November 22nd, 2011
Just a day left for the dawn of the D-Day, the Day that has distinguished itself from all other days, by welcoming The Almighty Lord with open arms, in His sojourn unto planet earth. When 23rd Nov. revisits us once again, how do we welcome the Day...and how do we celebrate the Advent...Come... let's introspect … read more »
Living in Sai: USA Youth Programme
Friday, November 25, 2011
More than 60 Sai Youth from all over the USA are here in Prashanti Nilayam since November 19th to participate in Bhagawan’s birthday celebrations. As a token of their gratitude to Bhagawan, the youth presented a short musical program, highlighting the indescribable, sweet love of more than a 1000 mothers- ‘Sai, our divine mother.” read more »
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Sanathana Sarathi and Online Photos Website Launched
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
It is with great pleasure that we announce the launch of two new websites to help serve the devotees of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on the auspicious occasion of the 86th year of Advent of our most Beloved Bhagawan .Sai Reflections [] is an endeavor by the Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust – Publications Division to bring you Bhagawan’s photographs directly to your home through the online medium. This site has 2 major categories of products. The first is Bhagawan’s close-ups and the second is Programme Photos. The second category is an attempt to capture your memories. If you have participated in any of the programmes in Prasanthi Nilayam in The Divine Presence listed on the site, you may search for your photographs in that album and place orders. If you are not able to find the programme, kindly write to us at and we will respond to you at the earliest.
Started in 1958, Sanathana Sarathi [] is a monthly magazine devoted to Sathya (Truth), Dharma (Righteousness), Shanti (Peace) and Prema (Love) – the four cardinal principles of Bhagawan Baba’s philosophy. It is published from Prasanthi Nilayam (the Abode of Highest Peace) and acts as a mouthpiece of Baba’s Ashram as it speaks of the important events that take place in His sacred Abode, besides carrying Divine Messages conveyed through Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This new website provides an easy methodology for subscriptions and renewal both for printed magazine as well as its interactive e-copy.
We hope and pray to Bhagawan that these new channels help us in serving you better.
Posted in Announcements
Grand 86th Birthday Celebrations
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
People wish Me Happy Birthday…why specially happy birthday today? I am ever happy…Happiness is union with God, echoed Beloved Bhagawan in Sai Kulwant Hall, when an old video of Bhagawan’s Birthday 23rd November is known the world over for one main reason, that it earned a date with Divinity, welcoming the Almighty in human form. Today, when the most fascinating morning dawned in this South Indian hamlet turned International Spiritual Centre, the village that did penance turned nostalgic of her golden past, where she could vividly recall all those precious priceless moments of unceasing love of Beloved Bhagawan, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. read more »
23rd Nov 1926
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
23rd November 1926, is a day that saw the dawn of a Divine Saga and went on to ensconce itself into the open arms of History, as the day the Avatar chose to be born upon Mother Earth.
The One Who established Himself at Shirdi, That Eternal Essence, now decided to pronounce Puttaparthi as a land most holy, rendered so by the touch of His petal soft Lotus Feet.
According to the assurance given to Rishi Bharadwaj, with regard to a Triple Incarnation, Lord Shiva and Mother Shakti, continued their sojourn in this, the second emergence of the Trinity that would grace Earth during the extremely volatile age of Kali Yuga.
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Posted in Divine Foot Prints
XXX Convocation of SSSIHL – 22 Nov 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thirtieth Annual Convocation of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam was held on the 22nd November morning in Prasanthi Nilayam.Unique, imparting free education promoting human values with spiritual orientation, Sri Sathya Sai Institute has been the beacon of hope for a new world order, engendering thousands upon thousands of students for the past three decades, ever since its inception. read more »
Tags: Functions, Photos, Student Programmes, Videos
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Descent Of The Avatar… For The Ascent Of Man
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Just a day left for the dawn of the D-Day, the Day that has distinguished itself from all other days, by welcoming The Almighty Lord with open arms, in His sojourn unto planet earth. When 23rd Nov. revisits us once again, how do we welcome the Day…and how do we celebrate the Advent…Come… let’s introspect and listen to our innermost sacred feelings, while gearing up to ‘celebrate’ yet another 23rd November…a poem by Ms. Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically
SSSIHMS Anniversary & Karaikkudi Mani’s Concert – 22 Nov 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Marking the 20th Anniversary of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Prasanthi Gram, the role model Super Speciality Hospital, more aptly known as ‘Temple Of Healing’ instituted by Bhagawan in 1991, Team SSSIHMS presented a Video show depicting the genesis and growth of the Institution on the 22nd November evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. read more »
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Happy Birthday Bhagawan…
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
So the world over devotees are coming together to celebrate the single most spectacular event, that was received with elation and jubilation in the Treta Yuga, as well as Dwapara and then in Kali Yuga – the birth of the Avatar on Earth. Oh! That much awaited occurrence!The piteous cries of Mother Earth, the tears of those oppressed, the anxiety and distress of the ones who were exploited, the prayers of the wise, the entreaty of venerated sages, the adoration of those steeped in selfless devotion, culminated in the Appearance of Lord.
Each time that He chose to make an entrance divine into a womb pristine, He selected a ‘mother’ for Himself to ‘assist’ enacting the leelas of His marvelous manifestation. read more »
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Love All Serve All; Help Ever Hurt Never
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
When the world is gearing up to celebrate the 86th Year of Beloved Bhagawan’s Advent, what could be the best Birthday gift to offer Him, to bring a smile on His beautiful face, that enchanted millions upon millions all over the globe? Let’s look within and introspect…So profound a teaching in such simple terms. So clear cut, uncomplicated and easy to understand. But have we understood? This is not just what our Beloved Lord teaches, but this truth is vividly apparent in every moment of His Divine Sojourn on Earth. Whether it was in the Shirdi Era…in the Dwarkamai or at Parthi…in Prasanthi Nilayam, Beloved Bhagawan enveloped all beings with His selfless, ceaseless love. His doors were ever open wide for ‘all’ to be refreshed by the steady stream of His mercy and compassion.
Just what does He mean by Love All, Serve All?
If you only skim the surface of the Ocean, will you ever know its depth? Yes, the focus most definitely is on ‘Love’ and ‘Serve’ but have we given the ‘All’ part its rightful due? read more »
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Convocation Drama and Felicitation – A Report
Monday, November 21, 2011
On the eve of 30th Convocation of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, the students from the Institute presented a drama titled “Guru Mahima.”The presentation depicted the lofty relationship between Guru and disciple and how a true Guru stands by disciples who are dedicated and devoted. Revolved around three youngsters staying in an ashram, guided by the Guru, the presentation, with the help of flashback scenes from the epics and stories of great souls, underlain the essential truth that faith wins oddities. read more »
Tags: Dance, Photos, Student Programmes
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Dana Gillespie Sings Songs Of Love…Unity
Sunday, November 20, 2011
With a string of selected songs, a compilation of her songs in The Divine Presence over the years, Dana Gillespie of London Blues Band fame took the audience through her memory lane, presenting an electrifying music concert at Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet on the 20th November evening in Prasanthi Nilayam.
The singer, the most popular western voice in Prasanthi Nilayam and undoubtedly one of Bhagawan’s favourite picks took the audience down memory lane, singing mainly hit songs from her earlier concerts in Prasanthi Nilayam.
The underlying theme of her performance was Love and Unity. Recapitulating her glorious times in Bhagawan’s physical presence, the cherubic singer began with the song “we are all one…under the sun”.
Singing with the aid of recorded tracks of music, Gillespie continued for an hour, often inciting the audience to join with rhythmic beats. She presented twelve songs that included two bhajans. Some of her favourite numbers sung during landmark occasions, 70th and 80th birthday, were reproduced explaining significance in short.
Live Streaming Begins Today
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Live streaming of Programmes in Prasanthi Nilayam can be seen in the Radio Sai Website from today till 23rd November.
Posted in Announcements
Ladies’ Day in Prasanthi Nilayam
Saturday, November 19, 2011
November 19 is International Ladies’ Day in Prasanthi Nilayam and for Sai Fraternity all over the world. Ever since its inception in the year 1995, calling for greater women participation in social and spiritual revolution in their role as feminine energy, November 19 has been the dotted day in Prasanthi Calendar when womenfolk comes active celebrating the day in His Divine presence.This year the Prasanthi Nilayam witnessed a glittering Ladies’ Day with thousands of women devotees from all over the globe participating, repledging their lives living an ideal life as professed by Bhagawan.
On the 19th morning, programme began at 0830 hrs. with Vedam by the women students of Anantapur Campus chanting Rudram, Mantrapushpam and Durga Suktam for half- an-hour. Anantapur Band followed playing soulful tunes as students from the campus followed by senior ladies’ paid tributes at Beloved Bhagawan at the Sanctum Sanctorum.
Introducing the speakers for the session, Ms. Chetana Raju spoke of the persona of Sri Sathya Sai, reminding the audience that nothing could ever fill the vacuum created by Bhagawan’s physical passing on…Swami always Was…Swami always Is…Swami always Will Be…Bhagawan is past, present and future stressed the speaker recapitulating the most wonderous time Bhagawan had given to mankind, walking talking and living among humanity. read more »
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Hindustani Vocal by Ms. Sumitra Guha…
Friday, November 18, 2011
Kabir Das’s composition ‘Moko Kahan Doondey Re Bande…Main to tere paas mein’… meaning, “Where do you search Me? I’m right here with you” echoed serving the right message for the assemblage of devotees reassuring Beloved Bhagawan’s unceasing presence amidst us, on 18th November evening, 3rd day of the ongoing Birthday celebrations in Prasanthi Nilayam.
A rare breed and champion proponent of Indian Classical Music around the world, Ms. Sumitra Guha had an earlier stint in Prasanthi Nilayam, singing in Bhagawan’s physical presence in 2005. Her concerts are counted as ‘experiences’ that bear the stamp of exclusive musical devotion.
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Celestial Marriage and Rathotsavam…
Friday, November 18, 2011
November 18 is a marked day in Puttaparthi, for religious fanfare and piety coupled with devotional pomp among village folks, as this is the day when Lord Rama and Mother Sita would go in a procession along with Venugopala Swami from the Mandir in Prasanthi Nilayam to the Peddavenkama Raju Kalyana Mandapam, near Hanuman Temple.
This symbolic procession has been in practice eversince its inception dates back 1980s. Over the years Bhagawan would personally bless the occasion in the bhajan hall as the deities were taken out in procession.
This year, the highlight of the morning’s schedule was the Celestial Marriage of Divine Couple, Lord Sri Ramachandra and Mother Sita performed with religious rites, in Sai Kulwant Hall. The function began at 0820 hrs. after 20 mts. of Veda chanting.
After invocatory chanting, the officiating priest explained the greater significance of the function, especially that of conducting the marriage in the Divine Presence of Beloved Bhagawan.
read more »Sri Rama Namamritham – Muddenahalli Presentation
Thursday, November 17, 2011
A flashback to the golden days of yore, of Lord Sri Ramachandra, enacting the scenes of ‘Divine Twins’ Lava and Kusha singing glories of The Lord, filled Prasanthi with devotional fervour as Ramayana scenes were enacted by the students from Muddenahalli presenting a most innovative musical drama entitled ‘Sri Rama Nama Amrutham’ on 17th November, as part of the ongoing Birthday Celebrations. read more »
Tags: Festivals, Photos, Student Programmes, Videos
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Music Concert by Sumeet Tappoo…
Thursday, November 17, 2011
A week-long festivity celebrating 86th Birthday of Bhagawan got underway with a vocal musical serenade by upcoming singer Sumeet Tappoo on the 16th November evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. The festivity would continue till the Birthday of Bhagawan, on the 23rd November 2011.
The singer, who had the rare privilege of singing in Bhagawan’s physical presence on earlier occasions, began with a Telugu verse offering millions of salutations before drifting into Hindi singing paeans to Beloved Bhagawan.
A Ganesha vandana accompanied by a string of nine pieces followed. Renditions ranged from singing in praise of Mother of The Divine, Maa Easwaramma, to singing His glory listing various attributes of the attributeless Divine. “Jaago Prasanthi…” and another piece calling Him out as the sweetest of all mothers, read more »Akhanda Bhajan 2011 – A Report
Monday, November 14, 2011
Global Akhanda Bhajan for Universal Peace was conducted in Prasanthi Nilayam on the 12th and 13th of November attended by thousands of devotees. Simultaneously thousands upon thousands of Sai Centres across the world also conducted Akhanda Bhajan, as has been the practice over the years. read more »Bhagawan’s 86th Birthday Celebrations – Programme Schedule
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Wed Nov 16, 20115:00 pm Vocal Music Concert by Sumeet Tappoo and party read more »
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An Intonation Timeless And True – Akhanda Bhajan
Saturday, November 12, 2011
With the Sai fraternity world-over engaged in 24 hour non-stop Bhajan Sadhana, an institution that was set decades back aiming at Universal Peace and Harmony, let’s dwelve into the glories of this great institution that was instituted by non other than The Avatar Of The Age, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba…a poem by Ms. Jullie Chaudhuri on the Timeless Intonation called Akhanda Bhajan… read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically
Global Akhanda Bhajan
Saturday, November 12, 2011
“You too must pass your days in song. Let your whole life be a bhajan. Believe that God is everywhere at all times, and derive strength, comfort and joy by singing His Glory in His Presence. Let melody and harmony surge up from your hearts and let all take delight in the Love that you express through that song.” said Bhagawan in an exclusive Divine Discourse delivered on 14th Nov 1976 on the occasion of Global Akhanda Bhajan. read more »
Posted in Discourses
Have You Looked Into The Eyes Of God?
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Every single soul flocks to Prasanthi has a million-dollar aspiration, to look into the Eyes Of The Lord, an eye-to-Eye with The Lord Walking The Earth. It is this precious pricelss moment, that lasts to eternity leaving many a life time falling away in a split moment, serves the soul with a boost to quench its thirst for Eternal Truth. Recalling that moment of spiritual ecstacy Ms. Jullie Chaudhuri rhymes describing the heavenly worth drawing every seekers attention to the heavenly boon of being in The Presence of Beloved Mother Sai for an eye-to-Eye, Who ever reciprocates to earnest prayers with a Divine Glance that lasts to eternity.
Posted in Say It Poetically
Gujarathi New Year in Prasanthi Nilayam
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Celebrating Gujarati New Year Balvikas Children from Sri Sathya Sai School, Surat enacted a drama entitled “Living in Sai’s Omnipresence” on 27th Oct evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. The presentation was an attempt to portray some of the true incidents, as testimonies, to His Divine Presence! read more »
Diwali 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The festival of Diwali was celebrated with much devotional fervour with the state of Gujarat takes the lead in the proceedings on 26th Oct evening in Prasanthi Nilayam.
The programme commenced with State President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Sri Manohar G. Trikannad introducing the session. He also presented a brief profile of various seva activities in the state.
read more »Cultural Programme by Odisha Balvikas and Youth
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Odisha has had a long and loving relationship with Prasanthi Nilayam with Bhagawan having a special soft corner for Sevadal from the state. The youth and Balvikas from the state have come on a special pilgrimage in which they have volunteered to be of additional service in the way of ashram cleaning and other chores. They also held inspiring sessions participating in singing and lectures by Ashram elders.
read more »“Rama Raajyam Sai Samraajyam”, Drama by Tamil Nadu Balvikas and Youth
Friday, October 7, 2011
In the evening of October 7th , there was a Drama by the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation, Tamilnadu entitled, “Rama Raajyam Sai Samraajyam” (The kingdom of Rama, The empire of Sai). The drama was preceded by a dance performance by children dressed colourfully in yellow and pink with the backdrop of a song encouraging us to listen to the sacred story of Ramayana. read more »
Tags: Photos, Pilgrimage, Skit, Videos
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“Sai Harmony”, Music Programme by UK Youth
Friday, October 7, 2011
On the calm morning of the seventh of October, after the pleasantly hectic days of Dasara, Prasanthi witnessed a soothing performance by youth from United Kingdom who have been part of the Annual Grama Seva ever since its inception. The programme entitled Sai Harmony started at 0800hrs with Vedic recital. At 0815, the youth sang the stotram, “Brahmanandam Parama Sukatam…”. This was followed by a melodius song by Ms. Charlotte who then went on to play a Bhajan Medley in the Accordion and a Sitar rendition by Ms. Rupinder accompanied by Sri Manjeet on the Tabla.
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Prasanthi Vidwan Maha Sabha 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Day 1:
The Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha 2011 commenced at 1630hrs on the 30th of September with Veda Chanting by Primary School Children. Sri Shashank Shah introduced the Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha which has been conducted every evening during the Yajnam for the last five decades. Navaratri is a festival of victory, of Power (Shakti) adored and celebrated in 3 forms for 3 days each. Anger, Adventure and Audacity (Tamas) dedicated to Mahakali; Wealth, Authority and Prosperity (Rajas) dedicated to Mahalakshmi; Self-Control, Knowledge and Discipline (Satwa) dedicated to Maha Saraswati.
The Avataric Resolve of Nurturing the Vedas and the Scholars, Protection of the Righteousness and the Devout lead to the formation of this holy yajna, said the learned speaker. At the conclusion of the very first Veda Purusha Saptah, Sri Ganapathi Sastri who could expound every syllable of the Vedas stated that he had not had the privilege of witnessing such a scrupulously correct Yajna, which could pass the most rigorous tests of ancient Indian scriptures and traditions while quoting Vedic Mantras in support of what looked like casual acts of Bhagawan and declared that Baba was the Veda Purusha.
read more »Veda Purusha Saptah Jnana Yajnam 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
“The Yajna that we are performing now is meant for Loka Kalyanam (good of the world). Do not think that we are performing the Yajna just because people are performing Yajnas elsewhere. This Yajna is being performed with total spirit of sacrifice. We have no desires or expectations. Our only desire is that everyone should be happy. People perform Yajnas and Yagas to overcome famine and drought situations. But I don’t take such things into consideration. I do not give scope for such constricted vision. Famine, drought, etc., come and go. Whatever you do should confer everlasting happiness on all. It should help you to attain Divine grace.” – Dasara Discourse, 11 Oct, 2002.
The 30th of September 2011 was a historic day in Prasanthi Nilayam. This day we completed 50 golden years since the first Veda Purusha Saptaha Jnana Yajna was performed in Bhagawan’s Divine Physical Presence at Prasanthi Nilayam in the Navaratri of 1961. The ritwiks assembled at 0700hrs in the Bhajan Mandir of Sai Kulwant Hall. After the preliminary chants they accepted diksha vastram (new clothes) from the Ashram elders and invoking the blessings of Bhagawan changed into the same. The Kalasam was then taken in a procession to the Poorna Chandra hall where it was installed on the western end of the dais,. A special Kumkum Archana along with Lalitha Sahasranama Parayanam was commenced by the Head Priest and his wife.
read more »Sri Sathya Sai Grama Seva 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
At 0830hrs on September 28th, staff and students of Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions and a small contingent of youth from the United Kingdom started this year’s Nine Day Grama Seva. Taking the blessings of Bhagawan, they circumambulated the mandir wearing T-shirts lovingly offered by Bhagawan year after year and boarded their alloted canters and with the shout of Jaikars proceeded towards the 23 villages including Kodapaganipalli and Narepalli of Kothacheruvu Mandal which was scheduled for the first day. Click here for a better understanding of The Sri Sathya Sai Grama Seva Project.
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Parthi Yatra by Prakasam District
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Devotees from Prakasam District got their opportunity to perform their annual pilgrimage to Prasanthi Nilayam this week. A speech and a Carnatic music concert comprised the first day’s programme. A skit entitled ‘Seva Aradhana’ was presented on the second day.
The programme commenced with Vedic recitation at 1630hrs. At 1700hrs, Sri. Sriramamurthy, District President of Prakasam District addressed the gathering. He started his speech enumerating the contribution of Prakasam District to the culture of Bharath, to its society and the holy mission of Bhagawan. Conveying his salutations to the various temples of the district, and expressing gratitude for the various industries it houses, he reported on the activities of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations in the district.
Onam 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Onam, the prime Kerala festival that marks the homecoming of legendary king of yore, Emperor Mahabali was celebrated in Prasanthi with much devotional fervour attended by a miniscule of Kerala along with devotees from other parts of the world.
With the state of Kerala celebrating its most colourful festival Onam, with gaiety and fervour commemorating mythical past, peace and equanimity as practised by its erstwhile Emperor Mahabali, a miniscule of Kerala camping in Prasanthi celebrated the festivity commemorating the golden past of Onam in the immediate Divine presence.
Tags: Concert, Conferences, Festivals, Photos, Pilgrimage, Skit, Speeches, Videos
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Sai Sannidhi: A Love Story
Sunday, September 4, 2011
This was the celebration of an anniversary, an anniversary of 39 years of service to man, an anniversary of the love between the instruments and the Master, an anniversary of the day Bhagawan blessed His Students who he lovingly handpicked to be part of his mission in the most direct way, the day Bhagawan blessed their parents and thereby taught them the lesson of Filial Piety, the day Bhagawan expanded the scope of the Prayer Chant to “Samasta Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu”, the anniversary of the day when Bhagawan told His boys that faith is the most important strength of man, not a faith in an external entity but the faith in his own innate divinity. This is Sai Sannidhi day.
read more »Ganesha Chaturthi Celebrations and Immersion Ceremony 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Thousands of devotees Thursday welcomed their favourite deity with fervour and gaiety to the precincts of Prasanthi and Puttaparthi in general as the auspicious Ganesh Chaturthi festival kicked off with much religious fervour in the hallowed spiritual township.
Vinayaka Chaturthi, the festival that received its fullest dues over the years in the most inspiring physical presence of Beloved Bhagawan has come again and Prasanthi turned lively once again with the ever enthusiastic students taking the lead. ..And with them keeping her golden memories alive, Prasanthi woke up on the auspicious morning tuned to the Lord of remover of all obstacles, readying herself to celebrate the auspicious day.
read more »Eid-ul-Fitr: Programme by Students
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
“Eid-ul-Fitr”, or the festival of charity was celebrated in Prasanthi Nilayam today. The students of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning perform educational and inspiring programme on this day every year and this year was no different. After the Vedic invocation, the programme started at 1700 hrs with Namaz, a prayer for the well being of one and all. After the Namaz, the students presented a skit with a story woven around the five pillars of Islam namely – Shahada (Faith), Salat (Prayer), Sawm (Fasting), Zakāt (Charity) and Hajj (Pilgrimage).
read more »Krishnaasthami Celebrations
Monday, August 22, 2011
Krishna Janmashtami, the day denotes the birth of Bhagawan Sri Krishna was celebrated with much religious fervour in Prasanthi Nilayam on 22nd Aug 2011.
Enchanting Little Krishna has been one of the most endearing Divine forms for millions and billions of hearts over past many millennia, cutting across borders and barriers set by religion, caste and nationality…And His song celestial Bhagavad Gita has been the right recipe for the human minds to reach their final destination. His legacy continuous even after five thousand years of His Divine Advent. Little Krisnna, fondled and nurtured by Mother Yasoda – epitome of Motherly love and compassion – continues to be the stealer of hearts, as is often sung in Prasanthi Nilayam, Chitha Chora Yasoda Ke Bal… Navaneeta Chora Gopal…
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Krishna is Born – A Poem
Monday, August 22, 2011
Today is Sri Krishna Janmashtami… Commemorating the occasion, reminscing the joy of His Mighty Advent, here is a poetic narration of the beauty of His Advent(s) in Dwapara and in the present age, saluting Sai Krishna singing that, he fills our hearts this day and forever. Read on a poem by Sri VN Prahlad. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically
Krishna’s Essence in Sai’s Presence
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Imagine the birth of Lord Krishna, the wonderful event that had happened in the Dwapara over five thousand years ago…With eyes turned closed, shutting down the senses, steering the mind deeper into the world of imagination and fantasy, day dreaming Beloved Krishna…Read on Ms. Jullie Chaudhuri’s poetic imagination of the great grand happening in the Dwapara, the day Prasanthi reminisces in the Ultimate Divine Presence as Sri Krishna Janmashtami. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically
Polish Choir in Prasanthi Nilayam
Saturday, August 20, 2011
A group of 126 from the Central European country of Poland presented a musical offering at the Sanctum Sanctorum of Sai Kulwant Hall on Aug 20th evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. The group that has come on a Sai Pilgrimage comprised of 35 gents and 91 ladies.
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“Aazadi – The Inner Dependence”, Drama by Students
Monday, August 15, 2011
National Independence Day was celebrated with much patriotic fervour and enthusiasm in Prasanthi Nilayam. On the momentous occasion, postgraduate students from Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Leanrning, Prasanthi Nilayam presented a drama entitled “Aazadi – The Inner Dependence” in the evening in Sai Kulwant Hall. The drama was a portrayal of India’s independence, with flashbacks from the past, highlighting how two cardinal values, Truth and Righteousness strung together played the vital ‘chord’ in the national Independence saga.
read more »Avatar Vani: Varalakshmi Vratam Discourse
Friday, August 12, 2011
Women are the Embodiments of Nobility and Virtue
The Festival of Varalakshmi Vrata falls on this day, a day quite special to propitiate the goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu, one of the Hindu Trinity. Varalakshmi is supposedly The One, Who grants boons to devotees. Among the many legends and stories about the auspicious festivity, what stands out is what Bhagawa Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke about, going in detail, covering the entirety of the auspicious occasion. This discourse was delivered on the occasion of Varalakshmi Vrata in the year 2000 in Prasanthi Nilayam
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