"Thy Love"
Your love is nectarine
The more i drink
The more I thirst
Never ending is this craving
so sweet
& mesmerizing"
~~Divine Light~~
The more i drink
The more I thirst
Never ending is this craving
so sweet
& mesmerizing"
~~Divine Light~~
"My Soul will always sing for you"

I Promise
I will remember
The words you said to me
I will sing for you
Rest of my Life
I will sing for you
I will remember
The words you said to me
I will sing for you
Rest of my Life
I will sing for you
"Your Silence is beautiful"
Your Silence is beautiful
So much wisdom in your slince
So much Love in your silence
So much bliss in your Silence
I dissolve myself in your Silence
~~Divine Light~~
So much wisdom in your slince
So much Love in your silence
So much bliss in your Silence
I dissolve myself in your Silence
~~Divine Light~~
Nothing I found to offer you Swami...
Nothing I found to offer you today"
I searched a gift for you swami
I found nothing.
...Flowers I plucked from the garden dried out in my altar
Diya I lit in my altar went out after the oil dried up
And remained dark
Prasadam I cooked for you spoiled in few hrs
Body I offered you merged with mother earth
What else can I offer you?
there is nothing I found that would last forever
I found Nothing to Offer you
But this love you let me borrow
In My Heart...
That never died
But lived as "Sai"
I offer this love of yours
At your Divine Lotus Feet.
I searched a gift for you swami
I found nothing.
...Flowers I plucked from the garden dried out in my altar
Diya I lit in my altar went out after the oil dried up
And remained dark
Prasadam I cooked for you spoiled in few hrs
Body I offered you merged with mother earth
What else can I offer you?
there is nothing I found that would last forever
I found Nothing to Offer you
But this love you let me borrow
In My Heart...
That never died
But lived as "Sai"
I offer this love of yours
At your Divine Lotus Feet.
~~Divine Light~~
All Names & forms are dissolved
In the Light of your love.....
All remain...is your Love..Just your love Sai...
~~Divine Light~~~
In the Light of your love.....
All remain...is your Love..Just your love Sai...
~~Divine Light~~~
"My Invisible Lover....My Sai"
I do not see you
I do not touch you
I do not hear you
Yet I feel this deep Love
In my heart
Neighter you have a form
Nor name
All I feel this love in my heart
from your heart to mine
My invisible lover you are
"My Sai"
~~Divine Light~~
~~Divine Light~~
"I leave the past behind"
I leave the past behind
After all why it matters..
It was a dream..
Future is not here yet
That is also a dream..
All I have is "Now"
This moment, Just this moment...in your presence...Here "I am"..In your presence
~~~Divine Light~~
After all why it matters..
It was a dream..
Future is not here yet
That is also a dream..
All I have is "Now"
This moment, Just this moment...in your presence...Here "I am"..In your presence
~~~Divine Light~~
"Deep in my Heart"
Deep in my heart , Deep in my soul
You reside.....Never away...Never Apart
Always in me, "My Sai"
~~Divine Light~~
You reside.....Never away...Never Apart
Always in me, "My Sai"
~~Divine Light~~
"Loving you"
Going deeper soul within my soul
I find the beautiful world of you
Your presence in my being
I find myself in Bliss
Now I realize
...I never existed
It was all you
~~DivineLight~~ I find the beautiful world of you
Your presence in my being
I find myself in Bliss
Now I realize
...I never existed
It was all you
In Your Beauty, I learned How to Love..
"I have found a beautiful Garden within
Where My invisble lover dwells
I smell fragrance of his love
In the petal of My lotus
In my heart."
~~~Divine Light~~
Where My invisble lover dwells
I smell fragrance of his love
In the petal of My lotus
In my heart."
~~~Divine Light~~
"Being" I am one with everything..
All I am doing
Is allowing myself to Be..
Allowing his love
To flow through me..
Letting Him be me…
...So vast and deep…
Is the ocean I’m finding within me -
That which had been hiding
For so many lifetimes of mine..
Just Being
Not doing
But BEing
Is allowing myself to Be..
Allowing his love
To flow through me..
Letting Him be me…
...So vast and deep…
Is the ocean I’m finding within me -
That which had been hiding
For so many lifetimes of mine..
Just Being
Not doing
But BEing
This journey continues..
All I feel is empty..within n without..
All forms are dissolving.
No love, No hatred either
Nothing.. there is just nothing..
No attachment... Neither Detachment
all I have become
is the witness
in this drama of Life
All I have become
is a player in
the game of life
sometimes I witness,
sometimes i play....
It is all happening in
a small sphere.... called world..
there is something beyond,
I feel it, but not with my five senses.
There is something beyond
I feel it,
I am letting this "self"
float towards this pole..
with no resistance..
but with.. acceptance...
This journey continues..
All forms are dissolving.
No love, No hatred either
Nothing.. there is just nothing..
No attachment... Neither Detachment
all I have become
is the witness
in this drama of Life
All I have become
is a player in
the game of life
sometimes I witness,
sometimes i play....
It is all happening in
a small sphere.... called world..
there is something beyond,
I feel it, but not with my five senses.
There is something beyond
I feel it,
I am letting this "self"
float towards this pole..
with no resistance..
but with.. acceptance...
This journey continues..
Here I come Swami............
Day and night I want to love You..
I know You love me the same..
Transferring love through the whole cosmos..
Being one with all existence..
I come.. Swami..
Here I come to rest on Your lap..
Your unconditional love mothers my heart.. nurtures my soul..
I come.. Swami..
Here I come to rest on Your lap..
I know You love me the same..
Transferring love through the whole cosmos..
Being one with all existence..
I come.. Swami..
Here I come to rest on Your lap..
Your unconditional love mothers my heart.. nurtures my soul..
I come.. Swami..
Here I come to rest on Your lap..
Your Name...Light within....
Your name
Lights the divine fire within
that Burns and
all desires, anger -
That this soul has carried
from birth to birth.
Your name
Purifies the prana
a gentle calming breeze
That soothes my soul
Lights the divine fire within
that Burns and
all desires, anger -
That this soul has carried
from birth to birth.
Your name
Purifies the prana
a gentle calming breeze
That soothes my soul
"Remains Silence within"
Each event in my life
Detaches me
From everything
Nothing has Significance
Pedestals on which I put people
come crashing down..
cowwebs of illusion clear Away...and all there is left
is Silence....
Nothing more to say...
~~~Divine Light~~~
"I Belong Nowhere"
Beautiful Darshan!!
I have forgotten the world..
Your love has left me homeless
I feel I belong nowhere
No one belongs to me
Just a visitor in this world that I created
My desires birthing my journey
New worlds where I experience your love...
I forget to look for you in the pictures that I once treasured
I no longer seek you in the temples
The lamps in my alter sit in the dark
I discover you day by day
in me....
I look at myself
when I yearn for your Darshan...
I see ur shinning radiant eyes in my eyes
I see you smile on my face
I feel you breath in my soul
The oneness I feel within...
It just so beautiful...
Swami..it is so beautiful...
I have forgotten the world..
Your love has left me homeless
I feel I belong nowhere
No one belongs to me
Just a visitor in this world that I created
My desires birthing my journey
New worlds where I experience your love...
I forget to look for you in the pictures that I once treasured
I no longer seek you in the temples
The lamps in my alter sit in the dark
I discover you day by day
in me....
I look at myself
when I yearn for your Darshan...
I see ur shinning radiant eyes in my eyes
I see you smile on my face
I feel you breath in my soul
The oneness I feel within...
It just so beautiful...
Swami..it is so beautiful...
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