed their gratitude, saying that it had transformed them overnight!
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Seminar on Human Values in Kazakhstan organised by the Sai Organisation |
RS: The First Lady of Kazakhstan wrote that?
NR: Yes, we received that letter just two weeks ago! So, Swami, in His own way, is touching people in China, Kazakhstan, Mexico and all over the world.
part 02
Sai - In the Americas and Africa
RS: Fantastic! In fact, in the Annual Report I read that a faculty member of the Institute of Sathya Sai Education in Mexico has been awarded a Human Values faculty position at the prestigious Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education. We are also going into regular institutions.
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NR: Yes! In Indonesia, which is predominantly a Muslim country, our Sathya Sai Organisation has adopted a school where they have introduced Sathya Sai Human Values. I visited the school and found that they have adopted the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values programme, and the school is rated as one of the ten best in Jakarta, providing character-building education!
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So, that is how Swami is making an impact in these remote corners of the world!
RS: And there are of course the regular Sai schools in Zambia (Africa), where the "miracle school" is going on.
NR: Yes!
RS: I have also read how the Sathya Sai School in Toronto (Canada) was rated as the top school out of 2,700 schools in the Ontario province!
NR: Yes!
RS: At least once a month, one of the television stations in Thailand visits the Sai schools, the report said.
NR: Yes.
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The Sathya Sai 'Miracle' school of Zambia; (right) Dr. Kanu and his wife receiving the prestigious Business Initiative Directions (BID) award at the 22nd International World Quality Commitment (WQC) Convention in Paris held on May 30, 2005. Go here to read the full account. |
RS: I am so happy that the media is also recognising the value of propagating Human Values education.
NR: Yes.
RS: On one side, you have officials in the government recognising how it benefits the society and their country. And now the media is also taking note. It is important that these things spread, and it is really heartening to know that it is indeed happening!
Seva through Sai Education
NR: When you mentioned Thailand, one cannot help but think of Dr. Art Ong Jumsai. His work is commendable. Thousands of teachers are being trained in his Institute, and so many people are exposed to Sathya Sai Education in Human Values. His one-pointed commitment to the spreading of Sathya Sai Education in Human Values is really amazing and praiseworthy! He is doing wonderful work!
RS: I think a lot of teachers of the Institutes of Sathya Sai Education present in many parts of the world get trained there!
NR: Yes.
RS: There are 28 institutes of Sri Sathya Sai Education.
NR: Yes, and Dr. Jumsai is a pioneer in this field, having trained hundreds of teachers. As I said earlier, he too attended the conference in San Luis Potosí in Mexico and gave an excellent presentation.
RS: So, this is a glimpse on the education front. The other thing that struck me as I was reading the Annual Report is the work being done with respect to disaster relief.
NR: Yes.
RS: I saw some pictures, especially in Thailand, of people who were devastated due to the flooding. The look on their faces when they were receiving gifts and aid was very moving. Have you visited the disaster relief centres?
Disaster Relief - the Sai Way
NR: Yes! I have seen many. I can relate to one project where I was personally involved, in Haiti disaster relief. Fortunately, at that time we had direct divine guidance from Swami regarding Haiti relief work. Haiti had suffered a major earthquake on 12th January 2010. By Swami's grace, the Sathya Sai Organisation was one of the first non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to start emergency relief work there.
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Relief work by Sai Devotees in earthquake affected regions in Haiti |
There were many other NGOs who came to Haiti for relief work, but most of them left after six months.
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Children in an orphanage in Haiti with Dr. Reddy (left) and Narayana Seva for the needy in quake-hit Haiti |
I am happy to announce that the Sathya Sai Organisation is still present there and providing services. We continue to provide food and water to the needy on a daily basis, provide support for the orphanage and also provide school supplies for needy children.
When I visited Haiti soon after the earthquake for assessment of the relief work, I visited the orphanage. Those children in the orphanage did not have much, but they were happy! They were singing songs in the Haitian language. I asked them if they wanted to eat ice cream. When we gave them ice cream, they were in bliss, and the kids were enjoying it so much they were jumping all over. It was such a simple act, but it was wonderful to witness how much joy it gave the children.
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Water Delivery Project - Haitians waiting to receive water, Sai Volunteers Giving Gifts to the Needy Children |
RS: There was much need there!
Call Him, and He Will Come
NR: Yes! We also provided homes to those who had lost theirs in the earthquake. One lady shared an interesting experience. She is a Sai devotee. After the earthquake struck, she was buried under the rubble, and nobody could even find her or hear her!
She knew the Sathya Sai Ashtothara Shatha Namavali (108 names of Baba) by heart. As she was chanting it, when she came to the name, Asahaya Sahaya Namah (One Who is the Provider of the Forlorn), the rubble moved a little, making enough space for her to stretch out her hand. Somebody saw her hand and pulled her out. Thus she was saved by Swami.
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Relief being provided to those housed in a shelter post the tsunami in Japan, and (right) vehicle used for the relief work |
You might have heard about the massive earthquake in Japan that caused the tsunami in March 2011. The Japanese Sathya Sai Organisation sprang into action right away and provided much needed relief and supplied tonnes of material goods.
RS: Tonnes of materials?
NR: Yes, tonnes of food, clothing and other supplies were distributed by the Sathya Sai volunteers to the needy at the shelter. One interesting incident happened that touched me immensely.
When our organisation members approached a lady who had lost everything due to the disaster and when asked whether she needed any help, she politely refused. When they further enquired whether they could help her in any way, she said, "I lost my mother in this disaster. I want to see her dead body, and that will give me peace of mind. Can you arrange that?"
The Sathya Sai volunteers replied, "There are thousands of people who have died; some of them have been washed into the ocean. What we can do, Madam, is give you a picture of our teacher, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He is God, for us. Please pray to Him, and we too will pray for you!" They gave her a picture of Baba.
So, she went and prayed, and within 24 hours, her mother's dead body was washed ashore, and she found it. She was so delighted that right away she called the Sathya Sai volunteers and said, "Oh! Baba is God! He is really God!"
I recollect another incident that happened in Russia.
I went to Russia in May 2010 for a Pre-World Conference, and what I saw there was awesome. No wonder Swami loves Russian devotees so much! They have pure love for Swami! They are simple people. Some of them had travelled by train for 5 days, coming from long distances to attend the conference.
One officer from the local Sathya Sai Organisation shared his story, of how he had gone to a city called Samarkand, the second largest city in Uzbekistan, and was doing Sai organisation service there. During the course of that work, one elderly woman, more than 80 years old, wanted to know who they were. So, they showed her a picture of Swami. The moment she saw it, she started crying! They thought there was something wrong and asked her the reason for crying. She simply said, "I know this is God! This is God!"
RS: Spontaneously!?
NR: Yes! She had never seen or heard about Swami! Yet, see how Swami gives direct experience to people! That is what is so astounding and mind-boggling about these experiences.
RS: You may go out and work, but Swami will actually tell you that He has been doing His work, much before you can even think of it!
NR: Yes! These are the greatest miracles! We may think that we are spreading His message in some of these remote corners, but He has His own way of touching people's hearts. That is what I have realised!
RS: In fact, in the Annual Report, I also saw lovely pictures of Sai Youth in Trinidad. They are constructing pre-fabricated houses for the poor!
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Devotees in Trinidad constructing pre-fabricated houses for the poor |
NR: Yes.
RS: And the houses looked so beautiful! They have planned it well - the entire construction is done in one place, and then they dismantle it, move it and arrange it in another site where there is need. It conforms to all the housing regulations, in terms of safety and robustness. The houses look beautiful.
NR: They also helped during the Haiti Disaster Relief. They brought pre-fabricated homes to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and provided homes to some of the needy people there. They were also helpful to the people in the West Indies. They are doing a wonderful job!
RS: Talking about disaster, we recently heard distressing news about Hurricane Sandy in the U.S. I am sure the U.S. Sai Organisation would have gone out to help.
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Images of destruction caused by hurricane Sandy, USA |
NR: Yes, you are right! This hurricane was one of the worst disasters in many decades! On 29 October 2012, this hurricane landed on the East Coast of the U.S. Within 24 hours, thousands of homes were damaged! Families in New Jersey, New York and Long Island were among the hardest hit, and there were power and fuel shortages. But by Swami's grace, the U.S. Sathya Sai Organisation immediately sprang into action and provided food, clothing and transportation to the victims. They provided at least 600 hot meals a day to people, and visited them in shelters. As it was very cold, they also provided clothes and blankets, and planned for the intermediate and long-term needs of these people.
For example, they provided supplies for some schools, and also were involved in rehabilitation efforts. Yet, in other schools, they provided psychological counseling, because the students were distraught.
Swami's divine intervention was visible again. A lady had lost her home and family, and volunteers could not communicate with her because she was speaking in Persian. So they prayed to Swami to help. Then, a Sai devotee from Afghanistan came up, saying he knew Persian! The lady was very relieved. She could finally ask for help! Swami makes things happen when we sincerely want to help.
We started a separate Relief Fund for Hurricane Sandy. We are not appealing for outside help, because fortunately, we have enough resources within our organisation in the USA.
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Food distribution in Newark, New Jersey for those affected by hurricane Sandy |
The Sathya Sai Organisation of the USA is taking a very active part in various relief efforts nationwide. In addition to providing food, clothing and other supplies, all the regions in the USA coordinate with each other and have tele-conferences to discuss the supply, procurement and distribution of items to the needy in different areas.
RS: Fantastic! I also saw in the report how the youth in Indonesia reached out to people during a fire emergency that happened in September 2011.
NR: Yes.
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Helping in relief work after a fire disaster in Indonesia |
RS: Those pictures moved me too!
part 03
Sai Youth – Taking the Reins
NR: It is really wonderful to see that the youth are not only having conferences and leadership meetings but also are taking part in numerous service activities.
As recently as a few weeks ago, the youth from Singapore went all the way to Sri Lanka and conducted a Village Improvement Programme. They went to the war-stricken Jaffna district, where after the war so many people were displaced and lost.
This is happening all over the world, and it is good to see such interest and dedication in our youth. Instead of worrying about their own careers and families, they go all the way to help the needy. This is the inspiration from Swami. This is His grace!
RS: The other interesting thing I noted is that the youth in Malaysia have started a programme called SHAKTI.
NR: Yes!
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Members of the Sai Organisation offering service at Sri Lanka |
RS: SHAKTI stands for Strengthening Heart, Attitude, Knowledge, Talent and Image. They have met with more than 200 students of technical colleges, who have found a transformation in their character. And it was mentioned that the discipline problem in one of these institutes was reduced to zero, after the SHAKTI programme was organised.
NR: Yes, I was there in Malaysia in March 2012. I went to Singapore, Indonesia and then to Malaysia. I was joking with them on these acronyms, one of which is HOPE – Honouring Of Parents Everyday!
In fact, the Malaysian group enacted a drama on 24 November this year in Sai Kulwant Hall on this theme – HOPE.
RS: Yes.
NR: Their theme was on honouring parents and the values system. They have another acronym – CAT, which stands for Clarity, Accountability and Transparency. These acronyms convey valuable messages in simple phrases.
RS: That is right. They are using innovative ways to take Swami's message to the wider community.
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NR: The youth arrange their own conferences at all levels – zonal, regional, national and international. Actually, in July, during Guru Purnima this year, the youth from the Far East countries held a conference in Prasanthi Nilayam. Over 200 youth participated in it.
RS: Yes.
NR: When I visited Sri Lanka after Guru Purnima, a National Youth Conference was held in Jaffna. The youth were talking about Swami's message and how they could take a more active part in service activities. It was wonderful to see the youth do all this. I was very happy!
Swami once said that these youth are practicing His message, "Start early, drive slowly and reach safely," in their lives.
Sathya Sai Organisations – On a Two-Fold Mission
RS: Yes, so true. In my limited perspective, if I see the role of the Sai Organisation now, it is two-fold: one, you have to make every Sai centre a perfect place to facilitate the spiritual upliftment of every individual. Anyone who steps inside a Sai centre should feel that this place is best suited for spiritual growth.
Two, we have to also ensure that the message of universal love and selfless service reaches out to more people out there! We know that the Sai movement has grown in most countries of the world. Perhaps there are millions who have heard about Bhagawan, but there are still billions who have not heard about Him – who are still grappling with so many problems and restlessness in their minds.
When we talk about bringing a positive difference in the world, this message of selfless love and service has to go out to the wider community out there. May I ask you, how is the organisation gearing up in both these directions?
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NR: I think this is very important; this is our obligation and duty, as Swami has given His name to this organisation. It is our duty to spread His message. We have a unique opportunity, as this organisation came into existence during the lifetime of the Avatar.
Many organisations, such as the Sri Ramakrishna Mission and the Shirdi Sai Sansthan, came into existence after the lifetimes of these Avatars. But we are fortunate to have received direct divine guidance from Swami as to how to run the organisation.
Swami made it clear to us the purpose of the Sathya Sai Organisation: the purpose of the organisation is to make us realise our inherent divinity. We should never forget this! Sometimes we get side-tracked with service activities, bhajans, etc., but the entire purpose is to make us realise that we are divine; that we are the embodiments of the Atma, we are the embodiments of Divine Love – and also that we should help others realise the same!
How best can we do this? That is why we have study circles, service activities, bhajans, public meetings, and so on. Firstly, the Sathya Sai Centre is a place where we study Swami's teachings in depth. And the best way to spread Swami's message is to translate His message into our daily life. Swami Himself has stated this.
Once we are transformed, people at home, work and in the community notice the change; that is the best way to spread His message. The primary objective is to dive deep into His teachings and to translate it into our lives.
The second thing is more practical, as it is about service activities – to perform service to the community, be it medical camps, feeding the poor, donating clothes or giving shelter. I have noticed, especially in places where people have not heard about Bhagawan, that when we perform selfless and loving service, they tend to take notice and enquire about us and the organisation. That is when we tell them about Swami. In the process, they are touched and transformed.
The third thing is the interfaith meetings and conferences we hold, especially in countries such as the USA, UK and Singapore. We invite people from different denominations and faiths. In fact, the organisation's Annual Report mentions this. There was a meeting in Canada.
RS: Yes, in Scarborough Sai Centre.
NR: These interfaith meetings reiterate our belief in the harmony of religions.
The first step is to have tolerance for all religions, which is good, but it is better to accept and embrace all religions. Thus we promote harmony of all religions.
We take the essence of all religions because the true values are all the same. That is why we use the Sarva Dharma symbol and also celebrate all religious festivals in Prasanthi Nilayam and around the globe. We celebrate Buddha Purnima, Christmas, Id, Chinese New Year and many Hindu festivals. This is the uniqueness of the Sathya Sai Organisation.
On this basis, we are trying to give a universal appeal to all Sai centres, especially overseas. This is very important. Swami is for all. He has said very clearly, "There is only one religion, the religion of love."
When newcomers walk into a centre, they should feel that it is a place where there is love and harmony and not a place of ritualistic worship. Swami says, "From ritual, you should progress to being spiritual."
Dr. Hislop once asked Swami, "What pictures should we put on the altar?" Swami said, "You don't need to have any picture at all. God is beyond name, form and attributes. But if at all you want to have a picture, have My picture, because I am here now on earth, and also you may have a sarva dharma symbol, giving a universal appeal and harmony of all faiths."
We should have the right perspective, and the Sai centre should have an universal appeal, reflecting the local culture.
We should have the right perspective, and the Sai centre should have an universal appeal, reflecting the local culture.
The altar, the way we seat devotees and what we sing, should appeal to the local people. For example, if we sing Sanskrit and Hindi bhajans in Germany, Italy or in Argentina, people could get turned off. So we encourage people to sing in their local languages. Thus, it would have an universal appeal.
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(left) Dr. Narendranath Reddy addresses the gathering in Norwalk, Germany; a snapshot of 'Festival of Religions' in Germany |
Next we should have public meetings, open not only to devotees but also to the public. Here we share Swami's message and His teachings. In our centre meetings, we love to talk about the leelas of Swami, the divine sport, because that is what gives joy to us, in addition to learning about His message.
In public meetings, we mainly talk about His message and His humanitarian projects. Everyone admires the service that is being done through education, free medical service and community service.
As a means to share His message, we utilise the electronic media. We should see the "Love In Action" website (, which Dr. David Gries facilitated, along with others. This showcases service activities around the world. This is a new initiative, and we are currently working on refining it. Apart from this, we have publications and audio-visual materials showing His message and His humanitarian works.
Radio Sai has also leveraged many means to spread His word. In fact Radio Sai is a great instrument in spreading Swami's message. Whenever a devotee wants to learn more about Swami and His message, or learn a bhajan, or know what is happening in the divine mission, I tell them to listen to Radio Sai. It is a great resource. This is how we spread the message of Swami and His Love.
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RS: As we look at the future of the organisation, there are so many outreach activities that are needed. What steps do you think the organisation has taken towards infusing more youth into positions of responsibility? Do you see them taking over the baton in many areas?
NR: In July 2007, with Swami's blessings and guidance, we had an International Youth Conference in Prasanthi Nilayam, where about 6,000 youth from around the world participated. Swami took a lot of interest and gave them guidance. They were in ecstasy. A lot of countries now have youth leaders. We have international youth coordinators, and in each zone they have their own coordinators.
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The three day International Youth Conference held in Prasanthi Nilayam, July 2007 |
The youth are taking an active part in the Sai organisation during the recent years. In many parts of the world, these youth leaders are now officers at the regional and national level. For example, in the USA, Dr. Hari Conjeevaram was a youth leader, but now he is the regional president in the Chicago area. In the same way, in Europe, we had a youth leader who is now the central coordinator. It is the same story in other regions of the world, such as Latin America, where some who were youth leaders a couple of years ago are now national council presidents.
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Delegates of the International Youth Conference arriving at the Sai Kulwant Hall for the inaugural session in a procession, 26 July 2007 |
There are many youth in the organisation who are being identified and groomed for higher positions at all levels (regional, zonal, national and international), depending on their commitment and ability. Swami says the youth are the future leaders, and we are looking forward to more active participation by the youth in the organisation at all levels.
part 04
The Role of Sai Alumni
RS: Where do you see the role of the alumni of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning?
NR: I clearly remember an incident that happened 15 years ago at Brindavan. Swami called the Prasanthi Council members for a small session. We were blessed to have lunch with Him. During this time He mentioned that we should include the alumni in the organisation.
I once presented a report to Swami that showed the numbers and names of alumni in the U.S. Swami said they should join the Sathya Sai organisation. I always request them to do so. They are now slowly joining the organisation. Recently, they held an alumni meet, following which they sent me a report of their activities. It was a very nice meeting. I encouraged them to take active part in the mainstream organisation. Some of them are now serving as service and devotional coordinators.
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Sai NAAM - Sai North American Alumni Meeting at Dallas, USA |
However, I would like them to play a much more active part in the organisation, because they had the unique opportunity to have lived with God. They were exposed directly to Swami's teachings and Swami's love, so they can surely contribute much more.
Many devotees look up to the Sathya Sai students! That is a big qualification! Once they say they are graduates from Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, they have a lot of respect! People look forward to their example. So, I think we should encourage more alumni to take a more active part in the organisation.
The Prasanthi Council & Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation
RS: As we are talking about the organisation, certain things that confuse many people are – what is the Prasanthi Council, and what is the Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation (SSSWF)? What is the difference between them?
NR: The Prasanthi Council was created by Swami in 2004 as the executive body of the International Sai Organisation, running the day-to-day work of the organisation. But subsequently, in 2006, as per Swami's instructions, SSSWF was started, which is a legal entity that takes care mainly of the legal and financial matters of the organisation.
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Dr. Narendranath Reddy in the studios of Radio Sai, 26 Nov 2012 |
For example, during the Haiti disaster, we needed funds to support relief efforts. The Prasanthi Council was not eligible to receive the donations, whereas the World Foundation, which is a U.S. registered charitable organisation, could receive the funds, which are tax-deductible for the donor.
Similarly, it also takes care of legal matters. SSSWF provides copyright permission for publications, books and audio-visual materials. It also provides legal guidance for trusts in different countries.
SSSWF from time-to-time forms ad hoc committees, which come up with guidelines that are implemented by the Prasanthi Council.
As stated earlier, the Prasanthi Council runs the day-to-day activities of the organisation across all spheres – devotional, service, educational and youth affairs. It is the executive, management and administrative body.
Mr. Gary Belz
RS: This brief but clear explanation is very helpful! We received news recently that from 23 November 2012, Mr. Gary Belz has been appointed as Chairman of the Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation. He was a founding member of the Clinton Global Initiative and served on the White House Task Force for South Asia during the Clinton years.
He is an eminent personality and has served on many boards, including the Board of Regents of Columbia College in Chicago and the Convention and Visitors Bureau of Memphis. He is also on the board of several music industry associations. It is heartening for everyone in the Sai fraternity to see a person of such experience take over as chairman of the World Foundation. How do you feel?
NR: Yes, it is wonderful! Everything happens in Swami's time.
Mr. Belz is a well-rounded personality. He is a successful businessman and has political contacts with good initiatives for humanitarian projects. He was also instrumental in publishing the book, The Miracle of Pure Love, along with Prof. G. Venkataraman, which was released recently. It is a wonderful piece of work on Swami's glory and mission.
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The book, 'The Miracle of Pure Love' , a moving biography of Bhagawan Baba, authored by Prof. G. Venkataraman, being released by His Excellency E. S. L. Narasimhan, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh (first from left), on the morning of 24 April, 2012 . Mr. Gary Belz (first from right), the head of the team that helped in producing the three-volume book was present to offer the labour of love to Bhagawan. |
Mr. Belz is very straightforward and humble. I look forward to working closely with him to help take the Sai movement forward.
Always Be a Yogi!
RS: As we hear all this good news, there is so much optimism around us. This is really something that will gladden every Sai devotee! In all your years of association with Bhagawan, there must have been some instruction by Him that you can never forget. When times seem low, we look out for something to hold on to – something that Bhagawan may have said or done for us. Is there anything like that you fall back upon?
NR: Yes, there is one message Swami gave to our family many years ago, which we contemplate on during our daily prayers.
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Mr. Gary Belz with Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba |
He said, "Satatam Yogi Nahah (Always be a yogi)." Be calm, cool and serene, unruffled by good fortune or bad. You are a puppet making motions and contortions according to the pull He gives to the strings. Be calm in speech and manners. Don't inflict injury or insult on others and neither be affected by any adverse comments, remarks or deeds made by others, for everyone and everything is ordained by God. It is His sport, His play. So, enjoy it and be happy!
This is the message that I and my children and grandchildren remember daily. Once, on my birthday, my daughter made a nice print of this prayer, framed it and presented it to me, which I keep in front of me on my desk.
It may sound simple, but when we practice it, it gives us so much peace and joy.
RS: You handle so many important positions in the organisation, apart from your professional life. There must have been times when you are pushed to a corner. What is your mantra in times of adversity?
NR: For me, the mantra is, "Whatever happens, happens by God's will, and this is for my ultimate good!" I go on repeating this. I trust Swami, accept whatever happens as His will and surrender to Him.
Balancing Spiritual and Secular Work
RS: How do you balance your time, energy and resources, juggling between your Sai work and your professional work? You have been travelling so much over many years for the organisation's work. Has that affected your professional work in your hospital? How do you manage both?
NR: First, I believe, through experience, that when we do Swami's work, He does ours! Swami Himself has said this many times.
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Dr. Narendranath Reddy with Bhagawan in the interview room |
Swami says, "As long as you think that something is secular and something is sacred, you will never have peace of mind. Everything is divine work!" So, whatever I do – taking care of my family or my patients, or organisational work or even mundane activities – I consider every work as God's work. Then work becomes worship.
As you mentioned, I travel often. My patients complain, "Doctor, you are going off again on vacation!" But they are happy when I share with them these wonderful service projects and my participation. Then they say that I must go more often! That shows that when I do Swami's work, He helps.
The second thing is that as a doctor, when you go out of town, some other physician has to take care of your patients. Whenever any doctor covers your practice when you are gone (and if you go out too often), they would not like to do this extra work and hence expect you to cover them when they go out.
But by Swami's grace, He has provided me a doctor who says, "Dr. Reddy, whenever you go, tell me, and I will take care of your patients." And he has been doing it for many years! People are puzzled. This shows that Swami is stepping in for me!
Every Thursday we have Sai centre meetings in our house, and people know that they are my highest priority. Other meetings and hospital duties also do not interfere with our Sai centre meetings as they get cancelled or postponed. It shows that if you really have a commitment for Sai work, Swami will make it happen! That is what I have seen from my personal experience. We need to give our highest priority to Swami in our lives. So, Sai first, All others next and I myself last (SAI).
Moving Moments with the Lord
RS: You are right, sir! As we conclude, can you share a few beautiful moments that you have had with Swami? You have had almost 60 years of association with Him. There must be so many moments that are indelible…
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Dr. Reddy, his parents and wife at the divine lotus feet |
NR: One thing I can share is Swami's protection, love and omnipresence. An incident happened about 10–12 years ago in Arcadia, California, where we live. My parents live with us. One morning my father started having convulsions. Fortunately, in the U.S., when you call the ambulance, the paramedics come within 5 minutes.
My mother, naturally, panicked and didn't even want to come to the scene, but she went to the puja room and held on to Swami's padukas tightly and prayed, "Swami! Please save my husband!"
We took my father to the hospital. The neurologists suspected a brain tumour, because usually elderly people get convulsions due to a tumour in the brain. But by Swami's grace, he recovered in 24 hours and after two days was discharged home.
After few months, I came to Prasanthi Nilayam and expressed my gratitude to Him: "Swami, You saved my father. My mother is very grateful, and she wanted me to thank You."
Swami said, "What can I do? Your mother was holding on to My feet so tightly. She was not leaving Me. So, I had to take care of him!" That brought tears to my eyes. When He says, "I am with you, above you, behind you...," it is a fact that He is with us! It is a very reassuring thing to know that He takes care of us wherever we are.
RS: I would like to share an interesting feedback we received from one of our listeners some time ago, and he happens to be your father – an email from Dr. Adivi Reddy, who is 92 years old. He says, due to his advanced age and poor health, he is unable to move about; he is stuck to his bed the whole day. Thus, he is not able to move about and reach for books.
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(left) Dr. Adivi Reddy listening to Radio Sai; father and son shine in His love |
But six months ago a system was set up near his bed, and he is now able to hear Radio Sai, 24 hours a day. He says life has become very easy for him. He says, "I am able to enjoy all the programmes happening across the globe, while lying on my bed throughout the day." That's a heartening message!
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Dr. Adivi Reddy at his residence in the US and (right) one of the books authored by him |
NR: Yes, my father, Dr. Adivi Reddy, is a great scholar. He wrote a series of books on Swami's teachings, titled Sai Nava Ratna Maala, within a course of six months! To write even one book, it takes so long, but he wrote nine books within such a short time! Swami blessed and released the series during the 75th birthday celebrations of Bhagawan. He was an avid reader, but now due to his physical limitations, Radio Sai is his source of solace.
Radio Sai is doing an amazing work. It touches the lives of so many devotees around the world. Radio Sai runs continuously in our home.
I congratulate all of you for this wonderful service that you are doing!
RS: Your ideas and suggestions on how to make this service better are always welcome. We just hope that more and more people listen to this, because the whole purpose of Radio Sai is to enable people to listen to Bhagawan's message! And if that happens, there is nothing greater and more heartening for us!
NR: I have heard about an ardent senior devotee who was dying of brain cancer. Swami had sent her a message that during her last moments she needn't do anything – just listen to bhajans and Swami's discourses on Radio Sai.
I used to tell my mother the same thing; she passed away in January 2012. I used to tell her just to listen to bhajans and Swami's discourses. Now my father is listening to Radio Sai all the time. This itself is a great sadhana. Radio Sai is helping a lot of people. It is wonderful!
Part 05
Message to the Sai Fraternity
RS: What is your message to the Sai fraternity? We recently had Bhagawan's 87th birthday. What would you like to say to all the devotees out there?
NR: First, it is very important to realise how blessed and fortunate all of us are to be contemporaries of this loving Avatar! One day, posterity will say, "How blessed were these people who had seen Him, touched Him, heard Him and experienced His love!"
During my travels around the world, I have observed that though many devotees are doing good work, some devotees are distracted and misguided after Swami left His physical form. So, I would like to share five important mandates:
First Mandate – Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba – God as universal teacher:
We have seen the Teacher of Teachers, the Universal Teacher, God Himself, coming as our Teacher. So, we should never leave Him!
On 17 May 1968, during the First World Conference in Mumbai, Swami, in His infinite love and compassion, stated, "In this human form, every divine principle, every divine entity (all the names and forms ascribed by man to God), are manifest. Do not allow any doubt to distract you. You have the great fortune to experience the bliss of the vision of this Sarva Devata Swarupa (a form that is all forms of God)." These are Swami's own words! So, having seen Him, we should hold on to His Feet till our last breath! That is my appeal.
That is why Swami's first bhajan was "Manasa Bhajare Guru Charanam." All of us must hold on to His Feet; then we will reach the goal of our life. And, we should never get distracted by any other guru, once we have seen the Highest! I always tell devotees, once you go to Mt. Everest, you don't go to small hillocks! Now that we have experienced the Teacher of Teachers, God Himself, we should hold on to Him.
Second Mandate – Swami's message is the essence of all scriptures:
We should remember Swami's message, given in the same discourse: "The best way to serve Me and reach the summum bonum of life is to just follow My instructions. That will give you more benefit than all the austerities you do." Let us follow His message. What is His message? He always calls us Divya Atma Swarupalara, Prema Swarupalara. That means, He wants us to realise that we are embodiments of the Divine Atma and embodiments of love. How do we do that? – by diving deep into His teachings and practising them in our daily life.
Swami's every word is a mantra; every sentence is a sutra – an aphorism. Every conversation of Swami is like a Bhagavad Gita, and every discourse of Swami is like a Veda. What we need to do is to dive deep. We are lucky that Swami has given 1,500 divine discourses, and He has written so many Vahini series (books) with His own hand! It is a great history that we have such a vast literature of God's spoken and written words available at this time. Because of His love for the devotees, He wrote the Vahini series – Prema Vahini, Geeta Vahini, Bhagavatha Vahini, Ramakatha Rasa Vahini, Sutra Vahini, Jnana Vahini, Dharma Vahini – I can go on and on – so many Vahinis!
So, if we just take the time to dive deep into His teachings and, more important, if we put them into practice, no other sadhana is needed! It is very important for people to take Swami's message seriously and not waste time reading different books! When devotees ask my opionion, "Should I read this book?" I tell them, "Once you finish reading the Sathya Sai Speaks (series) and the Vahinis, come back to me and I will tell you which book to read." The literature of Swami itself is an ocean of knowledge, and Swami's words are the essence of all the scriptures, the quintessence of all Vedanta.
Third Mandate – "Prema yoga" is the best yoga:
Everybody wants to do spiritual practices like Vipasana meditation, kriya yoga, hatha yoga and so on. Swami has given very clear instructions – the royal road in this Kali age is prema yoga (the yoga of divine love). Swami says, "The source is love, the path is love and the goal is love." That is why He always says, "God is love; live in love."
So, we need to practice prema yoga. Prema Vahini is the first of the Vahini series that Swami wrote.
RS: In fact, as you are saying this, I am reminded of an incident from Swami Vivekananda's life. A young monk once went to Swami Vivekananda and said that he was not able to make any progress in his spiritual life. He said that he worshipped many images, followed the advice of a teacher, tried to broaden his mind and so on, but he was not able to attain peace of mind.
Then, what Swami Vivekananda replied to him is really interesting. He said, "My boy, if you take my word, first of all, what you have to do is to open the door of your room! Look around, and instead of closing your eyes, open your eyes! Go out! There are hundreds of poor and helpless people in your neighbourhood. You have to serve them to the best of your ability!"
NR: That is prema yoga. Swami also says, "Don't seek God! See God!" That means see God with both eyes closed (that is, within you) and with eyes open! That is the ultimate. In the beginning, we close our eyes to see God in our own heart, but ultimately we should see God both with our eyes closed and eyes open. And that is what Swami Vivekananda says: we see God in everybody when we serve the needy and the poor. This is prema yoga.
Fourth Mandate – Prasanthi Nilayam, holiest of the holy pilgrimage sites:
Prasanthi Nilayam is the holiest of the holy lands! I clearly remember an incident that happened years ago, when they use to have flights from Mumbai to Prasanthi Nilayam. We were on the plane, and there were some devotees from Denmark. As soon as we got out of the plane in Puttaparthi, suddenly I saw this man from Denmark rolling on the airport ground and saying in ecstasy, "Hallelujah! I have come to the Holy Land!"
RS: Oh, my God!
NR: I had tears in my eyes! We take everything for granted! As Sai devotees, all of us should remember that this is the holiest of the holy places! In the Buddhist tradition, they say, "If you go to Lumbini, where Lord Buddha was born, or you go to the Bodha Gaya where he was enlightened, or you go to Varanasi where he gave the first discourse or you go to Kushinara where he gave up his body, it is equal to having the vision of Lord Buddha."
How blessed we are to be present at Prasanthi Nilayam, the abode of supreme peace. This is the Holy Land where the Lord chose to take birth as Sathya Narayana Raju, walked amongst us, talked to us, laughed with us, sang with us, blessed us and gave many, many wonderful divine discourses and nectarine messages.
And this is the place where He chose to give up His physical body! This holy land is thrice blessed! He chose to be born here; He walked amongst us here, and He gave up His body here. So here, the air, the water, the stone, the dust, the trees, the bushes and every particle is saturated with His divine love and blessings!
Swami said, "Puttaparthi will be just like another Shirdi, Tirupathi, Mecca or Jerusalem!" For Sai devotees, this holy land of Puttaparthi is our pilgrim centre. I am happy to see a lot of overseas devotees still coming here to celebrate their festivals.
RS: In fact, Parthi Yatras go on!
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NR: Yes, and we need to continue and encourage these pilgrimages, because it is our good fortune that when we come here, we still experience the divine presence of Swami and His grace.
RS: I think people come because they still feel that presence!
NR: Yes. We miss Swami's physical form, but we can still feel His presence. In fact, some devotees say that they can contemplate much more easily now because they have their own Swami in their heart. In the old days, when Swami came for darshan, devotees would feel, "Oh! He did not take my letter! Oh! He looked at that person and did not look at me," and so on.
Now there is no such anxiety, as everybody has the same access to Swami, depending upon one's purity! Therefore, devotees need to keep the connection with this Holy Land. This is very important for re-charging our spiritual batteries!
Fifth Mandate – We have a divine legacy:
The Lord has Himself has given us this legacy! He has never done this before; Swami has gifted us this Sai Organisation and lent His sacred name to the organisation. He does not need any organisation, but He did this for our own good, so that we have a platform where all of us can get together, practise His teachings and also help our fellow brothers and sisters to realise their innate divinity.
He has established these wonderful medical institutes, where state-of-the-art health-care is provided free of charge with love and compassion.
He has established the educational institutions, where free integral education is provided, from kindergarten to the doctorate level. In addition to academic excellence, development of good character is emphasised.
Then we have the mammoth water projects, providing free drinking water to millions of people. He has entrusted us with these institutes and projects to take care of them. It is our duty and obligation to participate in these wonderful Institutions and to support them.
He does not need us for His mission! Swami has said that His institutions will go on for thousands of years! Whether we participate or not, they will go on! But when He has given us the opportunity, we need to make the best use of it. If we do not, we are the losers. His mission will go on, as per His sankalpa (will).
So, it is the greatest divine blessing if we can participate and support these projects and institutions founded, inaugurated and blessed by Bhagawan.
RS: As you mentioned, Swami does not need the organisation or the institutions or any of us! I am just reminded of another incident in the life of Swami Vivekananda.
After Vivekananda returned from America, he was propagating this value of reaching out and asking monks to go out and serve, and not just confine themselves to doing rituals and worship! Many monks disliked this, because they felt that he was not really following the dictates of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, because the Master, apparently, used to spend a lot of time in meditation and prayer. So, they felt that Swami Vivekananda didn't understand the teachings of the Master.
At this point, Vivekananda got this strong feeling that this group of brother disciples wanted to create a narrow sect in the name of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. He saw that they wanted to convert the Ramakrishna Math into some kind of a cult or temple where you have all the activities centered around devotional music, worship and prayer.
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Dr. Narendranath Reddy and his wife |
So he took it upon himself to destroy this notion! His words actually burst upon them like a bombshell, and he asked them whether they really understood the words of the Master. He said, "Do you want to confine the Master? Do you want to confine Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, who is the embodiment of infinite ideas, within your limits? I will break these limits and scatter the Master's ideas all over the world!"
That's what he told them and added, "You have never understood the Master's message! Sri Ramakrishna is far greater than the disciples understand him to be! He is the embodiment of infinite spiritual ideas, capable of development in infinite ways! One glance of his gracious eyes can create a hundred thousand Vivekanandas in one instant! If he chooses now, instead, to work through me, making me his instrument, I can only bow to his will!"
So, as you said – Swami can do anything!
NR: That is a very relevant point! It is our good fortune to take part in the divine mission as His instruments. If He wants, He can create any number of people to do His work. Out of His infinite love and compassion, He gave us this unique opportunity to be a part of His mission.
Swami Vivekananda was the first one to coin the phrase, Daridra Narayana Seva – to serve the poor is to serve the Lord. But our Swami went even higher! With Swami, everything is the highest Vedanta, the highest philosophy! He says, "Do not use the word Daridra; say "Narayana Seva," meaning, you are serving God. Daridra limits God only to the poor. According to Swami, God is for rich and poor, ignorant and scholarly. He is for all!
Let me tell you, brothers and sisters, we are the most blessed and fortunate souls. We should be grateful every moment to Swami, for giving us this golden opportunity to be a part of His divine mission, to be able to serve Him and to serve our fellow beings!
RS: Thank you very much, sir! I know you are traveling tomorrow and yet came to the studio and spent more than an hour with us! I express my deep sense of gratitude for your coming over and sharing your thoughts, feelings and experiences. Thank you very much!
NR: I thank Swami, Radio Sai and all of you for giving me this opportunity to share Swami's message and love. Jai Sairam!
- Radio Sai Team
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