Swami's Leelas at Sai Sruti Temple in Harrow, Middlesex, UK
A photo selection.
Temple photo taken in 2005 by late Shree Bhanubhai R Patel, a Devotee who helped at the temple for many years.
Photo taken in 2005 by late Shree Bhanubhai R Patel, a Devotee who helped at the temple for many years.
Jalarambapa, Shirdi Saibaba, Sathya Saibaba covered in Vibhuti.
Vibhuti miracles on Baba's chair materialised during 1990 at Sai Sruti. Currently preserved under glass.
Vibhuti miracles on Baba's chair. Full view of the chair preserved under glass at Sai Sruti.
Vibhuti miracles on Baba's chair in 1990 preserved at Sai Sruti.
Vibhuti materialised by Baba on his second chair in the form of 9 coins representing nine types of Devotion. This was materialised on 22nd of May 2006, the 18th Anniversary of Sai Sruti Temple. You may know that Shirdi Sai gave 9 coins to Laxmibai before he left his body in appreciation of her devotion.
Kaamdhenu Photo with Vibhuti at Sai Sruti.
Shree Shanker & Parvatiji with Grey Vibhuti.
Vibhuti Manifestation in a Devotee's House in London
Received at www.saibabalinks.org on January 13, 2005
I am a sai devotee from london and with the grace of our beloved sai we are having alot of vibuthi materialisatons in our home. as part of seva for the world would u like me to send you pictures of my house so you can put it on the links and people over the world who can not see vibuthi appearing can see what swami does with his omnipresence?
there about hundred photo graphs with messgaes written by sai and seven
different coulour vibuthi which have manifested.
i will put my details on the bottom incase anyone wants to get in touch
to come and see the leelas. in sai service rajiv adatia
different coulour vibuthi which have manifested.
i will put my details on the bottom incase anyone wants to get in touch
to come and see the leelas. in sai service rajiv adatia
the pictures are in the attatchment.
my name is Rajiv Adatia
my address 138 villageway pinner middlsex ha5 5az telephone 0208 868
3331 london uk.
my name is Rajiv Adatia
my address 138 villageway pinner middlsex ha5 5az telephone 0208 868
3331 london uk.
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Miracles at Sri Ranga Patna orphanage in Mysore, India
The Sri Ranga Patna orphanage, founded in 1984, is located on the Mysore - Bangalore road, some 15 km. north of the city of Mysore, India. The orphanage can be reached in six hours by taxi from Prashanti Nilayam, Sai Baba's main ashram. A man named Halagappa has devoted his life to selflessly serving the fifty orphaned children that reside in the humble residence. Supported only by donations and a dedicated staff, this orphanage clothes, feeds, teaches, and cares for these children. A small temple or shrine is part of the orphange. Many of the photographs of Sai Baba materialize vibhuti in this temple. The temple house some amulets available for all to see, which hold and experience the continuous flow of Amritha (sacred nectar). Amritha is being continuously manifested from those amulets which carry pictures of Sathya Sai Baba and Shirdi Sai Baba, and which were blessed by Sathya Sai Baba more than 30 years ago (immediately after which they began manifesting Amritha).
Click on the thumbnails for a bigger view of the pictures:
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Halagappa1 521 X 800 73 KB | Halagappa2 800 X 515 49 KB | Halagappa3 551 X 800 63 KB |
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RagnaputnamVibuthi 400 X 469 51 KB | srirangapatna1 475 X 335 39 KB | SrirangaVibuthi 351 X 533 65 KB |
In an orphanage in South India, there is an ongoing miracle pertaining to two thumb-nail sized slivers of porcelain, one bearing the likeness of Sathya Sai Baba, the second depicting Shirdi Sai Baba. Given to the manager of the orphanage by Sai Baba over twenty years ago, they have been miraculously oozing amrit (a honey-like jasmine nectar) ever since. I decided to visit the place, and see the famous miracle for myself. The manager of the orphanage scooped one of the amulets out of a dish with a spoon, and put it in the palm of my right hand. It was nothing but a thin piece of porcelain with Baba’s face painted on it - there was no place for any mechanism to hide. I watched like a hawk as a few drops of amrit trickled from the amulet into my palm - but this meant nothing, it had just been sitting in a dish of amrit. Yet amrit continued trickling from it until my palm was full, and with the spoon, the manager scooped the amrit from that hand and poured it into my left palm. As amrit continued to trickle from the amulet over a period of several minutes, he repeated this procedure four times, until finally my left hand was overflowing with amrit - and the amrit was still trickling into my right palm! Even the most adamant skeptic, witnessing what I saw that day, would have to admit it was a miracle. (I tasted the nectar: it’s definitely not of this world!)
In six hours by taxi from Prashanti Nilayam, Sai Baba's main ashram, one can find a temple dedicated to Sai Baba which has a number of ongoing miracles.
The small temple or shrine is part of an orphange, called Halighapa's, near the city of Mysore. Many of the photographs of Sai Baba materialize vibhuti in this temple. The photograph you see here is about two feet wide and three feet high, or slightly smaller. Vibhuti forms all day long on the glass covering Sai Baba's picture. The caretaker of the temple scrapes off the vibhuti covering Sai Baba's face. Otherwise, one could see nothing of the photograph at all.
This is an amazing sight as the vibhuti forms large, fluffy clumps and then falls off the photograph. Like all vibhuti, whether materialized out of Sai Baba's hands, formed on photographs, or even on the walls of houses, one can use it for healing purposes, or to deepen one's spiritual connection . It is quite amazing to see vibhuti forming on a glass, as this ash is very fine, and one couldn't stick it to a photograph or the glass covering it no matter how hard you tried. Yet it forms in large clumps that may grow to be a quarter of an inch deep before the weight causes the vibhuti to tumble to the ground.
All over the world, photographs have been materializing vibhuti for at least several decades. Such happenings appear to be rare in the United States, although they do occur. In the Far East, miracles are a way of life. They are not entirely unexpected. In the West, we tend toward hysteria in the face of miracles, and a photograph like this one is usually kept quiet so that the media does not turn this spiritual event into a circus.
Now, let's revisit the orphanage. There is another miracle that occurs there. There is a small metal medallion with a photograph of Sathya Sai Baba on one side and that of Shirdi Sai Baba on the other. This medallion is about a half inch long (1.1 centimeters) and less than an eighth of an inch thick.
Many, including Dr. Gersten, have had the following experience. The caretaker of the temple places the medallion in the palm of your hand, but not directly in the palm. Often it is placed at the base of the thumb. After a few seconds, the medallion begins pumping out amrit, a liquid known as nectar of the Gods. The amrit keeps pouring out of the medallion, pouring out volumes of liquid many times the volume of the medallion itself. Because the medallion materializes amrit all day long, the caretaker puts it in bottles, and then gives it away to anyone visiting this small shrine.
There is no way to describe amrit. It has a fragrance that is intoxicating. It tastes sweet, like a combination of honey and the scent of jasmine or gardenias. But there truly is nothing in the world to compare it with. Drinking this nectar of the Gods leaves one feeling profoundly peaceful and uplifted.
- Dennis GerstenSathya Sai Baba Manifestations & Miracles
Amazing Vibuthi Manifestations From Sathya Sai Baba’s Pictures From Which Over 100 Rudraksha Beads Have Materialized Along With A Crystal Japamala:
About Sathya Sai Baba
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