Latest (Nov. 2010 - Diwali in Divine Presence) large size Photos
of Sri Sathya Sai Baba Darshan

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Fri, Nov 05, 2010: A very happy Diwali to all our readers. Diwali was celebrated with much rejoice in Prasanthi Nilayam. Bhagawan arrived for Darshan at 1830 hrs. As soon as He crossed the place where primary school children were sitting, Bhagawan indicated sarees to be brought for distribution to the girls studying in the school. Soon after that, Bhagawan distributed safari cloth pieces to all students and teachers of the school and university. When the joy of receiving gifts from their loving mother was at the crest, Bhagawan indicated the Diwali programme organised by the Gujarat Devotees to commence. The first programme was a Radhiyali folk dance by the Gujarat youth from SSSVIP (Sri Sathya Sai Village Integrated Programme) village Rajupura. This was followed by a programme by the children from Gujarat entitled, "The Child is the Father of Man". Bhagawan blessed all participants with clothes and a group photograph.Prasadam was distributed to all. Accepting Arati at 2000 hrs, Bhagawan brought the festive day to an auspicious close. |
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